La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

"The Heroic Courage to Love" o El Coraje de las Propias Convicciones

This is Me, on the other hand ..

"The Heroic Courage to Love" o El Coraje de las Propias Convicciones

In this article I want to focus on the dynamic interplay of the Aries-Libra axis. Aries epitomizes the archetype of heroic courage that comes from heart (French cour) while Libra symbolizes the harmonic balance in life that flows from grace. Together they create graceful action.

Where Aries asks us to seize the moment through heroic living, Libra asks us to demonstrate that fierce heat of living in and through our relationships. Aries defines the AM-ness of existing as an individual, rushing forth into total self-expression as a force of being, while Libra defines the relationship between beings and expresses the field of love and interaction as well as tension and opposition. Where Aries is the warrior, pioneer, and leader, Libra is the artist, lover, and diplomat.
In this way, the love of divinity flows into and enlivens creation and causes life to blaze into being. Aries is about motivation, self-expression, and adventure. Wherever this sign is flowing into your chart, that’s where you are activating your essence, creating vitality, and, and expressing consciousness. Libra is about the grace of loving and the art of being loved.

The beauty of the archetype of Libra is demonstrated as this love flows into and between the individual sparks of consciousness that Aries symbolizes. The Hindu’s call creation Lela, which means God’s Play. The Te in Tao Te Ching is usually translated as virtue and power. The Chinese character for Te actually combines the three radicals (mini-characters) for motion, vision, and heart symbolizing the ability to act or move through life guided by heart vision. That’s the kind of graceful action (wu wei) that emerges from the Aries Libra polarity. You can see it expressed in the graceful movements of martial arts, (Mars doing art!).

Each one of us is on a quest whether we realize it or not, to find our unique path in life. Our souls would rather fail at following their own destined courses than succeed at living someone else’s life. The unknown sea of our future often looks ominous and people are goaded by society to pull into the nearest harbor for a nice, safe and secure life. I once heard that ships enjoy being docked, but they were made for sailing.

_¡Y vivid del Amor, incluso aunque las estrellas se muevan a saltos!_

"Innocence most often is a good fortune and not a virtue." - Anatole France

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