La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

#lovers #devotion

Hoy leí lo que escribía Centehua ayer. No sabía que existía esa clase de amor, el amor verdadero, amalgamada en la experiencia de su vida en la tierra. Me alegro muchísimo. Y hablaba de las llamas donde los amantes se consumen una y otra vez por devoción a lo largo de los años de una historia de amor puro y verdadero, que les hacen más fuertes, resilientes, reales, fértiles, y receptivos a la verdad, hasta que recuerden quiénes son en sus formas arquetípicas y sus fuerzas elementales. Morir infinitas veces, quemar su ego sobre el suelo una y otra vez, por la gloria de renacer junto a la persona amada.

I have looked for you my entire life, I have found you not because you fit the fairy tale description but because you are willing to share in transparency with a soft but assertive tone and because you know how to take in the uncomfortable feedback and touch your blind spots. You found me not because of my form or voice but because I am willing to change my stubborn ways, not out of codependency, but because I trust you and I desire to show up and become who I know I am meant to be. I am honored and grateful to purify our vision together, to see one another in our radiance without denying the darkness that makes us whole. 
If you desire growth and magick, call in someone who will challenge you and help you dissolve your ego gently. I do not ask him to accept me exactly as I am for my cultural programming is dysfunctional and needs to die and be composted. I do not wish to hear his praises all the time, I desire the courage to listen to his wounds and taste the poison I have spewed. I am most grateful for the sacred mirror that is my beloved, a mirror with no filters, who reflects my beauty and also my demons, who asks me to step it up and who willingly lays his body upon the edge of my blade. 
May we grow in the likeness of the ponderosa pines behind us who wear the patterns marked by fire beautifully. It is fire who make us stronger, resilient, real, fertile and receptive to the truth. May the flames of devotion consume us over and over again until we remember who we are in our archetypal forms and in our earthly elemental forces. I will die infinite deaths, I will burn my ego to the ground again and again, for the glory to awaken anew with you my love, with you. For infinite lifetimes and life forms with you. 

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