La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling


Food is often a necessary vehicle between one’s ancestors or the spiritual forces that guide their destiny. - Michael Twitty @thecookinggene ::
I would love to add growing food is often a necessary vehicle between our bodies and those whose bodies have divided and brought us here. .
In this round of Blood + Belonging I think I’ll spend more time and energy in the food as ancestors space :: the deeper I get into this work, this exploring, the retelling of the story of my near and far culture, the more I find myself in the dirt or the kitchen or filling my belly. Anything that brings me closer to seed or soil or fire or pot, I am remembering a deeper meaning of being human. . .
I am so grateful for this bounty of goodness from my generous garden. .

Want to write ancestral stories with me? Link in bio for more info. .
#bloodandbelonging #food #culture #ritual#ancestral #writing #writersofinstagram
Marybeth Bonfiglio. Writer.

Erin - The Irish have such a different history around food. The Great Hunger, being a big part of that. Still, or maybe because of that, food is a big part of my ancestral practice and veneration. It is why there is always food on the altar. It is why I bake their bread for offerings and connection. It is why I have climbed out of bed in the middle of sleepless nights to boil, or bake a potato, often on or in the wood stove, through tears and longing, simply to provide for their hungry souls. "Cothaigh" is the word for both nourish and nurture. I think of that word, often.

Me - "Cothaigh" 💗<3!!! I'll keep this word, it means what I feel. Thank you so much!

Erin - Samanta, to pronounce it, remember the "th" and the "gh" are both silent (if you do not speak Gaeilge). You are welcome. 💗<3

Me - Erin, thank you! As a philologus, I treasure these stitches so much.
Erin - Samanta, unbelievable! Very recently I was telling one of my daughters that, had I known about such a thing when I was younger, I would have loved to study philology!

Me - Dear Erin, then you're a fileuse de mots in the heart.💗<3

Erin - That is gorgeous...and I will claim that!

Me - Erin 💗<3 !!!

Marybeth Bonfiglio - Fileuse de mots in the heart for real Erin 💜🖤
This thread!

Magic Air Personality.•´*¨`*•✿ Mixing Up Magic with a Pinch of This and a Dab of That?

TEST - Magical Four Element Personality Test ⭐


La teoría de las cuatro raíces de Empédocles (cerca del 450 a. C.) es mencionada por Aristóteles. Empédocles nos dice que:

El Fuego es a la vez caliente y seco.
La Tierra es a la vez fría y seca.
El Aire es a la vez caliente y húmedo.
El Agua es a la vez fría y húmeda.

En la alquimia los 4 elementos se representan con triángulos equiláteros. Un triangulo que apunta al cielo significa el elemento Fuego. Si apunta hacia arriba pero esta atravesado por una linea horizontal, se trata del elemento Aire porque el aire siempre se alza por encima del fuego. Si el triangulo equilátero apunta hacia abajo esta simbolizando al elemento Agua. Si apuntando hacia abajo el triangulo es atravesado por una linea horizontal, representa al elemento Tierra porque el agua siempre penetra en la tierra.
Teniendo en cuenta los elementos, la magia la dividiremos así:

Magia del Fuego: Poder y Energía
Magia de la Tierra: Poder de lo Perenne
Magia del Aire: Poder de la Mente
Magia del Agua: Poder del Sentimiento

“A pilgrimage asks that we give up everything so we might learn what is truly ours.” - Sharon Blackie

Are You a Type Three Woman?

Are You A Type One Woman?
Were you told to “hold still” a lot as a child? Did you get easily distracted? Do you worry that people think you are irresponsible or immature? All of these things, which are put in a negative light, could actually be indicators of your greatest gifts!

In the Dressing Your Truth System (which I have explained in More Than a Makeover Part One and More Than a Makeover Part Two), all people have special innate gifts and talents which are manifested through their energy type. There are four energy types (which I discussed briefly in Part One). Today, I will discuss more in depth the characteristics of the Type One Woman.

The Type One Woman is naturally buoyant and light. She brings a bright energy and excitement to her interactions. She is often very expressive with her hands and facial expressions. Even her physical features exhibit a youthful, uplifting quality. As you can see in the example of the Type One woman above, she has dimples and an overall youthful, cute quality in her face. (Not all Type One women will have dimples, but most will appear younger than their age).

Two of my daughters are Type Ones. My oldest is very expressive and often flings her hands up in the air.

Were you told to "hold still" a lot as a child? Did you get easily distracted? Do you worry that people think you are irresponsible or immature? All of these things, which are put in a negative light, could actually be indicators of your greatest gifts!She also cycles through emotions very quickly. Freaking out one minute, then being excited the next. My youngest daughter has boundless energy and majors in silliness. She has the biggest, brightest smile along with large, round eyes. Both of them bring a needed energy and lightness to our family.

Were you told to "hold still" a lot as a child? Did you get easily distracted? Do you worry that people think you are irresponsible or immature? All of these things, which are put in a negative light, could actually be indicators of your greatest gifts!

(I must note here that men also fall into each of the four types, but for our purposes, we are just talking about women and girls).

Type One Women have many gifts that are a blessing to all of us. Here are just a few of them:
  1. You bring a light, cheerful energy to any space you enter. Although you might not consider yourself “the life of the party,” you nevertheless have an uplifting presence.
  2. You are generally optimistic and don’t stay in bad moods for long.
  3. You are light-hearted and attract many people to you.
  4. You are full of ideas! Sometimes you have so many that you get overwhelmed or don’t know where to start. But what this really means is that you are brilliant, and with the right team of people, you can bring your ideas to life.
  5. You look for ways to have fun in everything you do.
  6. You easily love and accept people.
  7. You are open to new ideas and can adapt yourself well to many situations.
Type One Women sometimes have challenges with the following things:
  1. You might act without fully thinking through the consequences of a situation.
  2. Your lightness might be viewed as insincerity by others.
  3. Your method of accomplishing things may appear random and scattered.
  4. Because you are expected to be light and cheerful, you may bury pain instead of dealing with it in a healthy way.
  5. Of course, these are only a short smattering of the gifts and challenges of the Type One Woman. Here are some other key words that might help you identify yourself as a Type One Woman.
You might be a Type One Woman if you are:
  • Active
  • Adventuresome
  • Bouncy
  • Bright
  • Carefree
  • Charismatic
  • Charming
  • Creative
  • Cheerful
  • Cute
  • Easy-going
  • Enthusiastic
  • Flexible
  • Flirtatious
  • Friendly
  • Funny
  • Generous
  • Imaginative
  • Impulsive
  • Light-hearted
  • Open-minded
  • Outgoing
  • Optimistic
  • Playful
  • Random
  • Sweet
  • Youthful
Some famous women who are Type One Women are Reese Witherspoon, Drew Barrymore, Doris Day, Sally Field, Rachael Ray, and Katie Couric.

I’d just like to note that nobody is 100% one type or the other. We all have elements of each of the four types in our natures. However, one type will be dominant. So even though all of the key words may not describe you, if many of them do, you are quite possibly a Type One Woman. If you want to be sure, there is a free online course you can take to find out. I also highly recommend reading “It’s Just My Nature!“ by Carol Tuttle. (You can order it by clicking on the link, or your local library may also have it). Both the online course and the book go over all four types in depth. Understanding the gifts and challenges of each of the four types has helped me understand not only my family better, but almost everyone I interact with. It has helped me be less judgmental and more understanding.

Once you discover your type, there is a whole system of dressing that helps you express on the outside who you really are on the inside. You can read about this in More Than a Makeover Part One and More Than  Makeover Part Two. I love this program because it has helped me know with certainty how to look great every single day! And when I look great, I feel great. I also love Dressing Your Truth because it looks at the heart and mind of a woman rather than her outward appearance (skin, eye, hair color, etc.) to determine what will bring out her greatest, true beauty.

Dressing Your Truth used to be a paid program, but is now FREE!  You go through an online video course where you learn about each of these things in detail, along with the types of jewelry and hairstyles that look best on you. At the end of the video course, they show three makeovers of women for your type. They are amazing! I love to see the transformations of the women and how their outward appearance truly reflects and honors their innate gifts. During the free online course, you have the option to purchase a style guide and pattern guide that you can take shopping with you. It shows samples of the colors that look great on you, and tells you what you should look for in design line, texture, fabrication, and pattern in your clothing.

Are You A Type Two Woman?
Do people constantly tell you to "hurry up?" Do you chide yourself for being "too sensitive?" Do you have trouble making decisions? All these things could indicate that you are a Type Two Woman. The good news is, these seemingly negative things are actually indications of some of your greatest gifts! Read this article now to understand yourself in a way you never have before!

You can even see her Type Two nature expressed in her face. Many (but not all) Type Two women have large “doe eyes,” and soft cheeks that flow into the rest of their face. You can see that her skin tone is very even, blended and smooth. There is a gentle, fluid quality about her face.

Here are just a few of the gifts of the Type Two Woman:
  1. You are very observant and notice little details that others may miss.
  2. You are a “connector,” helping people come together in a loving way.
  3. You are thorough and careful. A job you do is done well.
  4. You are steady and reliable.
  5. You are a peacemaker.
  6. You are kind-hearted, patient, and gentle.
Type Two Women may have the following challenges:
  1. You get too caught up in the details and can’t see how to move forward.
  2. You may be too attached to objects and memories (either good or bad) and not be able to let go of resentments and move forward in your life.
  3. You may be so concerned about others’ feelings that you neglect your own.
Here are some key words that may help you identify yourself as a Type Two Woman:
  • Careful
  • Comfortable
  • Conscientious
  • Elegant
  • Gentle
  • Gracious
  • Lovely
  • Modest
  • Neat
  • Particular
  • Refined
  • Romantic
  • Sensitive
  • Sweet
  • Thoughtful
  • Warm

Some famous Type Two Women are Princess Diana, Jane Seymour, Emma Thompson, Grace Kelly, Barbara Streisand, and Julia Roberts.

If you are still not sure if you are a Type Two Woman (or you know you are not, but want to know which type you are) there is a free online video course you can take. I also highly recommend the book “It’s Just My Nature!” by Carol Tuttle. (You can order it by clicking on the link, or your local library may also have it). The book is extremely helpful and thorough and will help you not only understand yourself, but your husband, children, co-workers, and everyone around you!

Once you discover your type, there is a whole system of dressing that helps you express on the outside who you really are on the inside. You can read about this in More Than a Makeover Part One and More Than  Makeover Part Two. I love this program because it has helped me know with certainty how to look great every single day! And when I look great, I feel great. I also love Dressing Your Truth because it looks at the heart and mind of a woman rather than her outward appearance (skin, eye, hair color, etc.) to determine what will bring out her greatest, true beauty.

This free online course will teach you all about the colors that look best on you, as well as what you should look for in design line, texture, fabrication, and pattern in your clothing. It also gives you guidelines for your hair, jewelry, and other accessories. The videos are so fun to watch, and it is great to learn the “secret formula” for looking great every single day! I love not having to guess any more and “hope” that I look good. With this system, I know for sure! You’ve heard the saying that “beauty is only skin-deep.” This program looks at the beauty beneath the skin and brings it to the surface! It’s the beauty you bring to the world through your divine nature and innate gifts. And when what you wear on the outside matches who you truly are on the inside, that beauty is only magnified!

Ojo con el chucrut envasado y pasteurizado que venden en los supermercados “fermentados” con vino o vinagre. Al haberse sometido a temperaturas relativamente altas las bacterias beneficiosas del fermento han desaparecido y no tienen ningún efecto sobre tu salud intestinal.

Querida Kati, a parte de confirmar que el chucrut que sale de un bote pasteurizado comprado en el super no tiene ningún efecto sobre nuestra salud intestinal, por haber desaparecido las bacterias beneficiosas del fermento al haberse sometido a temperaturas relativamente altas, creo que aquí tenemos suficiente información para darnos ese empujoncito que nos falta para empezar a preparar nuestros fermentos reales. Estoy convencida de que, una vez empecemos, será un no parar jiji 


“A pilgrimage asks that we give up everything so we might learn what is truly ours.”
Author: Sharon Blackie | Art by Gaia Orion

A n c e s t r a l s t o r i e s . A n c e s t r a l e a t i n g .

@semillas_solares Para mi cocinar también es una forma de decir te quiero 💚
Si quieres comer puedes ir a alguno de los establecimientos de comida rápida pero si quieres alimentarte y nutrirte, tienes que cocinar.
Cocinar no requiere mucho tiempo, requiere una motivación y es ofrecerle a tu cuerpo el mejor combustible posible.
Para mi cocinar es como meditar, estoy muy presente en ese momento, mi creatividad se activa, disfruto probando nuevas combinaciones, nuevos sabores e igual que en la meditación, prefiero estar a solas.
Si hay gente a mi alredor me despisto, siento que cocino en “piloto automático” y mi alma y mi gratitud no llegan a los alimentos.
Quienes me conocen dicen que cuando cocino soy como un monje zen, tranquila, sonriente y con gestos suaves, nada de prisas ni ruidos.
Para mi cocinar es un momento de alquimia, de creatividad y luego llega el momento de compartir, de nutrir, de alimentar y de decir te quiero.
Y para ti, qué significa cocinar? 😉 .
#comida #healthy #healthyfood #saludable #bienestar #lifestyle #estilodevida#reflexiones #vidasana #singluten #glutenfree #slow #vidasaludable#alimentacionsaludable #plantbased 💗🦄
samantavegadiaz ❤️!!! Sigo pensando que somos dos brujillas con mucha afinidad. A veces no sé cómo expresar en público ese "prefiero estar a solas" cuando cocino, que aunque soy una brujita de cocina, eso no significa que sea una gran cocinera según lo comunmente aceptado y, por tanto, esperado, y que ni mucho menos se me da bien cocinar para muchos comensales, porque yo soy de tribu íntima, la mayor parte de las veces sólo uno, a quien le digo te quiero con cada plato que cocino en casa cada día de nuestra vida juntos.
#risekitchenwitch #doyourthing #ownyourmedicine #moveinyourmagic #foodandbelonging


  • manamedicinals::ᴸᴬᶜᵀᴼᶠᴱᴿᴹᴱᴺᵀᴬᵀᴵᴼᴺ::
    What’s the deal with lactofermentation anyways and what are the health benefits? How is it different than using vinegar?
    Lactofermentation is the process of feeding starches and sugars to natural bacteria in the food, creating lactic acid. Lactic acid fermentation converts lactose {a sugar} into lactic acid {a beneficial bacteria}. The vegetables like cabbage and cucumbers are left to steep in a salt brine and the sugars eventually are broken down to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria as well as B vitamins and omega 3 fatty acids.
    There are several benefits to fermenting food: it enhances the digestion of food and the bioavailability of nutrients and the beneficial bacteria fermented veggies contain feed the good guys in your gut. Since over 70% of the immune dry stem lies in the gut, having a proper balance of gut flora is crucial to our immunity.
    Fermentation is also good for preserving food, when vegetables are fermented acetic acid, alcohol and lactic acid are formed, which are all bio-preservatives that retain nutrients and prevent spoilage. Lactic acid actually reduces the pH and therefor inhibits the growth of harmful bacteria!
    By lactofermenting pickles and cabbage for kraut or kimchi instead of simply using vinegar it increases vitamin C, folate and manganese which protects our blood vessels as well as our immune system. Fermented veggies have a high content of vitamins, minerals, dietary fiber as well as a wide range of phytochemicals.
    It’s easy to do at home and through not exposing the vegetables to heat {such as the process of canning for sore bought pickles and kraut} the vegetables remain enzyme rich and raw! It’s such a simple way to preserve your garden harvests and a fun project to get creative and experiment with + it supports good gut health! What are your favorite veggies to ferment? Let me know in the comments!
  • serbamilkywayYUM ♥️Black radish , cabbage , beets, cucumbers , ginger , eggs ... ummm pretty much any veggie :) ferments forevaaa //

10 reminders/ways to feel more confident! || Harmony Nice

Navigating through the outside world as a HSP

In the same way as a HSP it is my own responsability to develop strategies and acquire tools in order to navigate through the outside world, I no longer get angry or drive nuts about botches and fails out there in this flawed world. The sooner you admit that the outdoors is far from perfect, the better. Imperfection is reality, and reality is beauty. So it is life. Live it your own way and at your own pace. 

In health xo

Enneagram mind map - Personality Type Four

Enneagram mind map/ Green is Type 4 - and it goes clockwise from there. 

Enneagram Type Four (the Romantic Individualist) 

The Sensitive, Introspective Type:
Expressive, Dramatic, Self-Absorbed, and Temperamental

Fours are emotionally complex and highly sensitive. They long to be understood and appreciated for their authentic selves, but easily feel misunderstood and unappreciated. They have a tendency to withdraw in the face of a world that seems harsh or crude, and are often somewhat moody or temperamental. They are emotionally centered and spend much of their lives immersed in their internal mental landscapes, where they feel free to cultivate and analyse their feelings. A desire to manifest this internal world often leads Fours to an interest in the arts, and some do become actual artists. Whether artistic or not, however, most Fours are aesthetically sensitive and concerned with self-expression and self-revelation, whether it be in the clothes they wear or in the overall nature of their often idiosyncratic lifestyles.
Not only do 4-Romantics often have gifts of expression, such as being musical, artistic, and/or good with words, they often feel the need to express themselves. 

Girl and horse.

- Extra: