La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling


A fey and secretive animal, the Hare is usually active at night under the watchful eye of the Moon... leaping into and out of the Otherworld.. from where she comes with magical tools and misty insights.. gone in the blink of a eye, swifting swirly.. and leaving you wondering if she was ever there at all. Hare's Wisdom includes: strengthening intuition, receiving hidden teachings and intuitive messages, paradox and contradition, and living by one's own wits.
Worldwide folk tales tell of wise women (witches) who shape-shift into hares:

In the black furror of a field
I saw an old witch-hare this night;
And she cocked a lissome ear,
And she eyed the moon so bright,
And she nibbled of the green;
And I whispered "Whsst! witch-hare"
Away like a ghostie o’er the field
She fled, and left the moonlight there.

In some lands, Hare is the messenger of Goddesses, moving by moonlight between realms and worlds - there is a sacred connection between hares and various goddesses, warrior queens and female faeries.

Lepus by Karen Davis, Moonlight and Hares
Spirit by Karen Davis, Moonlight and Hares
Indigo Wood by Karen Davis, Moonlight and Hares

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