La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

El regreso de La Loba

Porque lo que es, es. Y el corazón traza la senda viva.

Sin proponérmelo, La Loba ha regresado, pelo a pelo... vocablo a vocablo. Y lo hace a través de las historias en los huesos que cuenta con su Voz Mitológica, la misma con que Hablan una y todas las "brujas", "las mujeres de los lobos", "las que hablan con las plantas y las estrellas", la que resuena y con que se reconocen cada vez que escuchan y responden a la Llamada. La Loba Celebra el verdadero sentido de las cosas, y canta sobre los huesos de la hermosa escultura blanca la canción del alma hambrienta. Hueso a hueso, cabello a cabello, la Mujer Salvaje regresa. A través de los sueños nocturnos y de los acontecimientos medio comprendidos y medio recordados, del vasto territorio profundo y salvaje de la psique femenina. La Mujer Salvaje regresa. 
Recuerda que, si te adentras en el desierto y está a punto de ponerse el sol y quizá te has extraviado un poquito y te sientes cansada, estás de suerte, pues bien pudiera ser que le cayeras en gracia a La Loba y ella te enseñará una cosa... una cosa del alma.
Dije que he regresado, pero no salió de mi boca que fuera para quedarme. Me apetece empezar de nuevo en otro lugar. Nunca fui buena quedándome demasiado tiempo en el mismo sitio. Siempre necesito mudarme. Como la Suerte.

Será mi sino de Loba Viajera.

Hay mucho en mí que desconoces, porque aún no has llegado. Yo voy hacia ello. Yo lo digo en el mejor sentido, uno vital, sagrado, antiguo y esencial.

Soy Una Mujer Antigua, una Mujer Medicina, una Bruja. Ya me he puesto enferma como Mujer Salvaje.. no puedo esperar a morirme sin dar alas a mi Legado, y que sea Herencia! Mi Legado no es de sangre, sino de alma. Es un Legado Espiritual. La Memoria de Mí Misma es Mi Memoria Ancestral. La Loba ha Regresado!!

La Memoria de Mí Misma, Mi Memoria Ancestral

Estoy escuchando Flauta Nativa Americana y Flauta de Pan... Me desperté hoy con esa necesidad... no puedo expresar la llamada que siento en el viento cuando escucho el sonido de este tipo de instrumentos... 🎼💓🎶💖
#elcondorpasa #elultimomohicano #littlesilverstar #callofthewild #bloodandbelonging #lallamadadelhogar #elhogardelalma #lasendadellobo

Me llaman "bruja", "mujer de los lobos", "la que habla con las plantas y las estrellas".

Indomable, jamás podrás decir de mí que soy una criatura domesticada...eso no. Jamás podrás domarme, ni tú, ni otro, ni siquiera yo misma. Mi rebeldía responde a mi libertad y es lo único que me ha mantenido viva, es lo único que no cedo a ningún humano jamás.

Allí donde toques mis alas y oses ensuciarlas te encontrarás revuelto en tu propia miseria, allí donde creas que puedes definir mi alma y darme por sentado, notarás que he sido mía todo el tiempo. Allí donde creas que puedes faltarme el respeto, te verás a través de mis ojos y te estarás despreciando a ti mismo por haberlo hecho.

Indomable, indómita como el río enfurecido, como el galope furioso de un caballo salvaje, como cualquier alma que se reconoce libre, absoluta, infinita. Indómita como quien sabe a dónde pertenece y a qué ha venido.

Sí, indomable...como quien ha caminado senderos tan cruentos que ha podido sentir el fuego del mundo quemarle la carne y ha descubierto la espiritualidad que encierra soplar aliento de vida en los huesos para lograr renacer.

Luna Celta -Memorias de una bruja-

Pequeña Estrellita de Plata

One's Own Healing Path

Vale, he estado barriendo fuera, limpiando el suelo del comedor dentro, avivando el fuego con restos de madera, voy a tender la ropa aprovechando el sol, me llevaré la basura y me iré a coger pinaza y piñas a la parcela. Ésta es mi vida ahora, Ahora estoy empezando a darme cuenta, ahora estoy empezando a Quererla, y Siempre Gracias a Ti!!!!
A mí en el futuro no me importaría que parte de mi Práctica del Oficio y el Arte pasase por manejar unas horas un portátil al solecito, junto a una repisa de piedra con velas y lámparas, incienso, madera siempre a mano, y a mano también me refiero al tacto, verde fuera, siempre, fuego dentro, siempre, fogón o fuego, carbón y carboncillo.
Voy a seguir buscando cacas por la parcela.

Me recuerda a aquella entrevista que me gustó, which was everything but feminist but super womanist by a super wonder woman who also happens to be a wild one as a matter of fact, Angelina Jolie.

La actriz dice querer apartarse del cine para centrarse en la maternidad, recibir clases de cocina e involucrarse más en otras tareas convencionales. « De hecho me siento más mujer porque siento que estoy tomando decisiones inteligentes en base a mis posibilidades, y colocando mi familia en un primer lugar, y estoy a cargo de mi vida y de mi salud. Creo que esto es lo que hace que una mujer se sienta completa», declaró Jolie.
«Sólo quiero hacer buenos desayunos y cuidar la casa», bromeó. «Es mi pasión. Además, a petición de mis hijos, tomo cursos de cocina. Cuando voy a acostarme por la noche, me pregunto: ¿Hice un buen trabajo como madre o fue un día normal?», cuenta Jolie que se pregunta todos los días. «Llevo nueve meses intentando ser un buen ama de casa, recoger la caca del perro, fregar los platos y leer cuentos por la noche», añadió. «Y estoy mejorando en las tres».

“I actually feel more of a woman because I feel like I‘m being smart about my choices, and I‘m putting my family first, and I‘m in charge of my life and my health. I think that’s what makes a woman complete,” Jolie said.
“I‘m just wanting to make the proper breakfast and keep the house,” she told Vanity Fair. “That’s my passion. At the request of my kids, I‘m taking cooking classes. As I go to sleep at night, I think, ‘Did I do a great job as a mom or was that an average day? ” “I’ve been trying for nine months to be really good at just being a homemaker and picking up dog poop and cleaning dishes and reading bedtime stories,” she said. “And I‘m getting better at all three.”

Kaphas – made up of water and earth

Kaphas – made up of water and earth.

Kaphas are mellow, easy going, friendly and sweet. Physically they can look a little heavy. They tend to have dark, thick hair and big eyes and lips. Kaphas are generally beautiful – think George Clooney, Angelina Jolie and Beyoncé. They have soft skin, and long eyelashes or thick eyebrows. Kaphas are very loving, and they made good teachers, parents and doctors. They want to help people, and they make loyal friends. They are slower learners but have strong memories. They take time to make decisions, sometimes even procrastinating.

To stay in balance, Kaphas need to exercise and socialize. They should be running, weight lifting and breaking a sweat every day. When out of balance, Kaphas can get depressed and lethargic. They often need motivating. Spicy foods are good for Kaphas, however foods they need to avoid include red meat, dairy products and fried foods. But Kaphas have a sweet tooth, and they love to eat, so keeping them out of the kitchen is a chore!

INFJ Witch

Wanna know me? Here's me in a nutshell.🔮 #INFJwitch #KnowThyself

CURIOUS 17 Signs You’re An INFJ, The World’s Rarest Personality Type    COMMENTS
INFJ, from the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator instrument, is believed to be the rarest personality type, and to make up less than 2% of the population.

INFJ, referring to one of the 16 Myers-Briggs personality types, has become a bit of a buzzword in the media over the past several years. The reason behind it: INFJ is considered to be the rarest personality type, making up less than 2% of the world’s entire population. They are labeled as “The Advocate,” and have been described as “mysterious,” “intuitive,” and “emotionally intelligent,” yet the type as a whole is often misunderstood.

Oh, and I am one. Perhaps you are, as well.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator test, created in the 1940’s by mother and daughter, Isabel Myers and Katharine Briggs, originally stems from the typological theories of Carl Jung, a prominent psychoanalyst. The test assesses an individual in 4 categories: Extroversion vs. Introversion, Sensing vs. Intuition, Thinking vs. Feeling, and Judging vs. Perceiving, and using these criteria, determines which category one’s personality most tilts toward. INFJs would be those individuals whose personalities favor the sides of Introverted, Intuitive, Feeling, and Judging.

INFJs can be difficult to spot due to the fact that they are not prevalent in society and tend to be reserved individuals. However, INFJs make fiercely loyal friends, empathetic and organized workers, and exceptional leaders for causes they deem worthy and for the greater good of humanity.

INFJs often report feeling lonely and “different,” and for good reason. INFJs are low in numbers so they tend to have trouble finding others who see the world in the same realm as they do. Most people who are this type have admitted feeling different from their peers since they were a very young child.

INFJs take an all-or-nothing approach to life. INFJs, a curious mix of emotional and logical, do not like to waste their time on anything inauthentic. Although they may dabble with playing the field, INFJs are truly about quality over quantity and will become disinterested in anyone or anything they perceive as being fraudulent, scheming or wishy-washy.

INFJs exude warmness, and others immediately feel comfortable in their presence. It is not uncommon for a stranger to sit down next to an INFJ and within minutes, disclose their most personal secrets, fears and dreams. In fact, this happens frequently to INFJs with seemingly no rhyme or reason. This personality type has a knack for making others immediately feel at ease, and they are great listeners and trusted confidants who speak in human terms and meet others where they are.

INFJs are somewhat empathic, and they tend to “just know” things. One of my favorite one-liners from Game of Thrones is by the character, Tyrion Lannister, “I drink and I know things,” and this can often be said of an INFJ, with maybe fewer libations. INFJs have a highly-accurate sense of intuition that they have been sharpening for all of their lives. Without understanding exactly why or how, an INFJ will see, within minutes of meeting an individual, their true character. As a result, they tend to be more forgiving of their friends who exhibit unruly behavior because they can identify the true root of the behavior, such as insecurities or past trauma.

INFJs ultimately seek genuine truth and meaning. This personality type does not care one iota about grandiose tales or extravagant gestures if there is not a true and genuine motive behind them. An INFJ’s calling in life is to seek insight and understanding, and as they develop, they often can spot a lie or half-truth in a moment’s notice. If they believe an individual to be a phony or a manipulator, they will have no trouble writing them off. Likewise, this type often enjoys traveling, adventures and experiences that heighten their understanding of the intricacies of life and promote self-reflection.

INFJs are true introverts, yet people not very close to them believe them to be extroverts. This happens because INFJs can be social chameleons and have an innate ability to blend in in any social setting. The INFJ can be the life of the party for a night or two, showcasing their inviting nature and vivaciousness. However, this is never prolonged because, in introverted-fashion, they lose energy from others. Those close to an INFJ know that this type prefers bars over clubs and barbecues over balls, and can give a speech to thousands of people but cringes at the idea of mingling with the crowd afterward. Eventually, this type will need to retreat home for some quiet time to “recharge their batteries,” or they will become very on-edge and exhausted.

INFJs have intense, unwavering convictions, sometimes to a fault. An INFJ has certain ideas about the world and a need to foster change in society. These are deep-seated and intense beliefs that they will never abandon. If a career, relationship, or law does not align with their moral compass, an INFJ will have no qualms about ignoring it or leaving it in the dust.

INFJs tend to keep a small circle of friends and prefer to work alone. Although an INFJ may have hundreds of acquaintances, if they call you a “friend,” you can be sure that they mean it for life. This type can count their close friends on a set of fingers and they will be loyal and devoted to these prized individuals no matter how much time passes between their interactions. An INFJ can be a great team player but the idea of group projects and collaboration meetings naturally make them sink down in their seat. These are people who enjoy working from home or in a quaint office with a handful of like-minded coworkers.

INFJs cannot stand small talk. This trait aligns with the need to pursue truth and all things bona fide. To an INFJ, small talk not only takes energy, but has little purpose as it is merely speaking to fill silence without revealing any deeper layers of the individuals involved. Do not talk to an INFJ about the weather unless you want to see a glazed-over look. Instead, tell them about the causes you are promoting, the wish-list of your soul, or the way you smile every time you smell lavender because it reminds you of your great grandmother.

INFJs are typically high-achievers and people-pleasers. If you want a task done right the first time, hand it over to an INFJ. They will plan every detail down to the minute and will always deliver a glowing finished product. However, when delivering criticism to this type, do it gently, as they take every word to heart and are always striving for perfection. This type is a unique blend of a dreamer and a doer, but they can easily fall prey to extreme bouts of anxiety or depression centered on feelings of inadequacy or failure.

INFJs are gifted in language and are often creative writers. In accordance with their introverted nature, INFJs prefer to spend time alone and develop enriched inner-lives with many hobbies and skills. This type has trouble conveying their emotions verbally, so they turn to pen and paper. This, combined with their creative nature, leaves no surprise that the majority of successful writers are, in fact, INFJs.

INFJs make decisions based off of emotion and insight. An INFJ judges the world around them and the people in it based off of how they make them feel. This type does not care about track records and performance history, instead they look for the heart of the matter and how a person or company treats them personally. This type will trust their “gut feeling” about a situation and go with that, which has almost always proven to be accurate.

INFJs like to reflect on deep thoughts about their purpose and the world around them. This type is a thinker. INFJs are old-souls who spend a lot of time in their own minds reflecting on their purpose and the meaning behind everything that happens to them. They are often readers, researchers and intellectuals who truly enjoy learning. Although this is a noble endeavor, it is essential that the INFJ has friends, typically of the extroverted type, who can help them to be less serious and relax every now and then.

INFJs are visionaries who always see the big picture. This type tends to always operate about ten steps ahead. They are skilled planners and focus their sights on the end goal and what is needed to propel them there. However, while INFJs are off in dreamland about their futures, they can sometimes forget to be present in the world that is happening now. As a result, they do well with other more grounded types who can remind them to live in the moment.

INFJs are “fixers,” and they gravitate towards people who need help. This type loves a good fixer-upper and with their ability to see the “good bones” of another person, their true motives and intentions, and to readily provide comfort and compassion, they fall victim to the Broken Wing Theory, or the idea that they can rescue others who have a “broken wing,” or who have been dealt a poor hand. This can be rewarding for the hopeful INFJ but also frustrating and depleting when boundaries are overstepped.

INFJs seek lifelong, true-blue relationships. This type usually finds themselves with intuitive extroverts, such as the ENTPs, ENFPs, and ENFJs. These types connect with the INFJ on the deeper plane of intuition, yet also will get the INFJ out of their own heads and out on the town on a Saturday night.

There's something self-empowering about self-care

There's something self-empowering about self-care. There's something magic about hair. There's something healing about cutting your own hair (even if it's not perfect). There's something uplifting about letting go of the old.

Mi Dosha es VATA

Iris Nabalo told me 💖

Vata es el principio del movimiento; a todo lo que genera movimiento se le llama vata, lo simbolizamos con el aire, pero, además, se le agrega la palabra vital, ya que este aire es diferente del aire atmosférico, es un aire biológico y por eso se le llama aire vital o vata. Controla el sistema nervioso central. Es la energía sutil que gobierna los movimientos biológicos, como el respirar, el latido del corazón, el movimiento celular, los movimientos musculares, la acción intestinal para la evacuación, etc., pero un  exceso de movimiento puede ocasionar un sistema sobre estimulado. Se libera a través del gas y de la energía nerviosa o muscular. Cuando sentimos en nuestro cuerpo algún movimiento, temblor, espasmo o dolor, es la energía sutil vata que está actuando. La alegría, el placer, el nerviosismo, son también manifestaciones de vata, por lo que vata gobierna también los sentimientos y las emociones, tales como la pena y el temor. Para comprender vata, es importante comprender sus cualidades. Vata es el responsable de todo el movimiento en el cuerpo y del control del sistema nervioso central. Vata es luz, seco, móvil, frío, sólido, áspero, afilado, sutil, fluido y claro. Un cuerpo en el cual vata es predominante expresa o refleja éstas cualidades.

“Vata posee todas las cualidades que usualmente asociamos con el aire. Seca así como una ligera brisa de aire, puede secar la ropa; enfría como una brisa puede enfriar el cuerpo al evaporar el sudor de la piel. Tiene la cualidad de la aspereza como en viento del desierto. Es errático o irregular. La resequedad es un efecto colateral de la movilidad, que es la función fisiológica de Vata. El exceso de resequedad promueve la irregularidad en el cuerpo y en la mente.”

Air + Space (Ether) "lo que mueve las cosas"

Vata derives from the elements of Space and Air 
and translates as “wind” or “that which moves things.”

¿Eres creativo y tal vez un poco impulsivo? ¿La gente se pregunta por tu cantidad aparentemente interminable de energía? ¿Estás curioso acerca de la dieta Vata ideal para el equilibrio? De acuerdo con Ayurveda, esto significa que eres una persona Vata. Un Vata equilibrado es alegre, creativo y vital. Son personas muy activas, impulsivas, entusiastas, alegres, optimistas, imaginativas, creadoras, sensibles, flexibles, aventureras y habladoras (suelen hablar mucho y rápido, pero les cuesta trabajo escuchar y estar). Cuando estás desequilibrado, puedes experimentar miedo y ansiedad. Para mantenerlo feliz y saludable, Ayurveda sugiere que se hagan ejercicios de bajo impacto como yoga, tai chi o natación. Actividades en contacto con el suelo y la naturaleza ayudan a tomar tierra. 

Vata Airy Fairy, the Elusive Social

Eres alegre, creativo vital y flexible. Los Vata tienen una característica clave, que es entusiasmo. Una de las raíces de que procede la palabra Vayu se puede traducir como "entusiasmo". Tienes una personalidad impulsiva y eres muy enérgico, divertido, inquieto y animado. Tu mente se distrae fácilmente y puedes caer en impaciencia e hiperactividad, saltando de una cosa a la otra. Como tienen éter y aire están gobernados por el cambio y la inestabilidad. Para ellos es más valioso el proceso que el fin. Tienen dificultades en focalizar, tendiendo a empezar muchos proyectos pero dejándolos sin terminar, lo cual les genera un sentimiento de insatisfacción. Les cuesta mantener una rutina. Se benefician de un guía que sepa canalizar su energía, pero que sea comprensivo y abierto a nuevas ideas. Tener fechas límite y plazos les conviene. Aprendes rápido, pero olvidas rápidamente también. Tienes tendencia hacia las manos y los pies fríos. Venas y tendones prominentes. Puedes tener el pelo seco, rizado y la piel seca. Sudor escaso. Rasgos y facciones irregulares. Igualmente, pueden ser altos o bajos, delgados o robustos. De mente ágil, te aburres con facilidad. Gran manejo de las palabras. Los antiguos rishis o sabios del Ayurveda seleccionaban las palabras con sumo cuidado y precisión,  pues creían que su etimología infiere en la naturaleza esencial de aquello que se define. Pueden ser grandes pensadores, maestros por naturaleza, viajeros y aventureros, artistas, líderes espirituales. Te gusta el cambio y la variación. Hace amistades con facilidad, mas por poco tiempo. Pasan por periodos vitales en los que desean estar rodeados de gente y otros en los que prefieren el aislamiento. Vata está regido por el cambio, la irregularidad y la inestabilidad, y así es la energía que rige su metabolismo, sus emociones, sus pensamientos. Para los Vata, la energía física y mental se presenta en oleadas, sin estabilidad. Es el primero en desequilibrase, siendo la principal causa de enfermedades. Responden al estrés con preocupación, miedo o ansiedad, y pueden reaccionar de manera nerviosa e incluso sentirse abrumados. Les cuesta tomar decisiones.

La calidez es clave para equilibrar Vata. Tomar un baño de sol, humectar la piel con aceite tibio de sesamo; los sitios calurosos le vienen muy bien; usar ya sea en su vestimenta o en sus habitaciones colores como el amarillo, el rojo, el naranja o simplemente colores brillantes y metálicos. Evitar lugares en donde corra el viento o con polvo y con altitud muy elevada. El tipo Vata ha de tranquilizarse, dejar de pensar en hacer muchas actividades. A pesar de que la creatividad florece en sus mentes, han de concentrarse en hacer pocas actividades, y más bien realizarlas de modo consistente, con regularidad, con tranquilidad y calma, y sobre todo terminarlas. Para el tipo Vata, es fundamental aprender a escuchar al otro; detener el pensamiento constante que sobrevive inclusive cuando esta en medio de una charla y verdaderamente estar, estar presente en cada momento, con cada persona con la que convive. Viajar mucho, moverse de un lugar a otro; estar aquí y allá, hacer muchas actividades, dejan a Vata, fatigado y con una sensación de aislamiento y soledad. Por ello es fundamental evitar el estrés y buscar lugares tranquilos para descansar.

Vata ha de procurar “detenerse y sentir la tierra bajo sus propios pies”. Es natural que trate de ir de un pensamiento a otro, de una postura filosófica a otra; de pensar hoy algo y negarlo mañana, de querer ser, de querer lograr; Vata por si mismo tiene un gran potencial para despertar su ser espiritual. Ha de aprender a detenerse, cerrar los ojos, sentir el cuerpo y practicar el no hacer. Cubrir su cuerpo con una manta para meditar es muy indicado, encontrar su centro, encontrar la calidez en su propio ser. Ha de evitar la soledad o el aislamiento en exceso y rodearse de gente calida con la que pueda tener contacto físico y en donde se pueda sentir contenida o contenido. Ha de evitar ir de un lado a otro y darse la oportunidad de estar en su casa, de crear un espacio de calidez y en donde se sienta a gusto.

En cuanto al ejercicio físico, para Vata es poco recomendable practicar deportes en donde vaya en contra de la gravedad, como los aeróbicos, el correr, brincar o escalar. Ha de preferir deportes suaves como la natación, la caminata tomando  conciencia de cada paso que se da; el yoga suave, el tai-chi, el chi-kung, y cualquier disciplina que lo ayude a volver a su centro. En general, ha de bajar ell ritmo y dirigir la mente a un ritmo más suave y conciente de la respiración en cada momento.

Debe intentar poner un poco de orden en sus hábitos tanto alimenticios como de sueño. Es importante que no coma con estrés, ya que no le sentarán nada bien la comida. Se le recomienda un vaso de bebida caliente antes de dormir para conciliar bien el sueño.

Y finalmente practicar la “regularidad” y aquel dicho taoísta: “menos es más”. Sobretodo, ha de aprender a descansar.

What is Ayurveda?

From Sanskrit, Ayur  'life force or vital energy' + Veda 'science'

Ayurveda is the ancient Indian science of what makes us alive. It is the sister science to yoga and like yoga it has been around for 5000 years and shares the same goals as yoga: health, longevity and enlightenment. When we have an understanding of Ayurveda, we can stay in balance physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually.

VATA is composed of the elements ether (or space) and air, with air (wind energy) being the dominant element. Vata can be recognized by its attributes: light, dry, airy, quick, cold, mobile, subtle, hard, rough, changeable and clear. It is the most powerful of the Doshas, being the life-force itself. Vata is often called the “King of the Doshas”.

AIR relates to all types of movement, including physical movement, the breath and even cellular respiration.

ETHER relates to our mental space or environment and emotions such as: fear, anger, delusion and desire.

To get to know the properties of vata think of the wind. The wind is cold (even on a hot day you can feel the coolness of a breeze), moving, subtle, and drying.

As Vata is composed of the elements ether and air. It is responsible for all movement related functions in the body, such as respiration, circulation, and the movements of the mind - thoughts. On an emotional level vata is responsible for the positive expressions of creativity and flexibility, but when vata is out of balance, it shows its negative aspects as fear and anxiety.

Vata types are enthusiastic, vibrant and quick to learn, but their mind tends to be restless, and even a bit scattered and rambling. If Vata predominates, movement and change are characteristic of your nature. They are often very creative, as well as lively, witty conversationalists. Vata types make excellent counselors or teachers, and are happiest when surrounded by the beauty of nature. The vata nervous system is usually on alert, and Vata types can be highly sensitive to sounds and spiritually perceptive. That said, vata types often have profound spiritual potential and can be extremely sensitive and attuned to subtle energies.

Key Words to remember: Grounding, Warming, Routine

People with a dominant Vata body type possess the qualities that many people associate with air – variability, mobility, and dryness. They are unpredictable, impulsive, and energetic. They can also be impulsive, have short friendships, and may start projects without finishing them. They are also quite active in sports.

Characterisitcs: Tends to have dry skin and fine hair. Intolerant of cold, windy weather which leads to cold hands and feet in winter.
Personality: Unpredictable, creative and artistic. Highly motivated but easily stressed, scatty and quickly exhausted. Tends to be anxious and avoids confrontation.
Common complaints: Prone to sensitive skin, headaches, eczema, nervous disorders and digestive problems.

Here are some of the common characteristics of people who have a predominantly Vata constitution.
↠    Creativity, mental quickness
↠    Highly imaginative
↠    Quick to learn and grasp new knowledge, but also quick to forget
↠    Sexually easily excitable but quickly satiated
↠    Slenderness; lightest of the three body types
↠    Talk and walk quickly
↠    Tendency toward cold hands and feet, discomfort in cold climates
↠    Excitable, lively, fun personality
↠    Changeable moods
↠    Irregular daily routine
↠    Variable appetite and digestive efficiency
↠    High energy in short bursts; tendency to tire easily and to overexert
↠    Full of joy and enthusiasm when in balance
↠    Respond to stress with fear, worry, and anxiety, especially when out of balance
↠    Tendency to act on impulse
↠    Often have racing, disjointed thoughts
↠   Generally have dry skin and dry hair and don't perspire much
↠    Typical health problems include headaches, hypertension, dry coughs, sore throats, earaches, anxiety, irregular heart rhythms, muscle spasms, lower back pain, constipation, abdominal gas, diarrhea, nervous stomach, menstrual cramps, premature ejaculation and other sexual dys-functions, arthritis. Most neurological disorders are related to Vata imbalance.

Favorite Color Calling is no accident! Each dosha, or mind-body type, has certain shades that help balance out your internal energies, which is the key to well-being! If you're a Vata mind-body type, you benefit from earthy tones, autumn tones! Now that autumn is here, we are in the best season for vata dosha. Since the Vata dosha is ruled by the elements of Air and Space, these down-to-earth shades can help you stay warmed, grounded, focused, and thus, positive and creative. Vata balancing colors are warm or calming. Candlelight yellows, ember oranges, sunrise saffron and vintage rustic copper are very pleasing in vata clothes, decor or choice in everyday items. So are rose, violet, blue, and deep reds. Avoid bright red—it’s far too stimulating.

When it comes to color, the most important qualities to consider in bringing vata into balance are vata’s cold and mobile qualities. These are balanced by warmth and stability. Most colors that are warming also have a mobile quality. YELLOW, ORANGE and VIOLET are fine colors for vata but alone can create too much excitement and energy leading to greater anxiety and a loss of focus. To remedy this, it is important to also use a healthy amount of the BROWN and GOLD colors which, containing the earth element, are heavier, grounding and stabilizing. Earthy tones of orange and yellow are also better balanced than brighter and lighter tones. In general, DEEP, RICH COLORS (not brighter) ARE the BEST forms of color to use to balance vata dosha. Softer pastel colors are the next best. Bright, iridescent colors are the most disturbing. 
#complementariesareapowerfulcombo #ayurveda
Update on September 30, 2019 




Eres relajado y tranquilo, amoroso y compasivo. Tu nivel de actitud y acción es de ritmo lento, lo que te hace propenso a la ganancia de peso y a un metabolismo lento. Te toma un tiempo hacer realidad los hechos, pero una vez que los hechos están allí, nunca los olvidas. Eres muy tranquilo y estable, pero también puedes ser posesivo y tener una tendencia a aferrarte a las cosas.

Eres relajado y amoroso, lo que te hace llevar bien con todo el mundo. Pero cuando estás desequilibrado, estos rasgos se convierten en inseguridad, envidia y terquedad.

Las manos y el corazón

Las manos, cuando estamos en el vientre de nuestra madre, aparecen en el momento que se desarrolla el corazón. En Yoga decimos que son las herramientas del corazón. Son una extensión a nivel energético, y cuando extendemos y trabajamos las manos está directamente conectado con el corazón como órgano y también como vibración. - Verónica Blume

¡Artis manus!, ¡artis manus!,
Manos en movimiento
son un corazón contento.

Copper et Turquoise

El cobre puro es de una tonalidad rojiza-rosada, y con el tiempo, debido a un proceso natural de envejecimiento u oxidación, aparece por contacto con el aire una pátina verde natural que se aloja en la superficie del metal, como también ocurre con el bronce, que al ser un metal de color amarillo, forma pátinas de muchos colores, incluyendo negro, café, rojo y verde.

Fox Muse

Making sense of the more-than-human world

And 'making sense' must be here understood in its most direct meaning: to make sense is to enliven the senses. To make sense is to release the body from the constraints imposed by outworn ways of speaking, and hence to renew and rejuvenate one's felt awareness of the world. It is to make the senses wake up to where they are.

The marvelous art today is by British painter David Hollington. He studied at Harrow School of Art and at Central Saint Martins College of Art & Design in London, and is now represented by The Rowley Gallery.

"Animals and birds are messengers, healers and protagonists within the narrative structure of my paintings," he says. ""I feel closely connected to forms of Shamanism where a channel is opened between the human world and the world of animals. I can't control this process when I am drawing, objects that are undetermined, shift and change shape until I begin to understand what the message is that I am receiving. At this point a key animal will appear and take the lead [...] In Sentinel and Precious Cargo the fox is a protector, ancient and wise and a symbol of our fragile ecosystem, reaching out to the human world for reconciliation." 

- Follow this link to read his wonderful meditation on the fox in folklore, literature, and art:
- Paintings: Medea and Sentinel by David Hollington


Native American Legends (Folklore, Myths, and Traditional Indian Stories). ...

In Rez Life, his first full-length work of nonfiction, Treuer brings a novelist’s storytelling skill and an eye for detail to a complex and subtle examination of Native American reservation life, past and present. ...

Elegantly worded by spiritual wordsmith Travis Bowman and vividly illustrated by Eliot Alexander, this parchment poster reference provides you with a wonderful invocation for the element of water. ...
Spirit, Totem, & Power Animal

“The Bard is both a creative artist and a custodian of lore and tradition, a scholar, poet, composer, performer, musician, storyteller, historian, and mythographer. The central principle of the bardic path is communication, chiefly through word and sound.”
– The British Druid Order

“A Bard has a responsibility to study relevant material, in particular, the traditions and stories of the Celtic path we are seeking to revive.”
– Dearbhaile Bradley, Elder Bard of Gorsedh Ynys Witrin.

Bardic colleges were effectively the Arts department of the Druidic ‘University’ and historically issued degrees in the style of Bachelors’, Masters’ and Doctorates. Bards were expected to know all the relevant stories of their tribe, the works of the ancient Bards, the histories, the pedigrees and heraldry, as well as the laws and metres of poetry and harmony. They were expected to have a fine voice and the command of an instrument. The college is further sub-divided into the schools of Poetry, Music and Heraldry (which includes storytelling). The common element to all schools is the use of words to enchant and evoke. A Bard must have an innate love of language and communication. It is recommended to study at least one Celtic language as it is always better to study Bardic Texts and especially poetry in its original language.

The Early Bards
Our cultural heritage, rooted in ancestral tradition, was born and bred within our own indigenous, sacred landscape, and bardism today continues to be inspired by its pagan origins. The first artists, storytellers, musicians, poets and singers were undoubtedly found among the shamans of old, who were practising the bardic arts over 30,000 years ago. Inseparable from both magic and religion, ancient bard-craft was an essential prerequisite for the priestly function in tribal society. Sacred verses, chants and ritual songs were given directly to the shaman by the denizens of the spirit world, of whom the tribal myths and legends told in order to transmit spiritual knowledge. Poetry not only formed the basis of devotional hymns and prayers, but played a vital part in prophecy, healing incantations and spell-making; also facilitating religious ceremonies and shamanic journeys.

In oral folk tradition, inspired by the earth herself as a living Muse, Druids of the Celtic priesthood used the bardic arts as their primary teaching medium. [...] These waveforms are the so-called Songlines, reproduced by the shaman-bard on hearing the Earth ‘speak’ in the channelled language of spirit.

The Awen is the central symbol of Druidism. It is formed by three rays of light and sound, which represent the three drops of wisdom that flew out of Ceridwen’s cauldron and provided with divine inspiration and sacred knowledge. Awen is a Welsh word derived from the Indo-European root ‘uel’ meaning ‘to blow’. It has the same root as ‘Awel’ the Welsh word for breath. There is a related word in Irish ‘ai’ which also means ‘poetic inspiration’.

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Inhalo: INVESTIGO para nutrirme. 
Exhalo: COMUNICO para expandirme.

Artis manus

¡Estoy *muy* contenta! porque con mis manos y mis (re)medios, he conseguido restaurar el blanco de ensueño del farolito que compré por fin, y que tenía en el jardín sobre la mesa de la barbacoa. Tras las últimas lluvias, lo he encontrado esta mañana manchado de óxido. Lo he estado limpiando con una mezcla de bicarbonato sódico y zumo de limón, aplicada primero y frotada con los dedos cuando reacciona. Así repetidas veces. Luego lo he enjuagado, lo secado con papel de cocina para retirar el primer agua, y por último con aire caliente a presión con el secador de pelo, para evitar que quede agua de nuevo en las juntas y bisagras.

¡La artesanía me parece lo más bonito del mundo! Y si este arte con las manos se emplea para reparar, restaurar, suturar, regenerar #healing me parece asombroso, mágico y emocionante. Debería tener en cuenta las cosas que, como dice mi tía segunda Mercedes Velten Díaz, repito de manera insistente y persistente, pues son cuestiones del corazón que bien hacemos en atender, son un mapa de deseos que nos guía por el camino que, según nuestra verdadera naturaleza, nos es propio recorrer. Y en ese recorrido está la dicha. Una que es posible alcanzar con las manos :-)

Arte es toda creación u obra que expresa sentimientos, con patrones culturales de belleza y estética, utilizando formas, colores, palabras, sonidos, movimientos, u otros medios o manifestaciones. El ARTE (del latín ars) es el concepto que engloba todas las creaciones realizadas por el ser humano para expresar una visión sensible acerca del mundo, ya sea real o imaginario. Mediante recursos plásticos, lingüísticos o sonoros, el arte permite expresar ideas, emociones, percepciones y sensaciones.

El término arte procede del latín ars, y es el equivalente al término griego τέχνη (téchne, de donde proviene ‘técnica’). Originalmente se aplicaba a toda la producción realizada por el hombre y a las disciplinas del saber hacer. Así, artistas eran tanto el cocinero, el jardinero o el constructor, como el pintor o el poeta. Con el tiempo la derivación latina (ars -> arte) se utilizó para designar a las disciplinas relacionadas con las artes de lo estético y lo emotivo; y la derivación griega (téchne -> técnica), para aquellas disciplinas que tienen que ver con la de obras y trabajos realizados manualmente y con poca intervención de maquinaria. En la actualidad, es difícil encontrar que ambos términos (arte y técnica) se confundan o utilicen como sinónimos.