Radiance is the force that pushes away from a point, the simplest parallel is Light.
Radiance elementa people show traits of being extroverted and very willing to talk about their past, beliefs, and philosophies, without prompting. When they have had multiple bad reactions to this in their lives, they might be shy, still wishing to be extroverted but fearing it. They are quick to defend those who they perceive as being threatened, sometimes without knowing the whole story. They also like to be the center of attention and do not like brooding or dealing with negative emotions, causing them to attempt to cheer others up very often. They have what most consider to be a natural charisma, and value forthrightness.
At their best, they are charismatic and inspiring. At their worst, they are intolerant, authoritarian, and unflinching in their dogma, quick to point out flaws in others to cover their own.