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Vata Goddesses of the Wind

Aurora/Eos/Ushas was the ancient Titan goddess of the morning red (Dawn), “Eos of the rose fingers” (”Ῥοδοδάκτυλος Ἠώς”, Rhododaktylos Ēōs), as Homer used to call her, who brings up the light of day from the East, illumination, awakening & growth.
Goddesses of the Wind are imaginative, vivacious, spontaneous, and sensitive- comprised of air and ether, you hate to be tied down, love a good time, you are the the life force that helps to support and perpetuate Pitta and Kaphas forward. Vata literally translates to 'that which moves things'- bringing mobility and change to the world around you.

Vata Goddesses are creative and communicative- you like to be the center of attention! Vatas are more inclined to Spiritual experiences as their minds and spirit tend to already be floating around in the ether. You are imaginative, sensitive, and intuitive. You enjoy a wide variety of activities and don't like to stick to just one thing for too long. You are a renaissance woman {or man} and a Jill {or Jack} of all trades, dipping your toes into whatever interests you. Your Pitta and Kapha friends may not understand this about you and consider you 'flaky', however, this is how you get the most joy out of life! Vata's do well in people oriented jobs where they can inspire others and enjoy creative problem solving. Due to your sensitivity and adeptness to spiritual practices Vata's make wonderful energy healers and practitioners. Because Vatas are subtle and mobile just like energy they are more keen to pick up on vibrational changes and shifts.
🔮Dinacharya to bring harmony back to your body.
• Eat warm cooked foods to stoke digestive fire and lubricate the digestive tract
• Warm Body massage with Sesame Oil
• Walk at a steady pace in nature- keeping warm
• Meditate daily- tune into the root chakra when feeling particularly 'ether-like'
• Vata's have permission to nap! Avoid caffeine and instead honor your bodies need to rest
• Have a consistent outlet for your creative endeavors and passions
• Start your day with warm lemon water and a good tongue scraping
🔮Vata Dosha & Home Decor
Vata may be attracted to wild, clashing, exotic artworks and constantly changing stimulation in their homes.

What they SHOULD have to promote healthy balance:

• Relaxing, slow lifestyle space
• Cozy, homey, quiet, tranquil respite from the stressful world outside
• Warm bed with a thick blanket and a hot water bottle
• Gold colored furnishings 
• Silk fabric
• Soft light, quiet sound and low volume calming music
• Flowers in deep, rich colors

• Geranium
• Juniper
• Lavender
• Myrrh
• Patchouli
• Sage
• Basil

Vata's sensitive and emotional nature has a need for insulation. Their skin is thin and their nervous systems are sensitive. The R value on their bodies is low and so they insulate themselves by removing excess stimulation, wearing warmer cloths, and shielding themselves from the extremes of the elements.
🌀Themes: Energy, Electricity, Nervous System.

 Joshua Reddekopp

- Extra: 
When they tell a story, it can appear they are talking with their whole body and or they might make a lot of hand gestures. In the mind and emotions, vata creates: excitement, joy, creativity, inspiration, intuition, imagination and amazement. Vata is strong in artists, dancers, writers, poets, luminaries, psychics and energy workers.
- More:

The ancient healing system of Ayurveda found that three basic forces; the Tridosha (Kapha, Vata and Pitta) exist in every human being and influence all metal and physical processes. We are born with a particular balance of these Doshas our body type; temperature and susceptibility to illness are largely governed by our predominant Dosha.

Vata people are like the air. Their moods change quickly and they often move on to new pursuits before finishing old projects. Generally imaginative, eccentric, exciting and excitable, Vata people move at a hectic peace. When balanced, Vata types are often artistic visionaries, idealistic and spiritual, they have a strong sense of unity and are often healers and teachers. A Vata out of balance may be indecisive, unreliable, restless, overly talkative, superficial and anxious. If completely out of balance, Vata people can be fearful, secretive, or depressed.

The Vata body may be thin due to inefficient method of expending energy. Vata prefer warm climates, food and drink. They become especially moody and anxious if they miss a meal. Lacking endurance, Vata often need time to recuperate; they thrive on healing massage and total relaxation. A regular schedule can help dispel their anxieties and promote inner harmony.

Put your Vata pillow among your bed pillow to inhale scents while sleeping. Knead pillow softly to awaken scent. Your pillow will remain pungent up to 6 months after packing is removed, depending on climatic condition.

If you wish to clean your pillow cover, remove it and gently hand wash in cool water with a mild soap.

• Ingredients: Acorus calamus, Brassica album, Cinnamomum zeylanicum, Elettaria cardamomum, Nardostachys grandiflora, Zingiber officinale.


If you scored... Then...
46 & up... Thin boundary
27 - 45... Mid-range
0 - 26... Thick boundary

Results of Your
Emotional Type Quiz
You scored a total of 54

The Boundary concept was developed by Dr. Ernest Hartmann, of Tufts University, and can be a useful way of looking at personality differences and understanding why one person may develop a chronic illness that is distinctly different than a chronic illness that someone else develops.

Boundaries are more than a measure of introversion or extroversion, openness or closed-mindedness, agreeableness or hostility, or any other personality trait. Boundaries are a way to assess the characteristic way a person views her/himself and the way s/he operates in the world based on how that person handles the energy of feelings. To what extent are stimuli let in or kept out? How are a person's feelings processed internally? Boundaries are a fresh and unique way of evaluating how we function.

According to Dr. Hartmann, "There are people who strike us as very solid and well organized; they keep everything in its place. They are well defended. They seem rigid, even armored; we sometimes speak of them as "thick-skinned." Such people, in my view, have very thick boundaries. At the other extreme are people who are especially sensitive, open, or vulnerable. In their minds, things are relatively fluid. Such people have particularly thin boundaries."
Based upon your answers to this quiz, you appear to have thin boundaries.

Evidence suggests that thin boundary people are highly sensitive in a variety of ways and from an early age:
React more strongly than do other individuals to sensory stimuli and can become agitated due to bright lights, loud sounds, particular aromas, tastes or textures.
Respond more strongly to physical and emotional pain in themselves as well as in others.
Become stressed or fatigued due to an overload of sensory or emotional input.
Be more allergic and their immune systems are seemingly more reactive.
Be more deeply affected -- or recall being more deeply affected -- by events during childhood.
In a nutshell, highly thin boundary people are like walking antennae, whose entire bodies and brains seem primed to notice what's going on in their environment and internalize it. The chronic illnesses they develop will reflect this "hyper" style of feeling.

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