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The Good Witch, Bad Witch Tarot

The Good Witch, Bad Witch Tarot by Gillian Kemp consists of a deck of 52 prettily illustrated cards - 26 showing bad witches and 26 with good witches... Witches, witches, witches! - presented in a boxed set that includes a book reading their meanings (and also an associated spell for each one). I first found out about this absolutely beguiling tarot deck at The Country Witch's Cottage, and later on in this same place in here.

But before then, it was in this forum that I learnt about what tarot is it, the author... and that I could have a look at the deck, since someone scanned the cards a while ago for their personal journal and had just uploaded it in their gallery. Hey, nice! Thank you for sharing the scans :) ***

A powerful oracle that resonates within me. My favourite witchy cards...

"She drinks of her own brew, happy to imbibe with her own creations and attain higher intuition through the magic and medicine of her own making. Her dedication to her life plans and aspirations brings changes, growth and happiness. Her recipe is a perfect wholesome one for body, mind and spiritual success."

“The Healing Witch reveals unfailing support and guidance, influencing your romantic heart while presenting truthful knowledge. She nutures others with warmth and comfort.

A situation that heightens your intuition and renews your willpower soon makes some one you know feel better. Your own life will be bright because you seek the light and face the sunshine.”

"The Treasure Witch brings precious gifts more beautiful than jewels."

I've been thinking about making further steps into my Forest - encouraged by the Forest Witch. I'm thinking about planting bulbs, flowers and even some edible root vegetable such as radish. And of course, to grow some medicinal and culinary herbs such as rosemary, origan, sage and peppermint. I have been experiencing what it means to be a caretaker of such a space, and I also think that I am beginning to understand where my path -both magical and mundane, since I cannot live but a holistic life that integrates the physical and the spiritual realms - is meant to go.