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What is a Priestess?

Practicing the Art of Magic. Witches witches witches... witches here, witches there... witches everywhere! Witches practice their trade of witchcraft preferably at night. They craft potions and perform spells. Their practice of magic as an art is not learnt, but acquired. Witches are witches by birth.
Having met some witches, having been acquainted with witchcraft, perceiving that there are witches in my Past life Ancestral lineage,
I feel Part-witch.
When I'm called a witch, it's not only a matter of words to me. But what soul reality is being midwived through words from the otherworld into this world. Because there's an ancestral midwifery art about words, one that is sacred an magical. Words can weave sacred earth stories and give light medicine bundles, softly embraced by a protective thread wrapped cocoon.
Said in other words.
When women were honoured for their roles as healers, teachers, guides, mothers. And their qualities of nurturing, caring, sensuality, grace and intuition were seen as strong, desirable, wanted and even revered. Women held circle and temple and rituals together that were seen to be of vital importance to the connection and community between them, and all those around them, as well as the Gods and Goddesses they honoured and were guided by. And these healers and teachers and guides and mothers were ancient Priestesses. Crystals, alchemical oils, singing bowls, tarot and guidance cards – all once tools of the Ancient Priestess – have found their way back into our hands.
A Priestess is a woman dedicated to opening up her powers of knowing, clairvoyant sight, healing, and manifestation, as well as her connection with the subtle realms, so that she may help further activate the evolution of human consciousness and the human soul. She channels from her connection to Source. A Priestess is a vessel of sacred lore… and a conduit, an intermediary, a medium, or midwife to others. She is a woman awake in her femininity and the power of the Goddess in her body temple. A seeker, a mystic, a poetess, a dancer, a lover, a warrior, a mother, a sorceress, a crone, the Priestess allows all of the ways of the Lady to live in her. She is a beacon of spirit and soul, radiating blessings around her and enlivening any being who comes into contact with her. A Priest­ess is a leader who embod­ies the qual­i­ties of integrity, truth, honor, wis­dom and higher consciousness. A Priestess honors her spiritual gifts and is a spiritual activist as a tenderhearted light worker in the world.
I absolutely love this piece of writing by Ronna Detrick about what it means to be a Medial Woman. These words offer me explanation for my very self: I am a medial woman.
I am a Medial Woman
The Medial Woman…is a representation of the strong-sighted and deep-hearted self who lives simultaneously in the world of light (our conventional, daytime domain) and the world of dark (the hidden realm of potential, the depths of the Soul and its making of things to bear, balance, unleash in goodness in the topside world). The medial woman in mythos since time out of mind remains rooted in both worlds, and listening to her ways and means in stories, we can hear, see, and feel the guidance this vital and soulful sense grants: “to live so strong, so wide, and so very deeply…as we promised to do before we ever came to earth.” (From Walking in Two Worlds: The Archetype of the Medial Woman. A SoundsTrue Audio Program by Clarissa Pinkola Estes)

These words offer me explanation for my seemingly-endless held breath. I hear my profoundly grateful and redemptive exhale deep, deep within my soul. A “yes” that resounds throughout all time and in this very moment. An acknowledgement and naming of what I feel, where I live, what I know, how I be.
These words offer me explanation for why I feel out-of-sorts. I see, name, experience, and feel the problem(s) with the world of light; the over-culture in which I live and move, but which often harms and increasingly does not feel like home. And I dwell increasingly, more often, way underneath, in the world of dark; the part of me that senses, intuitively and powerfully, that more exists and will not be suppressed…at least for long. My dark world is not easily understood (or accepted) in the light one. And vice versa.
These words offer me explanation for why I feel more tension than rest, more angst than acceptance; why there has been a lump in my throat for weeks; why the continual stirring within me will not be silenced. Thankfully.
And these words offer me explanation for my work, my calling, my raison d’être. I am a carrier of messages back and forth between the worlds. I trust the dark world – my knowing, my intuition, my creative Feminine force. I speak all of that magic and holiness into the light world. And I take what I experience in the light back into the dark – to mull it over; to throw it into my cauldron and let it cook down and burn away; to hear and hold the voices of other dark, sacred souls as they cackle with me in the brilliant gleam of our cimmerian fire.
These words offer me explanation for my very self: I am a medial woman.

And just maybe, these words offer you explanation as well.
May it be so.

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