La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling


Being a fire/wind myself, I found it cumbersome to wade through all the detailed explanations and examples.
Many words are needed to describe an Air person’s personality diversity, but a few are listed below:

Clear; visionary and see opportunities, but often lack empathy at a personal and emotional level, which is why they may appear fanatical to the people around them; easily bored and tend to get depressed if their intellect is not stimulated; like to speak and write; constantly gather and spread new knowledge; future oriented; want to understand; intellectual and not particularly sexual or material by nature; they are absorbed in their interests in specific issues; they have personal power because of their insight and knowledge; they are firm if things are deadlocked; sensible; diplomatic; innocent and at times naive in their approach to life; mentally intuitive and mentally active with a good memory; intellectual; analyzing; perfectionist in certain areas; always thinking about something; always well-prepared at meetings and in other activities in general; realistic; straightforward; fair and want to be thanked for their efforts; respectful of others; specific; controlling;

Air people are brilliant, curious, independent, talkative (they literally fill the air with words), and entertaining, but they are also impractical and restless. Air people are intellectuals always on a quest for new information.

And while air people have an enormous propensity to develop new ideas and tell stories (they are perhaps the best storytellers), they have a hard time truly connecting emotionally to others, even though they want nothing more than to be completely understood. It’s crucial, then, for air people to learn how to give weight to their words and tap into the earth and be grounded.
Intuition informs people us about meaning and implication. It tells us how situations are likely to develop in the future. Intuitive types seem to simply know things; they have hunches but do not know how they know. Intuition is the action of the imagination. People with extroverted intuition know where society is headed and will likely be leaders of new technologies, businesses and fashion trends. They thrive on new ideas and projects. Introverted intuition is the action of creative writers and daydreamers. Intuitive introverts can be happy to dream their lives away without ever bringing their dreams to fruition; they start more than they finish.

Typically, we have one or more of these elements in our astrological charts. By having a better understanding of how these elements are incorporated in your birth sign, the greater self-awareness you will have.

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