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The Nabalo Lifestyle
29 de abril a las 3:22 · Instagram · 
Aventurine is one of my fav gemstones. Its energy benefits our nervous system; and it is an amazing stone for people with migraines. This stone helps to release old patterns so new growth can take place and it can help you move forward with confidence + embrace change. 🌿 I’m filling it up with Peppermint and Fir essential oil and then sending it out to one of you. • Does this gemstone resonate with you? Let me know in the comment why it does!
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Genny Rose: Adventurine 😍 Just the sight of her wraps me in green velvet mossy comfort. When I was a younger woman (in my 20's), I spent almost 11 glorious years in a Tacoma pick up truck driving this glorious country from national forest to national forest, Alaska included. I carried a Rose Quartz in the left pocket of my jeans and in my right, sweet Adventurine. I also secretly called myself Adventurine 🤨 She was my astronomically free'est self, dancing from mountain peak to mountain peak. Laying that stone upon my body, it was as though it literally grew me.... so much the way Comfrey heals the bones in a knit-bone physiological sense, Adventurine mended & healed & grew in energetic manners. Like earth healing earth. I LoVe this that you are doing.... I can already smell it and feel the emanations of love flowing from your hand 💚
Iris Nabalo: Omg everything you just wrote speaks to my soul 🌿🌹
Samanta Vega Díaz:  !!!

Dear sister Genny Rose, everything you said about Adventurine in The Nabalo Lifestyle springs up like panpipe music, and your soul voice resonates with mine.💚 Thank you, lovely!! 💖 Keep dancing from mountain peak to mountain peak, and spreading your luminous words like seeds. xo Samanta

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