La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

The power of the deer: Clearly, I See. Clearly, I Walk.

Deer Nation combine their high sensitivity, attuned intuition and psychic gift, and this means that they have the innate ability to "feel", "know", masterly interpret the energy, feelings, emotions and vibes that exude from people, places, spirits, animals or anything that really contains energy around them, and which isn't seen - this is called in shamanism Clairsentience ('clear-feeling'), and a clairsentient individual has the ability to clearly feel energy in their surrounding, the capacity to deeply understand the energetic vibrational state of their environment, they are a conduit of what is known in Peruvian shamanism as kawsay or how to live in harmony between the air and the earth that contain us (which reminds me of the Egyptian symbol for Libra, my Moon/Lunar Sign). In this sense, a shaman woman is referred to as the shamanka or 'the one with deer skin' -, with their natural energy, strength and determination (their stamina and physicality being the expression of my Sun/Solar Sign, Aries, the other side of the coin or axis).

Deer Medicine Empowerment

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