La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

Luz, color y energía

(colores y chakras) 
(sobre los colores de onda inversa o colores complementarios)

(El símbolo egipcio para el signo Libra - The Scales - Venus era 
, que representa el espacio comprendido entre el cielo y la tierra, lo que el chamanismo peruano denomina 'kwasay' : una biopercepción o clairsentience de la que hacen gala animales como el ciervo _la palabra para denominar a una mujer chamana era shamanka: 'shaman woman with deer skin'_.
Dicho esto, esto mismo se puede explicar en otros términos; es decir, a la misma realidad, si además de cierta es verdadera, ha de poder llegarse siempre y por igual por distintos caminos, a través de los tiempos y desde confines distantes del mundo. La confluencia del campo electromagnético centrífugo de la tierra y del campo electromagnético centrípeto del cielo conforman el propio campo bioelectromagnético de los seres vivos. A los vórtices de energía, 'vortex points', 'energy wheels' o 'spins', se les denomina chakras.

(colores y elementos)

Mujer Luminar

Y cuando el tumulto ha pasado, volver. Para oler las viejas cosas, las propias huellas... Volver al mismo escenario ahora que se quedó vacío de ruido, de gente, de palabras..., y ver qué se tiene en pie después de todo, a pesar de todo, y por sí solo. Respirar el mismo aire, y comprobar qué emociones despierta ahora. Abrir la boca y, con la misma voz, ver qué gente acude ahora.

Desaparecer para reaparecer más adelante; regresar, aunque no sea para quedarme. Como el río subterráneo que no cesa de cantar. El río que fluye en el territorio de la psique de la naturaleza sana de la mujer salvaje y sabia.

Sigo el coraje de las propias convicciones. El corazón traza la senda viva. No tengo miedo de partir cada vez, porque confío en que todo lo que habrá de acompañarme en este viaje sabrá encontrarme... a bordo del mismo velero intrépido a saltos entre las estrellas, en lo profundo del mismo bosque, alrededor del mismo fuego, reconociendo la voz mitológica cuando llama tañendo el nombre.

La Mujer Luminar prende sobre sus propios huesos, y está de regreso. Pelo a pelo... vocablo a vocablo...

Watercolors by artist Olga Cutell

Sound Healing

Be Still and Listen. The Earth is Singing
by artist Karen Davis

Hearing the haunting sound of the crystal bowls seems to awaken an ancient remembering, touching the essence of the soul.
Everything that moves vibrates, from the smallest molecule to the universe itself. As long as it is vibrating, it is making some kind of sound. We may not perceive the sound, as it may be below or above the threshold of our hearing. The human ear can hear sound vibrations between 20 and 20,000 cycles per second, although we also perceive sound by skin ("foco" elástico) and bone (crystal) conduction, ingesting and consuming it with the whole body.
Sound and color are both forms of energy, which vibrate.

Renee Brodie, who uses crystal bowls and color therapy in her healing practice, is the author of the book The Healing Tones of Crystal Bowls, 1996. She has studied exhaustively and makes reference to the history as well as the leading research in sound and color therapy. She offers several suggestions on using crystal bowls. She has also created a CD and audiotape entitled The Healing Tones ofCrystal Bowls: A Journey Through The Chakras To Heal Yourself With Sound andColour. She offers many suggestions for uses of the bowls.

This is when ether or akasha, the most subtle of the five elements, becomes evident.  Ether, according to Ayurveda, is responsible or associated with the sound of hearing

el sonido es vibración, y la música, sonido organizado.


The Aboriginal people of Australia are the first known culture to heal with sound. Their ‘yidaki' (modern name, didgeridoo) has been used as a healing tool for at least 40,000 years. The Aborigines healed broken bones, muscle tears and illnesses of every kind using their enigmatic musical instrument. Interestingly, the sounds emitted by the yidaki are in alignment with modern sound healing technology. It is becoming apparent that the wisdom of the ancients was based on ‘sound' principles.

The American Journal of Public Health reviewed shamanic drumming in its April 2003 edition, concluding that drumming activities induce holistic modes of consciousness through synchronous brain activity and provide a vital connection with the spiritual dimensions of human health that have been lacking in modern societies. Research reviews indicate that drumming accelerates physical healing, boosts the immune system and produces feelings of well-being, and release of emotional trauma.

vibrational therapy

Scientists discovered that the sounds of the ebb & flow of ocean tides, people's voices, dolphin cries and bird & cricket chirps. They sound the same! Slowed down voice recordings of people sound like the ebb & flow of ocean tides. When sped up, people's voices sound like dolphin cries. Speeded up more, like bird chirps. Even more like crickets. And guess what crickets chirps sound like slowed down? First like birds. Then dolphins. Then people! And guess what else? They are exactly the sounds that soothed my body suffering from the harmful biological effects of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields!

Phylogenetic analyses suggests fairy tales are much older than thought

A research conducted by a social scientist/folklorist, an anthropologist and linguists has traced the international folktale record (fairy tales, folk tales, magic tales e.g. Hittite magic tales, Eurasian storytelling traditions of Indo-European-speaking ancestral populations and potentially present in  populations’ hypothetical last common ancestor, ‘Proto-Indo-European’) back to its origin, which was approximately 5,000 years ago - but one fairy tale in particular, they note, was very clear: called The Smith and The Devil, they traced it back approximately 6,000 years, to the Bronze Age.

Figure 1 shows a mapping of indigenous intergenerational folklorist settlements and thus, how ancestral storytelling maps ancestral states knitting an ancestral sociology, anthropology and geography, i.e. oral cartography.

- Source:

Loving a Fearless Sensitive Warrior

Based on an original text by Alex Myles

A sensitive warrior’s soul is magnetically attractive mainly because when she is not afraid to connect to her sensitive side and then expose it, it shows huge amounts of courage and also that she has found freedom within.

It signals a remarkable sense of individuality and strength and a sensitive warrior is one to be sought out. This is because her sensitivity means that she is aware of every drop of rain falling, each star that is burning as it falls from the sky and the sound of the enemy’s footsteps arriving from afar.

They are warriors who have stepped into their own power and their combat is living with a deeply profound connection to their core selves. They live fearlessly seeking for the truth and they know that the only truths they will ever fully reveal are the ones that are found living within themselves.

Sensitive warriors are prepared to take risks, to live meaningfully and with integrity knowing they will fall hard and fast at times. They not only question their emotions, they interrogate them to find whether the source is one of love or one of fear. They experience life intensely and they roam each of these roads fuelled with compassion, an open mind and a sense of purpose as they are in pursuit of finding the meaning beyond what is shown at the surface.

A true warrior’s spirit has fight but it also has flight. They are aware that they do not always need to stand armed and ready prepared to win a battle, sometimes walking away from the battle is the toughest battle they will ever win.

A warrior who is sensitive will know that this gift is a both a blessing and a curse. She is often in the wilderness alienated from others who find it difficult to understand her. It can take her some time to find out where on the planet her tribe resides and in the meantime she works out how to turn this loneliness to solitude. This is something that will be her greatest ally on her life’s journey.

The sensitive warrior knows that it can be extremely painful being so finely tuned to the harsh surroundings of a world that does not vibrate at her level. However, the warrior does not judge, she understands that each journey is significant and that there is no right or wrong way to exist. She appreciates that everyone has unique paths to navigate, and she only looks at her own compass for guidance.

She also knows that to be sensitive means that she experiences life on a dimension that not everyone reaches. The sensitive combatant explores her creativity, she listens to what is in her soul, and she can remain for hours just observing her imagination dancing its way through her mind.

Her world exists in full colour, and although those colours aren’t always the prettiest she will always feel alive. This sensitive warrior does not choose to wear tinted glasses to dull her world because she is afraid of what she might see. She adjusts her eyes constantly, and she doesn’t turn away, even when it is deeply painful to accept what it is that she sees.

The sensitive warrior is not afraid to be who she is and has wrestled at times with whether she is “too” this or “too” that. She often feels as though she has “too much” love or even “too much” pain for others to handle, but ultimately she knows that her “much-too-muchness” is the only way she wants to exist. She cannot compromise who she is without losing parts of herself so she knows that however difficult it is at times to live this way, it is the only way for her. To feel is to feel alive.

The sensitive warrior recognises that to give and receive love to others she must first give and receive love to herself so that she knows how it feels to accept all parts of herself. She knows that if she can find affection for the bits that aren’t so easy to love and still be in a position to deliver love to herself, only then can she possibly know that she can do the same things for all others too.

To recognise a sensitive warrior, look for the innocence in her eyes. A sensitive warrior’s innocence may at first appear as a sign of weakness or even naivety so it is imperative that you take a look again. When you look deeper you will find that it is the most enchanting and magnificent thing you will ever cast your eyes upon. The fact that she knows that she is vulnerable makes her become invincible and also be larger than life, which she conceives as a journey of her soul.


Lo inesperado es lo mejor que te puede pasar

Estas composiciones que creé explican lo que aprendí durante el último par de días...

La caverna del artista

Fernando Higueras

“La arquitectura va con treinta años de retraso respecto a la pintura”

Su obra confunde, su discurso hiere y, entre el delirio y el genio, su personaje todavía nos seduce. Fernando Higueras es, a sus 73 años, uno de los personajes más singulares de la reciente arquitectura española. Odiado y admirado a partes iguales por la crítica y por sus compañeros de profesión, habla en esta entrevista de su trabajo, de lo que se está haciendo en España y de sus perspectivas como arquitecto, consciente de que ha sido él mismo quien se ha ido cerrando puertas. Aunque así “soy multimillonario en tiempo”, dice.

No hay tipografía ni signos de exclamación suficientes que plasmen en un escrito la voz de Fernando Higueras. Tampoco guión de una entrevista que soporte la avalancha de datos, anécdotas, proyectos y alabanzas que arroja la mente y boca de Fernando. A mitad de camino entre el genio y el loco, vive en un espacio de dos alturas completamente enterrado, un auténtico museo con proyectos, fotos de maquetas, programas de conferencias, pinturas propias y ajenas, libros, esculturas, dibujos, croquis… En su interior reina el silencio, la acústica es impecable. El mito de la CAVERNA, LA CAVERNA DEL ARTISTA, "mi residencia de artistas", la cueva, que, a pesar del nombre, es un espacio diáfano, luminoso y mágico. La luz cenital inunda su casa subterránea en la calle de Maestro Lasalle 36 a través de un gran patio a doble altura con un enorme lucernario a base de cuatro claraboyas desde donde se descolgaba la vegetación del jardín, y que es punto de ventilación e iluminación de todas las estancias, a las que proporciona una luz tamizada y constante. Refugio del genial artista, el "rascainfiernos" (le gustaban los juegos de palabras, las Bellas Artes eran las Birrias Artes, y cuando en su caótico discurso divagaba le echaba la culpa a un supuesto alféizar, por alzhéimer) convertido hoy en la Fundación Fernando Higueras Díaz, y presidido por Lola Botia, colaboradora y compañera del arquitecto hasta su muerte.

Fernando Higueras (Madrid, 1930 - 2008) es único como arquitecto y persona. Comienza sus obras a principios de los 60, y desde entonces, siempre a contratiempo, ha trabajado los mismos temas, lecturas personales de la naturaleza y la geometría. Su trabajo fue muy reconocido y alabado y actualmente olvidado.

A pesar de su exceso, el loco divino nunca se comió al arquitecto. En sus soluciones siempre hay orden y belleza, siempre está presente la naturaleza y la vida. Incluso la cueva tiene la mejor virtud de la buena arquitectura: invita a quedarse.

El Beso

El Beso <3 una persona valiente es una persona que ama, y detrás de todo acto creativo hay un acto de amor.

*create* what you want to find, what is it that you really *want* the most?
Activation Archetype
Power of Manifestation
Gemstone totem: Ruby Zoisite

"After cats, goats were the animals most typically associated with witchcraft in medieval and early-modern Europe. They appear most commonly in images of the witches' sabbath. Witches had to give the 'osculum infame', the obscene kiss, to the goat." - (Historical Dictionary of Witchcraft, Jonathan Bryan Durrant et Michael David Bailey).

A smile is a light in the window of the soul indicating that the heart is at home.


On her breast and around Freya's beautiful neck, she wears "the jewel whose power cannot be resisted", the magical Brisingamen necklace.

Brisingamen ("flaming, glowing") represents the power of the goddess of Love, Life and War to revitalize nature, passion to everything that makes your heart sing, inner and physical strength, the ability to protect and fight for your rights and those of others and the power of love and all strong emotions. For me, it emcompasses a wider chakra, one comprising the solar plexus and the heart.

Freyja bargains with dwarves, grandmaster craftsmen, for Brisingamen 

Freyja in the Dwarf's Cave (1891) by Louis Huard


Hahaha.. this little hare reminds me of myself! :-P

Btw, the gnomes and fairies living in El Refugio de la Brujita are going to move soon to a more open field where to get unfolded.......................................

Olive Leaf Tea

Making the Perfect Cup of Olive Leaf Tea:

It is important to begin with a good quality clean water. Boil the desired quantity of water and let it cool slightly before pouring over the leaves, to prevent burning them. This helps the taste and avoids damaging the phytochemicals. If you like, you may also flavour your olive leaf tea with any of the following complimentary additions and herbs: Honey, Lemon, Milk, Cinnamon, Rose Petals, Peppermint, or Lavender Flowers.

Bring to a boil then reduce heat to let the water cool to approximately 185 degrees (212 is boiling). Too hot water will "burn" olive leaf lowering the antioxidant polyphenol count while creating a bitter flavor. Allow olive leaf to steep 3-8 minutes depending on the strength you desire.

ps. I assume the same goes for Rosehip Tea, also extremely rich (if not the most) in vitamin C, which does not tolerate heat well.

SUR - Salamandras, Elementales del Fuego

Las salamandras o hadas de fuego son los espíritus elementales del fuego, que forman su reinado instantáneamente cuando se enciende una fogata en nuestros hogares o un fuego comienza. Su domicilio es el fuego, pues es en el fuego donde habitan.

Solo muy pocas personas tienen una afinidad y amistad sincera con los elementales del fuego, y cuesta mucho acceder a ellos, pero cuando se logra es una amistad tan fuerte y alegre como lo es el fuego.

Las hadas de fuego, también conocidas por Llama del Mago o Hechicera y por la conciencia de las llamas, están dedicadas a la enseñanza.​ Trasmiten sus conocimientos a otras hadas de fuego, y las preparan para el cometido al que están destinadas, pues todas nacen Salamandras.​ Las elementales Salamandras, son sin lugar a dudas las hadas más respetadas, poderosas y valoradas por los Magos y Hechiceras.

Las salamandras tienen una relación directa con las almas, pues sus vibraciones se propagan tan veloz como la luz. Aportan claridad de pensamiento y son iniciadoras de renovación y cambio. Gobiernan y manejan los trabajos mágicos que tengan que ver con las energías, la pasión, la pureza, alegría, belleza, vitalidad, iluminación, visión, fuerza, voluntad, autoridad, lealtad, sol, sanación, purificación, transformación, destrucción, creatividad, protección, poder, auto-conocimiento, valor y coraje.

Hadas de Fuego: las Elementales Salamandras
Hadas de Fuego. Las Salamandras
Los Elementales del Fuego
Los Espíritus o Elementales del Fuego
Invocación del Elemento Fuego
Invocación a los Espíritus o Elementales del Fuego

Hadas de Fuego. Las Salamandras
Características de los espíritus del Fuego:
Color: Rojo.
Tipo de energía: Proyectiva.
Metales: Oro y Latón.
Estación: Verano.
Dirección: Sur.
Tiempo: Mediodía.
Sus herramientas mágicas para la práctica del Arte son: 
la varita, las velas, 
el Athame, la daga, 
las hierbas y los papeles para quemar.

OESTE - Ondinas, Elementales del Agua

Los Elementales del Agua
Hadas de Agua: las Náyades
Elementales del Agua

Características de los espíritus del Agua:
Color: azul.
Energía: Receptiva.
Metales: Mercurio, Plata y Cobre.
Estación: Otoño.
Dirección: Oeste.
Tiempo: Crepúsculo.

NORTE - Gnomos, Elementales de la Tierra

Invocación del Elemento Tierra
Los Elementales de la Tierra
Los Gnomos
Elementales de la Tierra: hadas, duendes, gnomos y trolls

Características de los espíritus de la tierra:
Color: Verde.
Energía: Receptiva.
Metales: Hierro.
Estación: Invierno.
Dirección: Norte.
Tiempo: Noche.

ESTE - Sílfides, Elementales del Aire

¿Qué son los Elementales?
Seres Mágicos
Los Elementales del Aire
Las Sílfides

Características de los espíritus del Aire:
Color: Amarillo.
Tipo de energía: Proyectiva.
Metales: Estaño, Cobre.
Estación: Primavera.
Dirección: Este.
Tiempo: Alba.