La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

From The Princess of Wands (Folly) to The Queen of Cups (Wisdom)

Aries, the Ram, seeking in the sunlight

The Fairy Tale Tarot

Minor Wands

Creativity, beginnings, energy, direction, intuition. Joie de Vivre

The Fool card from the Shadowscapes Tarot looks like no fool at all, but a beautiful mermaid-like woman ready to take on a new journey #AprilFoolsDay

Joie de Vivre by Paulina Cassidy

The Fool/ The Princess of Wands/ Ace of Wands: New beginnings, spontaneity, curiosity, intuition, start of  lifepath and journeywork, freedom, the indigo "divine child", folly.
This Aries wee little one was not meant to be, live and rule as The Queen of Wands that her Solar Sign (Sun in Aries) alone would have intended for her: Fire/ Cardinality/ Wand. Life Force. Energy. Drive. Passion. Warrior. Ruler. Control. Leader.
Her pouch filled up with the moonlight of her Moon Sign (or Star Sign) (Moon in Libra), she decided to take on a new journey, to weave her own life instead, and she foolishly put to rout all that was not life and wished to live deliberately only the essential facts of life. She walked The Hermit's path of solitude, and it was through it that she learnt about the illusion of control, and thus, got to *mediate* in the conflict, chaos, struggle, tension & *reunite* the opposites, illusionary antagonists, duality, axis, the sheep and the lion perching together on the same oak tree branch. She made higher _and better_ use of her powers. She had become The Magician/ Wizard/ Witch/ Sorceress.

Oogway: My friend, the panda will never fulfill his destiny, nor you yours until you let go of the illusion of control.
Shifu: Illusion?
Oogway: Yes.
[Points at The Peach Tree of Wisdom]
Oogway: Look at this tree, Shifu: I cannot make it blossom when it suits me nor make it bear fruit before its time.
Shifu: But there are things we *can* control: I can control when the fruit will fall, I can control where to plant the seed: that is no illusion, Master!
Oogway: Ah, yes. But no matter what you do, that seed will grow to be a peach tree. You may wish for an apple or an orange, but you will get a peach.

6 of Cups - Shadowscapes Tarot.
These encounters along The Hermit's path in search of sacred wisdom and spiritual fulfillment can sometimes be like the Tea Birthday Party of Alice in Wonderland. Other *fools* with their journeywork on their lifepaths. Oasis. This card is about honest goodwill, kindness, experiencing joy, innocent pleasures acts of giving that only childhood can represent. Adventures and discoveries that come out of moving without agenda, guile or apparent motives. 

Tarot of the Magical Forest 

Compassion, balance, patience, healing, strength. Joie de Vivre

Infinite possibilities, self-confidence, personal power, determination, concentration, action. Joie de Vivre

The Fairy Tale Tarot

The Sorceress, who has royal lineage (note the Water Element that is common at the feet of all the Queens in the tarot decks) but also fairies blood (witches are said so), becomes The Star (wisdom, adjustment, temperance, Spirit Essence, Moon in Libra. Scales (Libra, Air) to adjust under moonlight, the Alchemist crafting her own medicine. The Treasure Witch. What do you value the most?

Star from The Magical Forest Tarot

Le Étoile - The Star

The Good Witch, Bad Witch Tarot

The Lady grows into the Woman, The Star, into The Queen of Cups (*vessels* containers of ancestral wisdom & sacred knowledge), Cauldron of Knowldge and Inspiration (Cerridwen). The Cauldron Witch, ready and willing to drink her own brew, soul medicine.

Inspiration, loving, intuition, empathy, artistic. Joie de Vivre

Queen of Chalices from the Magical Forest Tarot

Destiny, oil on canvas by John William Waterhouse, 1900

The Good Witch, Bad Witch Tarot

Cerridwen, Keeper of the Sacred Cauldron of Knowledge and Inspiration

Venus in Aries - The Empress in the Emperor's Clothing

The Empress/ The Queen of Wands (The Emperor/The King of Wands)/ The Witch (The Magician), The Sorceress. Water + Fire (Alder. Fox). Mother of ideas.
Three of Wands (alisonsambelic): ships. La Astillera Mágica.

"All Queens are associated with Water, so we have Water (emotion) of Fire (passion, creativity, energy)." (Weekly Card - Queen of Wands. danglingpentaclestarot)
"As Aries is the cardinal Fire sign, I’m looking for the Wands court card that’s associated with cardinality."(Aries in the courts card. alisonsalembic)

Moon in Libra: The High Priestess in Justice's Clothes.
The Emperor in the Justice's Clothes. The Fair Emperor. Dedication Card: The Spiritual Warrior.

Venus in Aries. The Empress in the Emperor's Clothing.

The Good Witch, Bad Witch Tarot (Healing Witch, Cauldron Witch, Forest Witch, Treasure Witch)
The Teen Witch Tarot (The Fool. Luna de Piedras. Cauldrons)
The Wildwood Tarot (Endurance. Dedication)
The Wild Unknown (the chariot)
The Animals Divine Tarot (Judgement)
The Fairy Tale Tarot (The Sorceress)
The Sorcerers Tarot (The Chariot. The Emperatrice)

Key 4-The Emperor is the Mars-ruling raw force of Aries during day light. The Emperor is the astrological form I AM. Emperor is Teiwaz, the rune of warrior, energy, victory in battle and the Old English God of War-Tïw. The corresponding Chakra is the Root Chakra which governs  instincts, survival, health, genes, and heredity. This is the body sensual chakra where vital energy enters the body,i.e. Life Force Key 11-Adjustment (Justice). In the Thoth Deck, Key 11- Justice is called Adjustment and its astrological sign is Libra. The astrological planet is Venus. The Astrological form of Adjustment is: I weigh/balance. The full moon in Libra is the first full moon after the Vernal Equinox, signaling the rebirth of the earth just as the Winter Solstice signals the rebirth of the sun. (read also)

Having been born at the Dawn of the first Full Moon after the Vernal Equinox, that is to say, of the witches' lunar holiday of Ostara, needless to say that my birthday momento was one of opposites, polarity, duality, axis, paradox, antagonists, struggle and chaos from minute one, in fact very much like childbirth itself... lots of tension and, thus, struggle to thrive and flourish... and then, a vital need of finding balance forever after. Life coming out of Chaos. Beauty leaping out of the fingers of Beast every now and then, but constantly running into his arms every now and again. Light and Shadow. Extroversion and Introversion. Fire and Air. Mars and Venus. Aries and Libra. Pluto and Persephone. This special and especially hard to handle astral birth moment bestows me with the "gift" of voilà! finding myself standing in the middle of conflict, tension, chaos, struggle, controvery, dilemma, trouble, where I am meant to mediate.

So, let's have a look at the King of Swords Card -
It shows us an older man (king) standing in an airy room with an owl on his arm. The sword family´s element being air, this is an intellectual and analytic man full of ideas with a lively mind always ready to solve  problems or set up  strategies for something. His sword is pointing in the centre of the symbol for chaos, which shows us how this man always manages to point at the core of every dilemma or problem. He has a very diplomatic* way of solving issues and he always strive for balance and harmony. The owl represents the wisdom this man picked up during his lifetravels, and the blue heart indicates that he rather thinks with his mind and sometimes forget to follow his heart. In the real world we are likely to find King of swords among psychiatrists, priests, inventors and teachers. By the way, this man is a libra (or gemini).
*In another tarot deck, this card would equate for the Magician (Fox). And it's also the Justice (Adjustment)

And now, envision this same capacity-destiny to stand in the middle of conflict and chaos, but instead of holding a sword with which to point at the very core of the dilemma, the good fellow is holding a wand. How would he solve the problem? Bet she is not going to be the personification of diplomacy, though she is equally going to strive for balance and harmony.

Then we are in front of the Princess of Wands -
The wand family’s element is fire, and the wand-princess is certainly a fiery one! This card describes a young woman full of playfulness and enthusiasm. She´s corageous  and straight forward* and love surprises and adventures. She loves being in the spotlights! She´s also a big fan of freedom and integrity. Oh, did I mention that her star sign  is aries (or leo)?
This card tells us that we should be playful, to dance and love and sing. It tells us to enjoy the sensuality in our every day life and to be as sexual as we want to. Allow yourself to be free and fiery like the  wand-princess! It could also be telling you that something new is coming your way and your self-confidence is increasing.
*The Emperor card (Aries/Mars/Fire/Cardinality/Wand).

Now, let's look at it the other way round: instead of the Justice in the Emperor's Clothing, let's imagine the Emperor in the Justice's Clothes, which is very much my case, every time more. Adjustment holding back, blocking, preventing the Emperor's drive from unify what he sees:

Looking at this transit through the lens of the Tarot, it would be like the High Priestess is wearing Justice’s clothing. She takes on the mantle of the Karmic Decider. 
The High Priestess is concerned with ideas and ideals. She swims in the big picture and reflects everything around her. Her wisdom comes through observation, grand non-judgmental perception of everything flowing by and through her. Her interest is not in what is right or wrong, but simply in what is. She flows with the universe asking no one to excuse themselves, only to be what they are – good, bad, or somewhere in the middle.
In contrast, Justice does care about what’s good or bad. The scales she holds weigh, consider, and decide what’s right and wrong. And her sword lets us know she has the authority to carry through on the decisions she makes. When she sees unbalance, Justice requires adjustment. Truth is indispensible and unfairness intolerable.
For the High Priestess to act as Justice, she must force herself to care about the outcome, to get down to choosing, not just sitting in the middle. And she’s not particularly happy about it. She’d rather see both sides, not say that anyone ‘should’ or ‘should not’. With the High Priestess as Justice, or the Moon in Libra, we might be required to face up to something and decide. Our emotions will demand respect. If we’ve leaned too far back or forward, we’ll probably find ourselves moving just as dramatically the other way. It can be a slightly challenging period, perhaps a little manic. But by the time it’s done, something is likely to have been decided upon. Don’t be alarmed by conflicting emotions. They’re there because you can see both sides. It’s not good enough though to just acknowledge them and walk away. During this transit you’re being asked to take a stand one way or another. And you’ve got the wisdom and power to do so.

Finally, in the light of what has been exposed, we could point to the following correspondences:
If we find the Emperor in the Justice's Clothing,
and we find the High Priestess in the Justice's Clothing,
then the Emperor (man) is the High Priestess (woman),
and the High Priestess (woman) is the Princess of Wands (girl).
And maybe the Princess of Wands will evolve into the Queen of Wands (kind of Empress influenced by moonlight), a card where the Fire Element is tempered/adjusted by the Water Element (emotions) running at her feet (Three of Wands). Alder (Celtic Oracle). And that Queen of Wands shall be the Sorceress, the Witch, the Magician who got there by the river by her own means!

And so the story goes... Once upon a time, there was a Princess of Wands or the Rebellious Daughter who, driven by her sense of freedom and integrity, foolishly put to rout all that was not life and wished to live deliberately only the essential facts of life. And she came to learn on the meanders and in the meadows of her pathway, and the fire in her fiery big eyes became the sparkling shine of her starry eyes... and the heat in her wide smile became the radiant glow of her smile. She arrived to the shore of her river, got barefoot into the water, let the dust be washed away... it felt soothing, balmy... healing. She could even understand the lyrics that her river was singing while flowing, like only can water ease over a stone, onto the fluids contours of home.