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Full Moon in Libra

Full Moon in Libra. Full Moon. Lunar Sign: Libra. April's Full Moon (Lunar) Eclipse in Libra.
April 4, 2015
Whatever you call this Moon, it is a powerful one, and the first full Moon after the Vernal Equinox, signaling a number of religious dates of significance. For Western Christian traditions, this moon signals the coming of Easter on the next Sunday following this moon.
Lunar eclipses give us the awareness to bring a situation to an end, and to reset our relationships and life. Be attentive as many things will unfold, be the witness, observe your patterns and how the affect your life and your relationships. Major transitions will be taking place, a time to let go, to clear, purge and release. This full moon in libra will look closely at issues of identity and partnerships, revealing the power of our subconscious desires. The weeks surrounding an eclipse contain intensified energy and will bring to the surface issues that have been long neglected. Trust and surrender to this powerful transition, nourish and heal your body, mind and spirit. Don’t resist the change, embrace the shedding of old skin. Sometimes we need our feelings to get agitated to help us recognize what we need to release. Sometimes you need to nurture a emotional detachment from a person or a situation, we need to risk cutting off these old habits, like a sacrifice, in order to be able to receive the new and positive energy. The sacrifice of becoming more vulnerable and sensitive to the world around us, allows us to acquire wisdom in learning to balance our life experiences. Once you start to release, you will experience inner strength, emotional peace and completion. As a spirit guide, the crow will guide you in getting in touch with life mysteries and develop your ability to perceive subtle shifts in energy within yourself and in your environment. It has the ability to go beyond the illusions, especially duality of right and wrong. Crow is the keeper of the Sacred Law, allowing us to balance our soul. Crow is an omen of change, guiding us with mindfulness and truth. Be willing to walk and speak in integrity. Crow can teach us to be mindful about judgement. Trust your intuition and personal integrity, no matter what your experience, there is a complex stability in the larger pattern that invites you to feel stable as you expand and evolve. Living in a world of polarities, yet knowing that all parts are one, creating connectedness. Stability is a matter of perception, find where you can openly flow and expand in the midst of chaos. Seek stability in expansion, be open and flexible, allow change to open the doors of your destiny.
(NA) En chino, son la misma palabra la “xi” (felicidad) del nombre “xi que” (urraca) y la “xi” (felicidad) del nombre “xi shi” (suceso feliz), y el símbolo feng shui que significa "doble felicidad" aparece también representado por una pareja de urracas, que significa que “una doble felicidad ha descendido sobre la casa” con la llegada de estos dos pájaros juntos a la casa, que brindan felicidad, suerte, salud y longevidad a los esposos enamorados. En Japón, es símbolo de alegría.

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