La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

I have to put an end to this communication

I cannot have a friendship blocked, shielded, protected
from whom I love and trust.
Something does not fit
And I may not see it right now.
My internal mess is enough puzzle for me
you know about my health issues. 

I'm a medial woman,
and I journeywork through the crooks and crannies between the worlds into crazy of another sort, namely the magical, otherwordly realm, ease like water over a stone, onto its fluid contours, and am home, 
but I live and move in the over-culture daytime domain, which is not my strong point, where I feel out-of-sorts, and I need a guide, an oracle to whom trust my life. He IS my Oracle. •´*¨`*•✿

And he's disappointed at my weakness, short sighting and my still dang bad habit of putting others needs, intentions and priorities before myself, even at my own expense, and also at the cost of our home and hearth. If this is so, I'm so sorry.

One who is so weak-willed, fatally compassionate, dangerously vulnerable, is to be set aside from the first line aboard.

You see, love, loyalty, honour, respect, justice, are not flighty, airhead matters in a wolf pack. And canid or not, wolf or not, I'm a witch, "brujas", "las mujeres de los lobos", "las que hablan con las plantas y las estrellas", and I belong to him and to the stars. .............................. Please leave me alone.


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