La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

Best Color By Skintone


Your hair color: Ranges from dark brown to dark blonde hair.
Your skin tone: Has a greenish or a yellowish (golden) undertone. Olive complexions also fall in the warm category.
Your go-to colors in the warm color family: Oranges, reds, golden yellow, amber, honey gold.
Your go-to colors in the cool color family: Warmer greens and blues, like olive, deeper turquoise, green moss, fern, pesto, red-purples (think: magenta and orchid shades).
Your neutrals: Taupe, hot chocolate, creamy whites, winter wheat, latte.
Colors that are tough for you: Icy shades, jeweled tones (amethyst, sapphire, ruby).
Celebrity doppelgangers: Jessica Alba and Jennifer Lopez
- Extra:
YELLOW – The Airborne Sparks of the Fire
Yellow symbolizes: wisdom, joy, happiness, intellectual energy, success. Lust for life!
Yellow energy: The color Yellow helps overcome obstacles, gather self-confidence, stimulates personal power,  individuality, strength, sense of self-worth, transformation, courage and laughter. In the business world yellow influences success, progress, change, business communication, to persuade with confidence and knowledge.
Verb: I can
Yellow Gemstones: Amber, Andalusite, Chrysoberyl, Citrine, Honey Calcite, Yellow Calcite, Golden Calcite, Gold, Rutilated Quartz, Yellow-Brown Scapolite, Sphalerite, Sphene, Sulfur, Sunstone, Topaz, Yellow Aragonite, Heliodor (Yellow Beryl), Yellow Carnelian, Yellow Sapphire
Yellow in Feng Shui:Yang, Earth, auspicious, sunbeams, warmth, motion.
Chakra associated with Yellow: 3rd Chakra (Solar Plexus Chakra), it connects us to our personal power, will and autonomy.

ORANGE – The Warmth of the Fire
Orange symbolizes: endurance, vitality, play, creativity
Verb: I feel
Orange Energy: Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. From the softest peach and coral tints, to deep seen as and tawny umbers, orange is always friendly and welcoming. It provides emotional energy that you can give to others, including compassion, passion and genuine warmth. It provides emotional energy that you can give to others, including compassion, passion and genuine warmth. Orange is the best emotional stimulant. Increases self-esteem and confidence and strengthens a sense of identity. It connects us to our senses and helps to remove inhibitions and makes us independent and social. Freedom and expression of emotions. Orange is the color of creativity, ambition and drive… stimulates creative thinking and enthusiasm, the willingness to embrace new ideas with enjoyment and a sense of exploration, adventure, excitement, enthusiasm, facination, sensuality, harmony, balance, motivation, abundance, creative play, creative thinking, creative decision-making, strength, determination and endurance.
Personality traits: People who like orange are usually thoughtful and sincere. Curiosity is a driving characteristic of orange, and with it comes exploration of new things. Warm, cheering, non-constricting … has a freeing action upon the body and mind, relieving repressions.
Orange Words: These words are synonymous with orange or represent various shades of the color orange: pumpkin, gold, flame, copper, brass, apricot, peach, citrus, tangerine.
Orange Gemstones: Amber, Carnelian, Fire Opal, Orange Calcite, Peach Aventurine, Peach Moonstone, Sunstone, Various Jaspers and Agates
Orange in Feng Shui: Yang, Earth, strengthens concentration, purpose, organization. Orange is good for the Health area of your home.
Chakra associated with Orange: 2nd Chakra (Spleen or Sexual Chakra): connects us to our emotional self.

RED – The Fire
Red symbolizes: action, confidence, courage, vitality. Willing to take risks. Red demands attention!
Verb: I have
Red Energy: Red is the color of physical energy, passion, and desire. It symbolizes action, confidence and courage.
Red Gemstones: Agate, Bloodstone, Garnet, Hematite, Red Coral, Red Jasper
Red in Feng Shui: Yang, Fire Element, Red is the color of life, luck, prosperity, power, strength, respect, recognition, energy, activity, glory, and vitality. Red is most active of all colors and is used many ways in Feng Shui. Good for the Fame or Reputationarea of your home.
Chakra associated with Red: 1st Chakra (Base or Root Chakra): connects us to our physical self.

The activity on the third chakra is activated by the color yellow (as the sun). This color invigorates the nervous system functions, activates the mind and helps build connections between people. This color feels us with joy, helps us overcome internal fatigue. If we feel sad, powerless, depressed, yellow is the color that could refresh us. In addition, it can help us heal physical or spiritual trauma.

Yellow has a soothing effect on our soul’s torments. It strengthens the spiritual activity and supports wisdom (not only the one gained by experience, but also the native one).