La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling


On her breast and around Freya's beautiful neck, she wears "the jewel whose power cannot be resisted", the magical Brisingamen necklace.

Brisingamen ("flaming, glowing") represents the power of the goddess of Love, Life and War to revitalize nature, passion to everything that makes your heart sing, inner and physical strength, the ability to protect and fight for your rights and those of others and the power of love and all strong emotions. For me, it emcompasses a wider chakra, one comprising the solar plexus and the heart.

Freyja bargains with dwarves, grandmaster craftsmen, for Brisingamen 

Freyja in the Dwarf's Cave (1891) by Louis Huard

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