La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

Como pájaros en el aire

Esta canción de Mercedes Sosa me emocionó mucho cuando escuché la letra, pues retrata lo que siento cuando enciendo el fuego en mi cocina, pongo a bullir el caldero, la masa se vuelve pan bajo mis manos... La encontré gracias al bloc APRENDIZ DE PANADERA

Las manos de mi madre
parecen pájaros en el aire
historias de cocina
entre sus alas heridas
de hambre.

Las manos de mi madre
saben que ocurre
por las mañanas
cuando amasa la vida
hornos de barro
pan de esperanza.

Las manos de mi madre
llegan al patio desde temprano
todo se vuelve fiesta
cuando ellas vuelan
junto a otros pájaros,
junto a los pájaros
que aman la vida
y la construyen con los trabajos.
Arde la leña, harina y barro.
Lo cotidiano
se vuelve Mágico.

Las manos de mi madre
me representan un cielo abierto
y un recuerdo añorado
trapos calientes en los inviernos

Ellas se brindan calidas
nobles, sinceras, limpias de todo

Mayonesa casera

Estrené mi nueva batidora Braun Minipimer RM530 Sauce, y no me sale la mayonesa igual de bien que con mi antigua batidora Moulinex, que tanto me costó sacar de mi Cocina, y que al final ya saqué por muy viejita... :/ Tuve la duda de si realmente con esta batidora nueva se podía preparar mayonesa (?!). Encontré en el manual de instrucciones que sí, usando la velocidad turbo. Pero continúa sin salirme ni la mitad de espesa que antes... No entiendo. El vaso es verdad que es algo más ancho, pero... ¿Afectara eso a la cantidad de aceite que le pongo? Buscando, encontré esta video receta y este bloc. Dejo también apuntadas un par de recetas para mermelada de albaricoques (mmmmmm...) y de moras (oooooohhh).

Y buscando más videos sobre mayonesa, encontré este otro bloc recetario, donde explican con toda suerte de detalles, fotos de detalle preciosas, y... ¡tienen toda una sección dedicada a la cocina italiana! Quéeeee ganas tengo, ahora que vuelvo a tener mi Tiempo como Bruja, de ampliar, aprender, experimentar el mundo de las harinas, panes, masas.............................. (La Molinera y su Asno). Los Trabajos del Alfarero.

Star - Joie de Vivre

Aries/Libra axis, polarity, clash. Sun in Aries/Moon in Libra opposition. Struggle, strain, tension. Aiming at balace, harmony, adjustment, justice. Horse - the chariot from #thewildunknowntarot.
Two vessels, one containing moon energy (Libra. Air. Moon), and the other one, sun energy (Aries. Fire. Sun). Windfire Warrior. Spiritual Warrior. Dedication from #thewildwoodtarot. Having Windhorse means to have Life Energy and Spirit Essence. Aho!

Witches' Companion

L'Étoile and The Treasure Witch

“Cada Arcano, siendo un espejo y no una verdad en sí mismo, se convierte en lo que ves en él. El Tarot es un camaleón.”

Fragmento del libro La vía del Tarot,
Alejandro Jodorowsky, Marianne Costa.

L'Étoile - The Star

This is the card that tells you that you are being guided in the right direction. The picture displays a naked woman kneeling down beside a river with two jugs in her hand. She is pouring the water from the jugs into the stream. In the background is a large star, almost directly above her head and seven other stars around it. There are birds, flowers, trees, shrubbery and green grass around her. She appears tranquil and at peace in her natural surroundings.
If this is yourself, you are intuitively heading towards the direction of where you should be on your own personal path in life. You are also about to have much abundance enter your life through many and varied ways.

- Illustration:

Divinatory meaning
Upright – Fresh hope and renewal.  Healing of old wounds.  Hope. renewal of faith and hope.  Spiritual love.  A mental and physical broadening of horizons. Promise and fulfillment.  inspiration.  Influence over others.  Vigour and confidence.  Protection.
Ill Dignified or Reversed – Self doubt.  Stubbornness.  Unwillingness or inability to adapt to changing circumstances and accept the opportunities it may bring.  Lack of trust and self-doubt.  Obstacles to happiness.  Diminished life.  Inability to freely express oneself.  Rigidity of mind.

#cauldronlore #kitchinwitchin #plantsandherbcraft #herbalwisdom #greenmagic #wisewildwomen #theoldewitchesgarden #folkloreandheritage #herbnlifestyle #ancestralmemory #sacredfire #homeandhearthwitchery #thedomesticwitch

La cocina es el lugar de la casa predilecto de una bruja de cocina, y sagrado, todo cuanto acontece alrededor de un fuego. Todo está allí: athame, escoba, polvos mágicos, varita, caldero, fuego, botica... Es su laboratorio mágico, donde tiene lugar un tipo de alquimia especial... una runa de tierra, fuego, agua y aire... su lugar de estudio y meditación... el centro de energía y poder de la casa... el fuego del fabuloso castillo ambulante.

Teen Witch Tarot

Another of my favourite tarots, travelling with me through my personal growth and journeywork.

The Good Witch, Bad Witch Tarot

The Good Witch, Bad Witch Tarot by Gillian Kemp consists of a deck of 52 prettily illustrated cards - 26 showing bad witches and 26 with good witches... Witches, witches, witches! - presented in a boxed set that includes a book reading their meanings (and also an associated spell for each one). I first found out about this absolutely beguiling tarot deck at The Country Witch's Cottage, and later on in this same place in here.

But before then, it was in this forum that I learnt about what tarot is it, the author... and that I could have a look at the deck, since someone scanned the cards a while ago for their personal journal and had just uploaded it in their gallery. Hey, nice! Thank you for sharing the scans :) ***

A powerful oracle that resonates within me. My favourite witchy cards...

"She drinks of her own brew, happy to imbibe with her own creations and attain higher intuition through the magic and medicine of her own making. Her dedication to her life plans and aspirations brings changes, growth and happiness. Her recipe is a perfect wholesome one for body, mind and spiritual success."

“The Healing Witch reveals unfailing support and guidance, influencing your romantic heart while presenting truthful knowledge. She nutures others with warmth and comfort.

A situation that heightens your intuition and renews your willpower soon makes some one you know feel better. Your own life will be bright because you seek the light and face the sunshine.”

"The Treasure Witch brings precious gifts more beautiful than jewels."

I've been thinking about making further steps into my Forest - encouraged by the Forest Witch. I'm thinking about planting bulbs, flowers and even some edible root vegetable such as radish. And of course, to grow some medicinal and culinary herbs such as rosemary, origan, sage and peppermint. I have been experiencing what it means to be a caretaker of such a space, and I also think that I am beginning to understand where my path -both magical and mundane, since I cannot live but a holistic life that integrates the physical and the spiritual realms - is meant to go.

the chariot - strong will, triumph