La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

calendario pared 2021

2021 Woodland Recipes Calendar

"Beauty is food for our Souls, and our Heart is the One that cooks it best."

A limited edition calendar for all Art lovers, and all food lovers too!
Filled with sweet and whimsical illustrations featuring wildlife by Lucia Para, it also features for every month a curious, vegetarian and delicious recipe: acorn coffee, nettle risotto, sunshine smoothie...
Printed on 350g high quality matt paper (feels like drawing paper).
It comes protected in a cello bag.
Dimensions approx. : 29 cm x 22 cm, depth 5 mm.
Suitable for wall hanging, spiral bound.

The artwork is inspired by British dreamy woodlands, and each image is hand painted and then digitally edited. Each piece takes about 2/3 weeks to create from sketch to final, and the calendar is made so that after using it, you can cut the images and frame them!
The recipes come from Lucia Italian roots, and the traditions passed from generations... her family had a restaurant in Emilia Romagna, and she inherited the love for cooking!

Hi, Lucia! What a lovely calendar!! It mixes both of my passions: kitchen & nature.🤩 And of course, with magical artwork and high quality paper. The doubt is with Dimensions approx. : 29 cm x 22 cm. With the two leaves unfolded (illustration + month), is the total length 29 cm? Merry Yule and Happy 2021! xo Samanta

Hi Samantha! Nice to hear from you and thanks for your lovely comment! If you open the calendar on the wall, the total length is about 58 cm, each leaf of paper is 29 tall by 22 wide. . Hope it helps!
Merry Christmas to you too!


Hi! It helps a lot. Actually it makes me so happy! I'm ordering it right now.🍀 Do you think it will reach Barcelona without problems? Hope yes!
Merry Christmas!
ps-- do you have instagram handle? I'd love to follow your artwork

xo Samanta
Este año, liada con tantas otras cosas, me había quedado sin calendario de mis artistas favoritas. Así que ha sido todo un hallazgo! Además, me gusta que quizás es menos espiritual, pero es más fantástico
Desde que lo vi, ya no he tenido ojos para ningún otro jaja

Belle ⛥⌒*゚.❉・゜・。.⌒♪♫♪♫♪♫✿ Princesa Bella

Belle as Hermione!!-:strip_icc-!!-/2014/10/14/066/n/3019466/04f5ce89a24aa79d_tumblr_mumzk0TnWq1r88lcmo1_1280/i/Belle-Hermione.jpg
Belle as villain,being%20told%20what%20to%20do.

“Ella se mantiene curiosa, compasiva, de mente abierta. Y ese es el tipo de mujer que me gusta interpretar y que al mismo tiempo es un modelo a seguir si me dan a elegir”, explica refiriéndose a Bella.

“En una forma muy extraña, ella desafía lo establecido en el lugar donde vive. Encuentro eso muy inspirador. También busca arreglárselas para mantener su integridad y tener un punto de vista muy independiente. No es fácil que sea arrastrada por las perspectivas de otras personas”.

“Hay una cierta cualidad de romper con lo establecido que Bella tiene; es el hecho de que ella tiene un empoderamiento de desafiar las cosas y es algo que espero al dar vida a un personaje”.

“Belle is absolutely a Disney princess, but she’s not a passive character — she’s in charge of her own destiny.”


The flaw in the remake lies in the characterization of Belle

The message is that the original Belle is not sufficiently heroic. She reads Jack and the Beanstalk, loving magical tales, instead of being familiar with Shakespeare and Romeo and Juliet. She blows dandelion spores into the wind. She uses words, not violence, to save her father. She cries as the Beast leads her through the castle to her room. She sobs on her bed after losing her father and her freedom in one day. In short, she is vulnerable. And it is that vulnerability that the 21st century heroine version of Belle — Emma Watson’s Belle — does away with. To be a 21st century heroine, we are taught, means to stand up for oneself, always choosing to be active rather than reflective, to be defiant rather than vulnerable, privileging logic over emotion. To be a 21st century heroine means that it is not enough to be afraid and still choose to be brave — no, one must be fearless.

This is what ruins Belle. The Belle that inspired so many of us in the ’90s was a Belle we could relate to because of her kindness, her sweetness, her vulnerability and her compassion. We liked her facility with words, the fact that she tried to be gentle with Gaston even when she refused him as opposed to the blunt way in which Watson’s Belle informs him she will never marry him. We related to her tears. We appreciated the fact that even when she ran away, she said, “Promise or no promise, I can’t stay here another minute” — acknowledging that breaking a promise, even one made under such complicated circumstances, was problematic. And in the iconic scene after the dance where the Beast lets her go, we loved the fact that she told him she was happy with him but wished to see her father again because she missed him so much. This allows the Beast to do the right thing on his own. This, as opposed to the 2017 version where, when asked if she is happy, Belle prompts the Beast, asking, “Can anybody be happy if they aren’t free?”

What set Belle apart in 1991 was that she was a dreamer. Yes, she wanted more than her provincial life, but living happily with a man she loved, respected and who understood her was sufficient. She was an idealist, someone lost in books and fairytales — not an inventor, or someone logically sorting through how to break the curse, or consistently fearless. She valued the Beast’s being gentle and kind because that’s who she was.

The Belle of 2017, with her strong, defiant, stoic attitude — choosing anger over sadness — sets us back. It says that a woman of today is not impressive if she does not do something, such as become an inventor, or if she feels too much — crying rather than creating escape routes. It takes much of the Boy Code that makes our culture of masculinity so toxic and applies it to women, arguing that heroism is linked to toughness and stoicism.

Imagine how much more empowering Beauty and the Beast would be if it offered a nuanced, complicated portrayal of 21st century womanhood. It would be profoundly moving if we could understand that not every heroine must be a Katniss Everdeen or Tris Prior. We should be able to acknowledge that it is enough for women to dream, enough for women to be brave in spite of fear, acceptable for women to cry or show emotion. We say we are feminists — and yet our vision of feminism has not gone far enough. Currently, we are feminists only when our heroines adopt stereotypically masculine modes of behavior. We need to get to a point where feminism can also celebrate nurturing, vulnerable heroines whose main weapon is words. 


Fex o Pek

Nacidos del 4 de abril a 1 de mayo

Nombre Maya: Fex o Pek

Caracyerísticas: Guardián, Protector


Son los defensores de la justicia, espadachines, justicieros, luchadores de causas perdidas y defensores de pobres. Su vocación social nace desde joven: todo lo que le permita estar en contacto con la gente y ayudar a los demás. El talismán del zorro es su abnegada vocación de servicio y amor al prójimo, esto le abrirá todas las puertas del mundo, porque en cada lugar tendrá un amigo que lo valore y le devuelva algún favor. El amor para los Zorro es lo más importante en la vida, y crearán un ambiente de armonía y bienestar, donde enseñarán el sentido de las cosas inmateriales.

Si logras domesticar al zorro se convertirá en un perro casero. Son pacíficos y de naturaleza serena, los zorros rara vez se enojan, prefieren irse a caminar, tomar aire y despejar su mente antes de entablar una lucha cuerpo a cuerpo. Pero cuando haz rebasado su límite puede convertirse en un verdadero lobo feroz, aullará, gruñirá y mostrará sus colmillos. Aunque sus enojos no duran por mucho tiempo.

Mujeres románticas, soñadoras, necesitadas de cariño y muy sensibles, con bastante espontaneidad, al punto de impredecibles, y capacidad comunicativa, lo que puede ocasionarles algunos problemas. La mujer de este signo es de gustos sencillos, sólo quiere llevar una vida tranquila, sin grandes lujos, formar una familia, tener una casita y ser feliz. Se siente a gusto en lugares sencillos y poco pretenciosos, entre lujos no se siente cómoda, y aunque posea un buen pasar económico, la mujer zorro preferirá los muebles de madera, las ánforas de barro y las flores. Su casa parece una cabaña de Walt Disney y en realidad su vida misma es de película. A veces se mete en líos de los que después no sabe salir, y su forma de ser, locuaz y espontánea hace que más de una vez meta la pata. Tiene un corazón bohemio, y le atraen las personas rebeldes.

Tienen un gran nivel de empatía, comunicación no verbal y carisma con la gente, lo que les hace conectar rápidamente con ellos sin pronunciar una sola palabra. Son tremendamente idealistas y soñadores, lo que hace que se lleven más de un golpe contra la realidad y desilusiones. Luchan por las injusticias y de jóvenes tienen un punto bastante rebelde. Poseen valores nobles y quieren enfrentarse a toda aquella causa que consideren justa y honesta, tanto suya como la de otras personas. Evitan las reglas.



Is this true? Foxes are canids, but not canines. They belong to a tribe called “Vulpini,” and the animals in the tribe are called “vulpines.” Por cierto, me hizo mucha gracia esta pregunta:  Is a fox a dog, a cat, or its own species?   🤣
So, they are in the family canidae and in the genus vulpes.
A fox is vulpine canid.
(not canine canid)
Y en este artículo hay información especialmente bonita:

Por cierto, tú sabes, no, que en los calendarios maya y celta mi signo es zorro?

During that time, they stay with the vixen (female) in the den while the dog (male) brings them food. 

This would explain it: FEX/PEK

Although foxes are wild animals, their relationship with humans goes way back. In 2011, researchers opened a grave in a 16,500-year-old cemetery in Jordan to find the remains of a man and his pet fox. This was 4000 years before the first-known human and domestic dog were buried together.

In the 1960s, a Soviet geneticist named Dmitry Belyaev bred thousands of foxes before achieving a domesticated fox. Unlike a tame fox, which has learned to tolerate humans, a domesticated fox is docile toward people from birth. Today, you can buy a pet fox for $9000, according to Fast Company. They're reportedly curious and sweet-tempered, though they are inclined to dig in the garden.