La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

Life lesson for the day: The bigger the asshole, the better to forgive and forget them

Wood people excel or have trouble in planning, decisions, and action. When out of balance, they may procrastinate or lack hope.

Resentment, or anger and indignation experienced as a result of unfair treatment, is an emotion associated with the wood element. Those experiencing resentment may have feelings of annoyance and shame because of too many past memories that should never be spoken out loud. Then a person may become resentful as a result of a slight injustice or a grave one, perhaps harboring the same bitterness and anger over a small matter as they would over a more serious issue. The occurrence may be a true injustice or an imagined or misunderstood injustice. A person experiencing resentment may feel personally victimized but may be too angry or ashamed to discuss the resulting emotions, instead allowing the grudge to fester and be expressed in the form of anger. Feelings of resentment often result from the inadequate expression of emotions after the 'unpleasant subjective emotional impact of a pain experience' or trauma (what in shamanism is called 'susto', which can be either emotional, psychological, or physical). 

Though resentment can be fleeting, dissipating when one realizes an event was misinterpreted or receives an apology from the person who committed the offense, it can also be a persistent emotion. An individual may hold on to negative feelings, revisiting the distressing event again and again and becoming unable to letit go and move forward. 

For those who can relate, we all must know that the only way we can live without stagnant qi is by forgiving the past, EVEN when the person(s) who abused us does not feel that they need or want forgiveness. The only person one requires to accept completely in order to live in good health is one’s self.

- References:

FORGIVE ASSHOLES con Nadia Bolz-Weber.

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