La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling


Title: Beloved
Soul Whisper: “Beloved” is a reminder of the importance of self-love. As I worked on her I thought about all the ways in which I had worked to become the best partner and mother I could be. It was a promise I had made as I stepped into each of these phases in my life. I had never made that promise or commitment to myself. Beloved’s message is to honor, respect, and cherish your Self. She reminds you to become your own "beloved".
The string tied around her hands symbolizes that she is complete unto herself. The key reminds her that she is the keeper of the gate...she is the only one that can open her heart to the “Beloved”.
This sweet one will be presented in the Handmade Holiday Event Part 2. Comment below for a tag or invite 
Samanta Vega Díaz Dear Jennifer Albin, I have a problem of translation, so I'd better ask the maker <3 ... she is the only one that can open her heart to the “Beloved”. What did u mean, to the beloved-she or her beloved?

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