La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

Five of Stones – Endurance

Wildwood Tarot

Of all the qualities a spiritual warrior or seeker on the journey of life must possess, the spirit and will to endure is most important. Maintaining a resilient mind and retaining a sense of humour are most important to our health, along with the knowledge that the sun will rise on another day filled with opportunities.

- Source:

the chariot

the chariot is your confidence, your will & your inner warrior #thewildunknown. Horses and Donks are all sugar and spice, windfire warriors, the sun and the moon blended into one and the same Spirit.

Rumblewick Quotes and Pickled Notes

Sabian Symbol 7 for the Libra Full Moon (Working Aphrodite's Magic): A WOMAN FEEDING CHICKENS AND PROTECTING THEM FROM THE HAWKS - The combination of your Sun sign and your Moon sign produces a personality not easily tied down, fenced in. This combination blends the emotional balance, courtesy and friendliness of Libra with the confidence, assertiveness and enthusiasm of Aries. You are likely to appear more assertive or forceful than you are, as despite personal impulsiveness you strive to maintain equilibrium and peace. You like to support the underdog and in many ways you are a true soldier for justice. You've got an innate need for justice (adjustment) in all things, and love harmony and beauty.
Much alike the brightest 'star' in the sky, Eostre, that the early Witches worshipped during Eosturmonath (April), and that would actually have been the planet Venus, who was originally a goddess of gardens, plants and vines and from which derives the Latin root word vene for venefica, 'witch', indicating a relationship to Venus, and thus, the etymology strongly suggesting that the early witches appear to have been essentially herbalists, so the white marking called 'star' on the face of mustang horses... and so the Libra Arian people are marked by Love, being their ultimate goal and true fulfillment in spite of their fiery, battle, controversial outward-turning first approach to the world (Mayers-Briggs).

Triple Goddess. Tarot Deck. Maiden. Mother. Crone. I used to think that I would step from the maiden archetype directly into that of the crone. But becoming aware that, in shamanic terms, the offspring does not have to be children, but it may come in the form of ideas, opinions, crafts, etc. (this suits the maiden most), has helped me to come to grips with another issue.

Maiden - Careless, Independent and Vulnerable.
Mother - Loving, Caring and Nurturing.
Crone - ?

The traits of the Mother archetype are not exclusive (Sp. privativo) to the biological mother (not even essential), but including the non-biological mother. Motherhood in the sense of birth giving is not the only river a woman has to pour into all her loving, caring and nurturing instincts. And maternal love sometimes should be just called womanly love.

(shhh... witch at work lol)

Petal and Moss

As for my magic, I want to thank sunflower herb farm, petal and moss, herb mother, just latisha?? for turning to be the very droplet that constantly watered my thirsty soul in time of drought. Thank you, green witch x Un beso! ;)


For their soul medicine about #plantsandherbcraft #herbalwisdom, willpower, resiliance, surefootedness and ground control, I am very grateful to these naive, cheerful, loving, tender, sensitive and intelligent animals, these windfire warriors, for finding myself solely finding shelter and comfort around a fire, for sticking to the happy few things when I ran out of time and was only left with my sacred time, for my awareness, for my specialization, for these wild fellows to be wise enough as to light my dream vision and to stand patiently by me while I am growing my roots deep through rough soil. Aho!

Cauldron Lore

At its very essence the cauldron is made of metallic earth, heated by fire, cooled by air and tempered by water. It is a vessel of the elements.

“Every hollow holds a hallow.”

Cauldron Lore

More than just a symbol of the goddess, the cauldron and its contents have specifically represented abundance, poetic inspiration (i.e. knowledge, wisdom and eloquence), physical restoration, regeneration, alchemical transformation, spiritual or psychic awakening or vision and the ability to discern truth.

The way it was and must be again

Ya lo avisaba al principio en mi anterior bloc, Brujita de Cocina.

"En este bloc quizá despiste que, mezclados con los artículos sobre recetas, nutrición, etc., también los hay de espiritualidad (animal totems, chamanic path...). Es todo inherente e inextricable a mi naturaleza de brujita de cocina. No obstante, el tema de interés número uno será el de nutrición y salud, pero no desde el punto de vista de una cocinera, o dietista o nutricionista etc. sino desde la visión orgánica y espiritual de una auténtica brujita de cocina. En la cocina de las brujas se tienen en cuenta muchas otras cosas.. se trabaja de otra manera.. es una alquimia diferente. Es una runa de fuego, agua, aire y tierra donde conectar con las raíces de la Tierra a través de los alimentos que tan generosamente nos legan sus bondades, propiedades y virtudes, haciéndonos así partícipes del Círculo Verde de la Savia Sabia."

Y volví a decirlo al final. "De hecho, hace ya meses que tengo claro que tengo que empezar a pensar en escribir en otro bloc, ya que brujita de cocina lleva a equívoco, pues este cuaderno no es, ni pretende serlo, un libro de recetas de cocina. Además, llevo muchísimos escritos. Muy variados, sobre todo al principio. Quisiera especializarme."

#cauldronlore #kitchinwitchin #plantsandherbcraft #herbalwisdom #greenmagic #wisewildwomen #theoldewitchesgarden #folkloreandheritage #herbnlifestyle #ancestralmemory #sacredfire #homeandhearthwitchery #thedomesticwitch

La cocina es el lugar de la casa predilecto de una bruja de cocina, y sagrado, todo cuanto acontece alrededor de un fuego. Todo está allí: athame, escoba, polvos mágicos, varita, caldero, fuego, botica... Es su laboratorio mágico, donde tiene lugar un tipo de alquimia especial... una runa de tierra, fuego, agua y aire... su lugar de estudio y meditación... el centro de energía y poder de la casa... el fuego del fabuloso castillo ambulante.