La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

It's time, my darling girl

Will Frolic For Food
18 h
Happy new year! I spent NYE meditating, journaling, hanging with two of my girlfriends, making and eating delicious food, drinking red wine, laughing and reading tarot together. We were joking about how “New Years is a construct” — it’s funny because it’s true. We arbitrarily choose this day in the calendar year to collectively celebrate moving forward into the future (“we made it!”). Followed by a societally sanctioned period where we all try to “fix” ourselves — for this reason I’ve come to truly dislike the culture of resolution setting.
It’s one thing to work on setting new habits when it’s coming from a place of high self esteem and self love. Or because you’re on a path to self actualization and you’re furthering your practice. But as someone who once had an eating disorder and still struggles with self-worth, the world of wellness is like a Pandora’s box of triggers. Not to mention that 2018 is the year I became an omnivore because my health has been deteriorating — so now I can’t help but feel that so much of “wellness” generally is just a fashion fad, a cloaked ruse to tell me I’ll never be good enough, a marketing scheme, a gimmick, a ruse. Not all of it — but we’ve all seen the oft repeated iterations of “privileged wellness babe casually laughs off how much better she is than you whilst clutching and $30 mug of matcha and living in your dream house.”
Now I’m all for reflecting, setting intentions, journaling and getting clear on the life you want to create and inhabit. That’s one of my favorite things to do. And ya know as a yoga teacher I won’t lie, a good pair of yoga pants always feels like a great investment (I buy a few nice pairs every year). Materialism isn’t inherently evil. But please, my dear gentle beautiful friends, if you’re going to set resolutions or intentions don’t set them based around what you believe is imperfect or wrong about yourself. Don’t allow your goals to reaffirm even a shred of self-hatred. If you want to make big shifts in your life, work on loving the parts of yourself you believe are unloveable.
Work on nurturing your child self, giving her everything she needs to feel nourished, loved and free. Work on healing your family trauma. Heal your friendships. Listen to your spirit guides / the universe / god. Ask for help. Change habits that are masking pain (emotional eating, screen addiction, even exercise addiction). Sit with yourself. Learn to meditate and breathe well.
But most importantly, learn to love every fiber of your being. Authentically. And watch as your world transforms for the better.
Xo — Renee

Samanta Vega Díaz compartió una publicación.
7 h
"Work on nurturing your child self, giving her everything she needs to feel nourished, loved and free."

Ode to my front right tooth... (and obviously before my electrohypersensitivity too). Be brave yo! Fear nothing, my darling girl.

It's time, Sami.
Time to work on nurturing my child self, giving her everything she needs to feel nourished, loved and free.
Time to keep working on creating healthy boundaries. Especially as a HSP.
Time to create abundance along with an empowering quote and a word I can come back to to keep my head in check! like @zenasiren suggests. She shares her quote this month: “it seems impossible until it’s done.” Her word: “potential”. My word : "manifestation". I still have to find space to think about my quote.
Time to create my affirmations and afformations (afformation” not affirmation!!!! Totally different!).
Time to ground, find my feet, and walk my fears.
Time to believe in my-self, trust my spirit guides / the universe / goddess, and share my gift / power / medicine.
Time to realign me with my purpose and potential.
Time to put all the subtle energy fields of the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies back into the alignment that they need, and thus, to keep supporting my organism in its innate pursuit of harmony and wellbeing.
Time to keep healing from inside out, and to achieve full recovery from my autoimmune dis-ease.

Thank you, dear Asia Suler of One Willow ApothecariesCentehua Sage, Renee of Will Frolic For FoodLauren Geertsen of Empowered SustenanceMarybeth Bonfiglio,, @zenasiren, Alba Guiluz · Botànica, Viviana of Semillas Solares, @moonvalley_smallfarming, Graceful Roots, and how could you not, Tiziana Cotrufo, for your most inspiring presence.💜

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