La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

Life lesson for the day: The bigger the asshole, the better to forgive and forget them

Wood people excel or have trouble in planning, decisions, and action. When out of balance, they may procrastinate or lack hope.

Resentment, or anger and indignation experienced as a result of unfair treatment, is an emotion associated with the wood element. Those experiencing resentment may have feelings of annoyance and shame because of too many past memories that should never be spoken out loud. Then a person may become resentful as a result of a slight injustice or a grave one, perhaps harboring the same bitterness and anger over a small matter as they would over a more serious issue. The occurrence may be a true injustice or an imagined or misunderstood injustice. A person experiencing resentment may feel personally victimized but may be too angry or ashamed to discuss the resulting emotions, instead allowing the grudge to fester and be expressed in the form of anger. Feelings of resentment often result from the inadequate expression of emotions after the 'unpleasant subjective emotional impact of a pain experience' or trauma (what in shamanism is called 'susto', which can be either emotional, psychological, or physical). 

Though resentment can be fleeting, dissipating when one realizes an event was misinterpreted or receives an apology from the person who committed the offense, it can also be a persistent emotion. An individual may hold on to negative feelings, revisiting the distressing event again and again and becoming unable to letit go and move forward. 

For those who can relate, we all must know that the only way we can live without stagnant qi is by forgiving the past, EVEN when the person(s) who abused us does not feel that they need or want forgiveness. The only person one requires to accept completely in order to live in good health is one’s self.

- References:

FORGIVE ASSHOLES con Nadia Bolz-Weber.

I be a Wood Witch

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The Hare And The Moon ✿ Wood Witch ✿ Brave Mysteries (Mary Pickford)

Witches in general tend to have many boxes, bags, and bottles! A witch’s cabinet is just as unique as the witch varying with their tradition and path. (I'm not a water witch, although yesterday's test, and although I have always had a special relationship with water. Maybe the result of the test: 50% water + 25% earth + 25% air + 1% fire talks about the medial nature of the alder tree, of the wood element, of liminal animals, and about how water nourishes wood)


I be the Witch of the Wood. Herbalist, creator of woodland things.Enamored with hedgerows & henbane. Enthusiast of bones and folklore.💫Writer at Patheos Pagans
🌿Deep within the Hollow
Raven Wood

Relationship Magic: Are You An Air Personality? * (test)
Resultado de imagen para queen chalice, cassidy, tarot
Paulina Cassidy
Resultado de imagen
Forest Tarot
The biggest tell for Water type children and adults are these big dreamy eyes. The rest of the face can be difficult to distinguish from Earth. They are both fleshy, but Water carries the energy in the lower cheeks more than in the jawline. However, when you see those big receptive eyes, you know there is significant Water.

Resultado de imagen para characteristics of an air witch

DIRECTION: East - the place of sunrise.
TYPE OF ENERGY: Projective (up&outwards). Awakening, re-birth, new beginnings.
BASIC NATURE: Flying, moving, fresh, intelligent, suspending. Sound is a manifestation of this element.
COLOUR: Saffron - the yellow of the sun, the sky at dawn
PLACES: Mountaintops, wind-swept plains, cloudy skies, high towers, airports, ports, river edges, crossroads, schools, libraries, attics, travel agencies, psychologist's offices.
RITUALS: Travel, instruction, study, freedom, knowledge, recovering lost items.
RITUAL FORMS: Tossing objects into the air, suspending tools in high places, fanning light objects, visualization, positive thinking.
HERBS: Fragrant, as many flowers; pungent, as in culinary herbs such as dill; airy, finely-veined, or wind-swept; generally leaves.
STONES: Light stones, such as pumice; transparent stones, such as mica.
MUSICAL INSTRUMENT: Flute, all wind instruments.
CREATURES: Winged nation and animals of flight.
SEASON: Spring - the time of freshness.
TIME: Dawn.
SENSE: Hearing, smell.
NATURAL SYMBOLS: A feather, incense smoke, fragrant flowers.
TYPES OF MAGICK RULES: Divination, concentration, visualization, wind magic.

Book of Shadows
Although fire is considered a very yang element in general, it can exist in either a yang or a yin state because in Taoism all things have both a yin and a yang expression to create balance. When fire expresses masculine yang energy, its color is red and is symbolized by burning wood. When fire expresses feminine yin energy, its color is purple and is symbolized by the flame of a lamp, small and contained, yet helpful.…/the-five-taoist-elements-fire-ea…/…/5221-elements-of-personality-by-tri……/the-air-element-personality……/what-element-posse…/…/earth-air-water-fire-being-in-yo…?


The spirit that moves me

"Women were said to weave incantations and blessings into their warps, while goddesses like Minerva, Artemis, Athena, the Moirae, Brigit, Badb Catha, and the Morrigan were long depicted as weavers or spinners, presiding over the makers and receivers of woven pieces.

Writing and poetry have also been associated with weaving. Both the words “text” and “textile” come from the Latin word texere, meaning “to weave.”

Whether you are a weaver of words, threads, or yarns, or whether your story is woven through dreamwork, collage art, in sacred circle, or through some other form of art, these practices tie our story with textures and symbols that bring colour, dimension and depth to our lives. If weaving and spinning are sacraments, then calling ourselves artists is our solemn oath; picking up the needle, the pen or the spindle, our sacred gesture; and finishing a project, our holy offering."

Author: Kristen Roderick of The spirit that moves me | Artist: Lara Veleda Vesta of
~ The Artists Project ~

The Deer Healer

And I bathed in the pool by my grandmothers who dyed me with woad and garlanded me with bay laurel and rosemary and hawthorne berries and star bright flowers and sang to me and set me free to run with the deer beneath the sun, with the swan singing and my own voice singing and opening to the freedom that is our birthright, I return the song, I return to the women of the deer, I carry them with me.  Their freedom, their healing, their community, their belonging, their land of oak and meadow, their scent of blood and bone, ash and stone.  We are one.

'In the ancient time of swan and wind there lives an undine.  She waits not, for in the portal of the waterfall pool she drifts up and holds my hand.  Her crown sways, her eyes portals too, slits of pure gold and grace.  The silver thread around my finger connects to her webbed hand, her skin ever changing aquamarine, deep blue, green.  We fall into the pool and are in the creek of my childhood, the water warm, stones brown and copper bronze beneath us.  On the floor of the creek there is a golden key.  The undine has me take the key in my right hand and swims us deeper along a dark channel where there is a narrow passage with a round wooden door.  Looking up I can see the blurred alders above and remember I can breathe underwater.  I insert the key in the lock and turn and the water rushes out into a meadow. 

In the meadow sits an old woman on a stone in a circle of stones.  The circle is surrounded by oak savannah and rolling hills.  She is crouched there wearing a red skirt and a green shawl, her hair long and silver grey, her face pained as she looks down the valley.  Her heart hurts, there is a pain too deep to skillfully bear.

Down the valley in her line of sight, through the portals of time to a village.  She is young there, wearing a skirt of red and a green embroidered vest with silver clasps, her hair in a long braid.  On the town green there is a festival starting and she has the work of strewing the flowers and herbs, blessing the circle.  The townspeople love her and honor her.  She feels whole.

To the north of the square is her home, a round house with two levels, a fire or hearth in the center.  On the fire is a cauldron, and in the cauldron is a medicine brewing thick with herbs, purple in color.  She adds a handful of hawthorne berries and stirs the mixture.  A spiral forms on the surface, doubled, moving in both directions.  She sips from a heavy cup and it tastes of honey as the door opens.  It is her work today.

She heals hearts with this medicine, scooping it cheerfully into cups, offering herself in story.  Literal hearts, broken hearts.  Her work is love and joy.

In the forest, but not far from the edge of town there lives her teacher.  At six she was sent for initiation and study with the woman of the deer.  The woman of the deer is sometimes many women, sometimes one.  She has long white hair and wears white robes, and the deer around her round house are dappled white.  Something shines in her hair, something like stars.  The girl learns the ways of the deer, learns when to pour out and when to conserve.  There is a sacred knife stuck into the table block and she watches it for many years, through growth and learning, until her moon blood comes. One night when the moon is just past full she is taken into a field and her left hand is cut by her teacher down the palm, her blood dripped into a cup in the stone.  She makes a vow by her blood to serve always and without question, to preserve life and to listen to the deer.   She is celebrated, she has her purpose and her path, and the women of the deer live on for another generation.

Sometime in her mid life a moment of choosing comes.  An aching betrayal.  The village suffers abuse and violence, destruction, a year without crops, another, the deer are dying from lack of fodder in the hills and the people are dying from the greed of men.

The greediest and cruelest of all lies before her now.  A shadow.  She carries a vial of poison.  To end his life is forsaking her vows, but to not end his life is forsaking her community which she has committed to serve, the land which she is promised to, the deer to whom she owes her spirit heart.  If he doesn’t die all of this will be gone.  And if he dies at her hand she will save it, though she must die too—at least, appear to.  She must disappear into the wood and not return.  She will leave her cloak in the stream, smeared with blood.  They will believe her victim of another’s crime.

This she knows and still tips the bottle to his blistered lips.  Then she goes.

Run run run.  Run with the deer.  In exile, she can’t ever return.  No one knows, it is a secret.  She lives alone, serving only the deer, healing the deer.

She dies in the circle of stones, still bound by her oath and the complexity of the forsaken.

And her oath became mine.  To serve without question.  Her choice became mine, to lose and lose again home and root and family. 

When we met she was all ages, ever changing.  When we embraced she was so familiar.  She smelled like me.  The binding on me was wood and metal, like a barrel and staves with a lock.  She drifted into wholeness, becoming our whitehaired teacher, woman of the deer.

And the water witch in the falls gave me a glowing wand which sliced through the past, the broken oath, the exile, like liquid and the bonds slipped away.

And I bathed in the pool by my grandmothers who dyed me with woad and garlanded me with bay laurel and rosemary and hawthorne berries and star bright flowers and sang to me and set me free to run with the deer beneath the sun, with the swan singing and my own voice singing and opening to the freedom that is our birthright, I return the song, I return to the women of the deer, I carry them with me.  Their freedom, their healing, their community, their belonging, their land of oak and meadow, their scent of blood and bone, ash and stone.  We are one.'

Lara Veleda Vesta, Dark Moon before the Solstice 2017


El primer eje es el racional-emocional, y lo podemos identificar fácilmente por la forma en que tomamos las decisiones. El segundo eje es el reflexivo-activo y se basa en nuestro ritmo vital.
Estos dos ejes nos configuran un mapa con cuatro estilos posibles:
1. Racional-reflexivo
2. Racional-activo
3. Emocional-reflexivo
4. Emocional-activo

Con el fin de hacer el modelo más intuitivo y poder jugar metafóricamente con él, hemos identificado cada uno de estos estilos con un elemento de la naturaleza: tierra, fuego, agua y aire.  Así, en nuestro modelo, tierra representa al estilo racional-reflexivo, fuego al estilo racional-activo, agua al estilo emocional-reflexivo y aire al emocional-activo.
PRIMER ESTILO: TIERRA. La tierra, como elemento de la naturaleza, es firme, estable, sólida y tangible. Y a veces puede ser también algo áspera y reseca.
Las personas con estilo predominante tierra tienen preferencia por vivir en la realidad tangible y demostrable, por «aterrizar» las cosas, y les gusta vivir con los pies firmes en el suelo.
SEGUNDO ESTILO: FUEGO. El fuego como elemento es calor, energía y fuerza. Y en desmesura, o fuera de control, el fuego puede quemar, dañar o destruir.
Las personas en las que predomina el estilo fuego son apasionadas, francas y valientes, y les gusta el reto y la confrontación. El estilo fuego tiene muy claro lo que quiere, y será impaciente en su consecución. Puede ponerse muy nervioso si ve indecisión o ineficiencia en su interlocutor.

TERCER ESTILO: AGUA. El agua como elemento natural es serena, fluida, se adapta y sortea con habilidad los obstáculos. Y también puede de- tenerse y estancarse ante ellos.
Las personas de estilo agua tienden a ser sensibles, compasivas, de gran serenidad y empáticas. Aunque cuando su compasión es muy alta, pueden verse ahogadas por la emoción y tener dificultad en mantener su independencia de pensamiento y acción. En una situación compleja pueden tender a derrumbarse, pues en general están vinculadas emocionalmente a lo que sucede.
CUARTO ESTILO: AIRE. El aire es un elemento libre, liviano y fresco. Y puede ser también disperso y volátil, muy intangible.
Las personas de estilo aire suelen ser curiosas, expresi- vas, de gran entusiasmo por naturaleza y con necesidad de socializar. Son directas, como las de estilo fuego, pero en este caso su estilo es social y emocional. Esto significa que ante un ataque o una situación de conflicto pueden en un primer momento hundirse, para después reaccionar exageradamente y a veces precipitarse en sus intervenciones.

Relaciones de los signos de Tierra
Tierra-Agua: se complementan en su naturaleza básica, ambos parten de una misma base, su naturaleza es femenina lo que les aporta un carácter receptivo, ambos elementos tienen en común que reaccionan a las circunstancias. Tierra estimula a las de Agua porque a su naturaleza emocional aporta una visión más real y práctica, a la hora de ubicarse o desenvolverse en el mundo, digamos que el agua se puede contener en algo con forma. El Agua aportará su imaginación, su ensoñación, ensimismamiento o profundidad e influenciará en la Tierra haciendo que sean menos estructurados y más conscientes de las emociones. Seguridad y misterio tiene que coexistir en la relación tierra-agua.

Elements in Combination. Combos

"You will probably have come to see that you have an earthy nature, a watery or emotional side, a fiery temper, or an airyfairy imagination." The Complete Book of Aquarian Magic: A Practical Guide to the MagicalArts By Marian Green

Lotion Bars

Soapmaking using no lye - 

glicerin soaps (Wallasoap Kitchen)
lotion bars

Samanta Vega Díaz. Lotion bar making doesn't use lye?
Oh, The Things We'll Make! Nope- no lye in lotion making. (Sorry I missed this before!)
Samanta Vega Díaz woa, so what's the difference in use b/w soap and lotion bar? I once washed my hands in a hotel with some little wonderful that looked like soap but melted like soy candles, and it was sooo soft, was it a lotion bar? x

No water, so no preservative needed. They are solid and no are not used with water as I have been asked that question also. They work by rubbing them between your hands (like a bar of soap)…..this transfers the lotion to your hands and then rub the lotion into your dry skin everywhere. The natural warmth from your skin softens and melts the lotion for application. Lotion Bars are a great way especially for the winter to form a good protective barrier for your skin. 

Relatos cortos ☼ ☾

Vega Póesy se miraba las manos en aquel momento de su vida, concentrada en recordar qué sabía hacer con ellas, y en lo que aún no sabía que podía hacer. Había hecho muchas cosas con sus manos, como muchas eran las cosas que había visto con sus ojos. Éstas eran sus mayores alegrías, y aquéllas, de las que estaba más orgullosa. Mucho más que de lo mucho que había llegado a hablar en lo que llevaba de vida... y en cambio, en aquel instante, por mucho que pudiera haber alcanzado corazones o avivado espíritus, a pesar de aquel poder fugaz, electrificante, se daba cuenta de que sólo las cosas son capaces de traspasar el portal del tiempo, y permanecer, más o menos intactas, pero no exentas de romanticismo en su épica resistencia, su factible testimonio allá donde las palabras no alcanzan, huyeron, o se las llevó el viento. Recordó el valor de la tierra, el silencio, el arte y la artesanía.