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Introverts · Extroverts

Personality Comparison:
Introverts: In psychology, introversion is defined as "the state of, or tendency towards being wholly or predominantly concerned with and interest in one's own mental life." Introverts are more often self-consciousness, passionate, quiet, and deliberate.
Extroverts: In psychology, extroversion is defined as "the act, state, or habit of being predominantly concerned with and obtaining gratification from what is outside the self." Extroverts are assertive, enthusiastic, talkative, blunt, etc.
While introverts are more interested in their own thoughts and feelings, extroverts are more interested in what is happening around them―that's the basic difference between the two personality traits. Introverts seek their own personal space and don't like anyone invading it. On the other hand, extroverts are more into socializing and tend to welcome anyone with a smile on their face. Usually, introverts are reserved and don't have many friends. In fact, they don't even like unexpected visitors. Extroverts are open and make new friends with ease.

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