La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

Fox or Sionnach

Today’s card is from the Druid Animal Oracle by Philip and Stephanie Carr- Gomm with illustration by Will Worthington.

Foxes are normally solitary and have a diet that is mostly carnivorous but they have been known to eat insects, fruit, and discarded waste when meat is not available. They are originally woodland creatures.

The fox is known for it’s cunning (which is sometimes seen as a negative) though cunning comes from the same root as kenning and really just means intelligence. 

Sometimes we need to speak out and to come out into the open and be counted, but at other times we need to sit in the background, beware of what’s hidden in the silence between statements and watch how events unfold.

Keywords: Diplomacy, Cunning, Wilderness
One thing I love about living in Sri Lanka is the beautiful sunlight and vibrant colors...onto the message of the fox.
"The Fox is a fine, graceful creature who typifies the beauty and harmony of the natural world. Working with the power of the fox, you will know when it is time to come out into the open and be counted, but you will also know when it is time to remain silent, to keep your own counsel. With others you will be able to be diplomatic, and one of the attributes of the fox is being "strong in council". One of the hardest things, if you are a person working with "fox-power," is to ensure that your skill and diplomacy do not become dishonesty or shyness. Remaining silent or becoming invisible So as to watch the unfolding drama, is an asset that can bring with it it's own special culpability, if it is not tempered with wisdom"
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