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Loving a Fearless Sensitive Warrior

Based on an original text by Alex Myles

A sensitive warrior’s soul is magnetically attractive mainly because when she is not afraid to connect to her sensitive side and then expose it, it shows huge amounts of courage and also that she has found freedom within.

It signals a remarkable sense of individuality and strength and a sensitive warrior is one to be sought out. This is because her sensitivity means that she is aware of every drop of rain falling, each star that is burning as it falls from the sky and the sound of the enemy’s footsteps arriving from afar.

They are warriors who have stepped into their own power and their combat is living with a deeply profound connection to their core selves. They live fearlessly seeking for the truth and they know that the only truths they will ever fully reveal are the ones that are found living within themselves.

Sensitive warriors are prepared to take risks, to live meaningfully and with integrity knowing they will fall hard and fast at times. They not only question their emotions, they interrogate them to find whether the source is one of love or one of fear. They experience life intensely and they roam each of these roads fuelled with compassion, an open mind and a sense of purpose as they are in pursuit of finding the meaning beyond what is shown at the surface.

A true warrior’s spirit has fight but it also has flight. They are aware that they do not always need to stand armed and ready prepared to win a battle, sometimes walking away from the battle is the toughest battle they will ever win.

A warrior who is sensitive will know that this gift is a both a blessing and a curse. She is often in the wilderness alienated from others who find it difficult to understand her. It can take her some time to find out where on the planet her tribe resides and in the meantime she works out how to turn this loneliness to solitude. This is something that will be her greatest ally on her life’s journey.

The sensitive warrior knows that it can be extremely painful being so finely tuned to the harsh surroundings of a world that does not vibrate at her level. However, the warrior does not judge, she understands that each journey is significant and that there is no right or wrong way to exist. She appreciates that everyone has unique paths to navigate, and she only looks at her own compass for guidance.

She also knows that to be sensitive means that she experiences life on a dimension that not everyone reaches. The sensitive combatant explores her creativity, she listens to what is in her soul, and she can remain for hours just observing her imagination dancing its way through her mind.

Her world exists in full colour, and although those colours aren’t always the prettiest she will always feel alive. This sensitive warrior does not choose to wear tinted glasses to dull her world because she is afraid of what she might see. She adjusts her eyes constantly, and she doesn’t turn away, even when it is deeply painful to accept what it is that she sees.

The sensitive warrior is not afraid to be who she is and has wrestled at times with whether she is “too” this or “too” that. She often feels as though she has “too much” love or even “too much” pain for others to handle, but ultimately she knows that her “much-too-muchness” is the only way she wants to exist. She cannot compromise who she is without losing parts of herself so she knows that however difficult it is at times to live this way, it is the only way for her. To feel is to feel alive.

The sensitive warrior recognises that to give and receive love to others she must first give and receive love to herself so that she knows how it feels to accept all parts of herself. She knows that if she can find affection for the bits that aren’t so easy to love and still be in a position to deliver love to herself, only then can she possibly know that she can do the same things for all others too.

To recognise a sensitive warrior, look for the innocence in her eyes. A sensitive warrior’s innocence may at first appear as a sign of weakness or even naivety so it is imperative that you take a look again. When you look deeper you will find that it is the most enchanting and magnificent thing you will ever cast your eyes upon. The fact that she knows that she is vulnerable makes her become invincible and also be larger than life, which she conceives as a journey of her soul.


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