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The Healing Witch

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What Is An Energy Healer? 🧙‍✨🔮🌱💚
If you are a highly sensitive person, you are probably also an Energy Healer-- the modern shamans.
In fact, that's the reason why you were born a highly sensitive person!
To bring healing into the world.

White witch and good witch are qualifying terms in English used to distinguish practitioners of folk magic for benevolent purposes (i.e. white magic) from practitioners of malevolent witchcraft or black magic.

Processes of Being an Energy Healer 🧙‍✨🔮🌱💚
There are 2 ways this works.
One is automatic... it happens when you are not conscious of the process.
The other is voluntary... you can choose to do it.

An Energetic Filter 🧙‍✨🔮🌱💚
The first way that highly sensitive people are Energy Healers is by far the most dangerous.
By their very nature, highly sensitive people take on energies from the world around them, in an unconscious attempt to heal the world.
Then they must process these energies.
This is a noble undertaking, but it is not without its hazards.
The energy fields you take on will mostly be negative energy. Why? Simply because that's the standard energy vibration in the world, so far. This means that on a daily basis, harmful energy can permeate your personal human energy field.
You can protect yourself, once you become aware of this. The self-protection for highly sensitive people is the first step in coming into your power, as an Energy Healer.
And it is vital!
Without it, you will end up too sick, deranged, or dead to be of help to anyone.
I don't want to be an alarmist. But it really is true that you must learn to shield yourself, for your own safety. It is training in becoming aware of yourself and keeping your personal energy fields clear and bright.
- From: Wicca SpiritualityEarth-based Enlightment
“The Healing Witch reveals unfailing support and guidance, influencing your romantic heart while presenting truthful knowledge. She nutures others with warmth and comfort.
A situation that heightens your intuition and renews your willpower soon makes some one you know feel better. Your own life will be bright because you seek the light and face the sunshine.” (smg.photobucket)

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