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INFP Personality Type [Healer, Idealist, Dreamer, Harmonizer, Seeker] – Unicorn (because they’re just too special)

MBTI Animals INFP unicorn
INFPs are too unique to be associated with non-magical animals. Which is why they are unicorns. 

INFP Spirit Animals: What Best Symbolizes the INFP - Personality Growth

Unicorn- While many people might be surprised that certain mythical creatures can be spirit guides, it is true that the unicorn is an important potential guide. Of course if this animal is your guide you won’t make this connection in the real world, but this can happen in dreams or by seeing little signs in movies or books. It is certainly an unusual spirit animal to have, but that makes sense for the unique ways of the INFP. The unicorn actually represents strength and a sense of inner empowerment, which is ideal for the INFP. INFPs are naturally meant to be independent people who follow their own path in life. They are unhappy if they decide to walk the road that someone else expect from them. For the INFP to really thrive they need to break free from the expectations of those around them and allow themselves to be different. The INFP needs to connect to this inner strength and follow those firm in morals which make them who they are. 
The unicorn spirit animal also represents a sense of wonder and a belief in magic. While INFPs might not believe in magic in a more unrealistic sense, that doesn’t mean they don’t in their own ways. INFPs often believe in things like true love, and are capable of having faith in things greater than themselves. INFPs don’t just hold onto things they can prove or hold with their own hands, instead they have a passionate spirit which allows them to reach for the stars. They often believe in the things they cannot see, things like love and hope, and this comes from that strong sense of wonder deep inside of them. 

HSP INFP: The Highly Sensitive INFP Someone who is an HSP or highly sensitive person, experiences life in a much different way. They are naturally sensitive to the world around them, whether this be through emotions or even physical stimulus. They find themselves rather sensitive to things in ways that make them feel different from …
INFPs are naturally sensitive people, and so the INFP HSP definitely struggles with understanding themselves and those feelings they experience.
They might struggle to feel understood, constantly wanting to avoid being called “too sensitive” or “too emotional”. The INFP HSP is not easily understood by most people, which can make growing up rather challenging for them. Being someone who sees and processes the world differently already makes it easy for the INFP to feel alienated from others. Being an HSP does not make someone an emotional mess, it does not make them weak, in a lot of ways it can be used as a strength or tool to connect with people and the world on a much deeper level. INFPs do naturally feel things deeply, but as an HSP they are even more connected to those inner emotions. Not only are they often connected to their own feelings, but they become more acutely aware of the people around them.
One of the most important steps for the highly sensitive INFP, is to accept that there is nothing wrong with them. Being a highly sensitive person makes them more compassionate, and it makes them more capable of understanding the many layers of the world and people around them. This is something which can feel like a curse, but can also make the INFP a better and more understanding person.
Doing research is always helpful for INFPs, as well as finding other people who experience the same things as they do. Finding other HSPs, or more specifically highly sensitive INFPs, can help the INFP recognize that they are not alone and that there is nothing wrong with them. While they might be misunderstood at times, a major reason for this is because they are so rare. Being INFPs makes them rare to begin with, but adding HSP to that can make it even harder for them to feel understood. That doesn’t make it impossible for the INFP to find people who can appreciate their sensitivity, it just makes it feel that way. The more they become confident in themselves and who they are, the easier it becomes to connect with people who will cherish their sensitive soul in the way that they need. Not everyone is harsh and uncaring, the INFP just needs to be open to finding the right people.

Awkward INFP: Why INFPs Are So Weird Being called weird or awkward can certainly have negative connections to it, but to some people it can be endearing and sets people apart from being ordinary. Certain personality types can become pegged for being strange, simply because they have unique characteristics which don’t always fit into certain …
Being a rare personality type can make it hard for the INFP at times, never truly feeling like they fit in and struggling to find their place.

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