La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

Highly Sensitive People

A HSP kin wrote this today morning:
Hi all , I wonder if someone is feeling the same as I feel Loneliness is killing me in a way ..
At the same time I’m thinking I don’t need fulfillment and need it as well .

A mixture of feelings .

A background about me is that I love creativity, sense of humor , music and cultures , those should make me a stable person but I’m not .

( am I the only one who feeling this way )

Your help / advice is highly appreciated and needed .

It’s sunrise here , it makes me calm a bit
Samanta Vega Díaz: How much potential for a tranquil and harmonious life this pic reveals! In yoga, it is said that you can only get into a balance pose by building your energy momentum from inside, learning to create space (element 'ether'), alighting on the right here and now. And it's so true..

Epson salts bath

Elaine Aron’s popular book, The Highly Sensitive Person, shines a light on those of us who are sensitive to noise, lighting, colors, textures, and other stimuli. There’s an excellent Highly Sensitive Person quiz online that I recommend taking.
Are you highly sensitive to the energies of others? An Epsom salts bath not only soothes aching muscles but it also cleanses us from unwanted energies. For an energy cleansing bath, add half a cup of epsom salts to warm bath water with a few drops of essential oils like chamomile, rose or lavender. Be good to yourself! You're worth it!


Susun Weed's nourishing herbal infusions

Just savored some tea. My liver thanked it for the bitterness. <3
From Susun Weed's nourishing herbal infusions (nettle, comfrey, red clover, mugwort, and more recently, linden).
In addition to having more energy/stamina, I have been having more vivid dreams. I've also been trying out mugwort and linden, hawthorn (for settling healthy boundaries) and lemon balm teas after dinner.

NOTE_ The Rustic Witch

25 de julio a las 15:38 ·
One of my all time favorites, wormwood! Wormwood grows on rocky slopes in full sun. It is one of the ingredients in absinthe. This herb is ruled by Mars, fire and air. Medicinally, it stimulates digestion, but be warned, this herb is toxic to the kidneys! 💀 Magically, wormwood is used for protection and divination. When hung or sprinkled around the home, it protects against evil spirits. When burned with mugwort, it can aid in the summoning or banishing of spirits. When soaked in wine for a few days, strained and consumed, it can aid in visions and divination. But be warned! This is TOXIC and if consumed for more than 2 weeks, it can have serious side effects - nausea, vomiting, insomnia, delirium and convulsions. Ingestion is NOT encouraged and you should never consume if pregnant.

Artemisia absinthium, llamada comúnmente ajenjo, no es lo mismo que la Artemisia vulgaris, o artemisia.

The Five Elements: What personality type are you?

Best article I read about Elemental Psychology: Using Jungian Psychology and the Sacred Elements for Spiritual Development

The Five Elements: What personality type are you?
Written by Eeka King B.H.Sc (Acup)

Wizard Emotion: Joy.🔥

Reddish face, pointed head/chin, curly hair or not much hair. Soft willowy physique, long neck, arms and legs. Walks fast. Seeking magic and excitement. Strong point: blood and blood vessels.

Peacemaker Emotion: Sympathy.🌱

Darkish face, large head, wide jaw. Round firm physique, strong thighs, soft, peachy skin. Walks without lifting feet high. Constantly arranging and harmonising the world. Strong point: muscles.

Pioneer Emotion: Anger.🌲

Darkish face. Tall muscular, square physique, strong and straight back. Walks with determination. Determined to make things happen. Strong sense of vision, hope and purpose. Strong point: bones and sinews.

Alchemist Emotion: Grief.🔩

White face, triangular shape. Broad and square shoulders, strongly built body. Walks slowly & deliberately. Meticulous, rational, independent and strong-willed. Strong point: lungs and voice.

Philosopher Emotion: Fear.💦

White face and skin, round face. Round body, loves movement. Spine is longer than normal. Relentlessly in pursuit of truth. Strong point: digestive system.

Wood people either excel or have trouble in planning, decisions, and action. The future and their ability to see it can be their strength.  When out of balance they may procrastinate, become indecisive or have a sense of no hope.
  • Seeks challenge and pushes to the limit
  • Enjoys and does well under pressure
  • Admires speed, novelty and skill
  • Loves action, movement and adventure
  • Likes to be first, best and only
Typical problems
  • Intolerance and impatience
  • Volatile emotions
  • Extremism; impulsive or over-disciplined, self indulgent or self punishing
  • Vascular headaches, muscle spasms, high blood pressure, nerve inflammations, migratory/moving pain
The power of wood comes from the capacity to rapidly expand and build up pressure. Wood types need to modulate their intensity and stay flexible, to be able to retreat and yield as well as serge forward and be undaunted

Wood types tend to be ambitious have strong Type A personalities, and high vitality. They love life, and are so eager to succeed they can be highly competitive. Wood types are apt to be leaders in their fields, CEOs of big companies, or elite athletes. They are extroverted, and have a strong sense of hope, vision, and purpose. However, Wood types are so driven they tend to manifest conditions due to stress—such as high blood pressure, premenstrual syndrome, breast and ovarian cysts, headaches, and tight muscles. On an emotional level, too much work may thwart their usual sense of purpose in life, and they can become angry or depressed.If you are a Wood Type, keep your element balanced by taking time to replenish your energy with relaxing activities that quiet your mind like yoga, tai chi, and meditation. Create playtime in which the journey is more important than the goal, eat healthy food, avoid alcohol, and indulge in sour-tasting foods (which are beneficial to Wood types). As I often tell my patients who are Wood types, the most important thing to remember is that attaining and maintaining great health will allow you more success in reaching your life goals.

Fire people love to reach out and be in relationship with all people. They enjoy having a laugh and sometimes they carry a sadness or lack of joy deeper in themselves.
  • Relishes excitement and change
  • Delights in intimacy
  • Intuitive and passionately empathetic
  • Believes in the power of charisma and desire
  • Loves sensation, drama and sentiment
  • Likes to be hot, bright and vibrant
Typical problems
  • Anxiety, agitation and frenzy
  • Bizarre perceptions and sensations
  • Nervous exhaustion and insomnia
  • Palpitation, sweating, hypoglycaemia, rashes, pasly
  • Abuse of mind-altering substances- addictive personalities
The power of fire comes from the capacity to liberate heat and light and realise joy and fulfilment. Fire types need to temper their chemisty and contain their resources, withdrawing and separating as well as embracing and merging.

Fire types are fun, charismatic people who have a great deal of enthusiasm for whatever they are involved in. They are full of love and passion, seek out drama, and thrive on travel. They also enjoy expressing themselves verbally, and often speak rapidly. Fire types tend to laugh a lot, even when they are talking about something that isn’t funny. When it comes to relationships, Fire types have an enormous amount of social energy; a seemingly boundless capacity for interacting with others.

When Fire types have too much excitement in their lives, they can experience anxiety, heart palpitations, insomnia, and depression. When women who are Fire types are in peri-menopause or menopause, they are likely to have hot flashes or night sweats more often than other women. If you are a Fire Type, I recommend you balance your element by creating a schedule that includes time to nurture yourself. Spend time alone each day to write in your journal or meditate. It’s also important to stay clear about what is important in your life and what isn’t. Remember to eat regular meals, don’t allow yourself to get too hungry, and limit your intake of spicy foods.

Earth people have the ability to nourish like a mother can nourish a child.  Thus food and understanding are important. Sometimes an Earth person can feel a sense of emptiness or neediness in their own life.
  • Wants to be involved and needed
  • Likes to be in charge but not in the limelight
  • Agreeable and accommodating; wants to be all things to all people
  • Seeks harmony and togetherness
  • Insists upon loyalty, security and predictability
Typical problems
  • Worry, obsession and self-doubt
  • Meddling and overprotective
  • Overextended and inert
  • Lethargy, indigestion, unruly appetites, water retention, muscle tenderness
  • Unrealistic expectations and disappointment
The power of earth comes from the capacity to link, nurture, and sustain. Earth types need to balance their devotion to relationship with solitude and self-expression, developing self-reliance as well as building community.

Earth types are compassionate, loving people who are apt to be nurturers and caretakers. They have a tendency to feel deeply compassionate toward other people, even strangers, and welcome all types of people into their lives. Because of their understanding nature, they are natural arbitrators who can resolve disputes between others quickly and effectively. Earth types have a strong connection with the earth, and they feel a great sense of comfort and peace when they are in nature. As a result, they are inclined to be environmentalists and conservationists. They also find solace in eating, and have a sweet tooth.When Earth types give too much and neglect themselves, they are prone to digestive problems, food allergies, heartburn, fatigue, PMS, and easy weight gain. If you are an Earth type, imbalances in your life can also cause you to become excessively needy for love, affection, and attention. At the same time, you can become so sympathetic to other people’s needs that you try to take care of them in ways that may ultimately prevent them from figuring out how to take care of themselves. To keep yourself in balance, I suggest you surround yourself with loving friends, maintain healthy emotional boundaries between yourself and others, say “no” when you need to, and avoid eating too many sweets.

Metal people search for what is pure and spiritual.  They set the highest standards for themselves and others, respect is important.   Sometimes they live in a sense of what could have been.
  • likes definition, structure and discipline
  • organised and methodical
  • seeks to live according to reason and principle
  • holds self and others to the highest standards
  • reveres ceremony, beauty and refinement
Typical Problems
  • Indifference and inhibition
  • Autocratic, strict and difficult to please
  • Formal, distant and unnatural
  • Stiff joints and muscles, dry skin and hair, shallow breathing, poor circulation
  • Self-righteousness and disillusionment
The power of metal comes from the capacity to shape and refine. Metal types need to compensate for their rationality, self-control, and meticulousness with passion, spontaneity and social involvement.

Metal types are quiet, meditative, intellectually sharp, spiritually inclined, and unusually creative. They seek perfection in everything that they do, and they are likely to be serious artists and craftspeople. They are self-disciplined, detail-oriented, and will naturally spend endless hours in a deep, almost trancelike state of concentration while they are involved in the creation of their art. In their personal relationships, they dislike small talk and they are usually very committed to a small number of people. Physically, Metal types have a fast metabolism and they often crave spicy foods.If you are a Metal type, when your life is not in harmony you are apt to have upper respiratory infections and skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. I highly recommend that you keep yourself in balance by doing regular aerobic exercise to enhance the health of your lungs, exploring your creativity, eating regular meals, and making sure that you maintain creative outlets for stress.

Water people have a persistence and determination and will often excel in situations that others find too scary.  Sometimes they may hide a deep sense of being frozen or washed away by their own fear.
  • Articulate, clever and introspective
  • Self-contained and self-sufficient
  • Penetrating, critical and scrutinizing
  • Seeks knowledge and understanding
  • Likes to remain hidden, enigmatic and anonymous
Typical problems
  • Emotionally inaccessible and undemonstrative
  • Isolation and loneliness
  • Tactless, unforgiving and suspicious
  • Hardening of the arteries, deterioration of the teeth and gums, backache, chilliness and loss of libido
The power of water comes from the capacity to conceive, concentrate and conserve. Water types need to offset their toughness, bluntness and detachment with tenderness, sensitivity and openness, risking softness and contact, exposure and attachment.Water types are. In their youth, they typically possess a quality of being “wise beyond their years.” As adults, Water types are known for being unusually deep thinkers, always searching for truth and meaning. If you are a Water type, you are a philosopher, comfortable in the world of your mind, and you often prefer your own thoughts to a superficial dialogue with other people. You are strong-willed, and seek out quiet, tranquil environments. Physically you are healthy, vigorous, and have enormous willpower and a tremendous capacity for endurance.If you are a Water type and you spend too much time alone, or in “survival mode,” you tend to manifest conditions associated with the kidneys and bladder. On an emotional level, when imbalanced your normally deep reservoir of inner strength can spill over into fear. I frequently advise my patients who are Water types to keep themselves in balance by drinking plenty of fluids and socializing regularly so they don’t become too emotionally isolated.Knowing which of the five elements dominates our personality can guide us in taking better care of ourselves. Discovering the personality type of intimate partners or friends is also fun and important as this knowledge can lead to better relationships and a greater understanding of each other’s flaws and weaknesses and why we sometimes act the way we do. By keeping our five element personality type in mind, we will be able to make choices about our health that will help us create a lifetime of wellness.

I know it's not kapha season anymore but... I miss the thunderstorm medicine

By Emily Light

Kapha season is upon us. The fertile mud gives rise to the buds, flowers and foliage of Mother Nature. Similarly, the earth and water elements in us provide a stable and rich foundation from which we can spring forth. Kapha is the season of growth and upward movement. We emerge from our cold weather introversion, stillness and hibernation, toward manifesting that which we’ve dreamt of over the dark months.

By Asia Suler
Like an anxious spike high on the thermometer, a hot summer day can hold a whole lot. The heaviness of the past, the humidity of future-tripping, the density of a too-tightly-packed schedule. It’s life, intensified, with everything being experienced at once. Like the sound of the cicadas rolled into one giant buzz or the morning glory vines inching back into your freshly weeded garden, the tangle and overwhelm of summer is real on almost every level.
But just when you hit the height of I-can’t-take-it-anymore, that late afternoon moment when the humidity is thick enough to cup in both palms and you can’t do anything but lay with your head in the river, comes the most gracious blessing of all— the afternoon thunderstorm.
psst… want to create some summer thunderstorm herbal kitchen witchery? Check out my recipe for Dark Magic Reishi Maple Truffles.

Highly Sensitive and Creative

Alanis Morissette comments on being highly sensitive and needing to take care of herself:

Alanis Morissette “I have a lot of friends who are a non-sensitive temperament, and they will be in what I consider a wildly over-stimulating environment, and they can stick it out, but I’m imploding…overwhelmed.
“I get maxed-out more quickly than some, so it’s my responsibility that I schedule little mini-breaks throughout the day, and have enough sleep.
“It’s almost incumbent on me to make sure that I take care, in a very fierce way, in order to be able to continue to write and to be the person I want to be.”

From post: Cheryl Richardson and Alanis Morissette on High Sensitivity.


Here is an excerpt from “A Note From Cheryl” on the Miraval Resort site:

Have you ever felt too sensitive or empathic to live comfortably in a fast-paced, competitive, constantly changing world? Do you dislike the part of yourself that’s too easily affected by what others say and do?
Are you tired of conforming to society’s standards or the expectations of others just to fit in? Are you ready to allow the creative artist in you to emerge fully in the world?
Imagine how it would feel to see your sensitivity as a strength – a precious gift that deserves to be cherished and considered a blessing instead of a curse. Now imagine having the tools and skills to protect and nurture this gift, so you can feel fully equipped to live a fearless and fulfilling life!
I used to hate being so sensitive. This part of me felt burdensome, weak, and difficult to manage or hide.
For most of my formative years I felt like a pincushion in a world full of pins. But all that changed when I started working with my first coach, Thomas Leonard. He challenged me to reconsider the judgments I had about being sensitive and he showed me how to value and protect it.
I learned to set boundaries with those who didn’t respect my way of being in the world and to develop more supportive, soul-nurturing relationships with those who did. I began paying attention to what I required to live comfortably, peacefully, and in harmony with my personal rhythms and needs. And, I finally started giving presence to the creative desires that my soul had been longing to express.
Honoring my sensitivity dramatically changed my life. My health improved, my relationships deepened and became more balanced, and my work life became a rewarding journey as I gained greater access to the artist and healer within.
Now I’d like to help you do the same. As you learn how to see yourself with a new kind of appreciation, you’ll also learn to embrace and support your sensitive self so your life can change in dramatic ways, too.

:: Get to know your creative soul in a whole new way so you can develop the reverence and appreciation for yourself that you need and deserve.
:: Uncover the gifts your tender side has to offer by connecting with your own artist and healer within.
:: Discover exciting new ways to express your creativity and, in the process, become fully invested in living your best, most authentic life.
:: Learn to fiercely and gracefully protect your sensitivity.
:: Use “tapping techniques” (like EFT – Emotional Freedom Techniques), to calm your mind and body when you feel distressed so you can allow your creative desires to flourish.
:: Develop and commit to a way of living that supports your sensitive temperament.
:: Establish a time management strategy that reflects your true nature, and helps you honor your daily priorities.
:: Discover work options that enable you to utilize your talents to the fullest in an environment where your soul can truly thrive.
:: Create intimate, “give and take” relationships with loved ones by communicating in respectful and healing ways.
:: Promote and support the sensitive sides of the children in your life.

~ ~ ~

In an interview, Alanis Morissette comments about the ambiguity many artists feel at times about their work:
“I live for having the larger conversations that are spawned by the content of the songs. That’s what I'm here to do, whether I like it or not.
Referring to one of the main themes of her song “Guardian” on her new album, she says it concerns “the degree of healing that is available with commitment and intimacy — whether it’s marriage or babies or commitment to friends who I imagine growing old with and dying at 108 together…. I’m terrified of intimacy, but I’m obsessed with wholeness.
– See more in my article: Alanis Morissette: Channeling rage and finding joy in creativity.
~ ~ 

Alanis Morissette

The Witch-Hare……

The Witch-Hare……
It is said that witches turned themselves into hares. Apparently the hare was the most common disguise of witches in Europe. It is believed by some that hares sitting in rings, known as a “hares’ parliament”, are a symbol of the witches circle.
In the black furrow of a field
I saw an old witch-hare this night;
And she cocked a lissome ear,
And she eyed the moon so bright,
And she nibbled of the green;
And I whispered “Wh-s-st! witch-hare,”
Away like a ghostie o’er the field
She fled, and left the moonlight there.
Walter De la Mare
#folkwitch #hedgecraft #witches #witchcraft #witchywoman #hedgewitch #kitchenwitch #cottagewitch #storymedicine #storywoman #medicinewoman#medicinestories #healingjourney #storyhealing #storyteller #storytelling #storyworker #storyhealer #storymaking #spinnningstories #weavingstories #storyweaving #weaver #wordalchemist #storymagic #storytime #magicmakers #makingmedicine #thefolkloreoftheBeanFeasa #theoldestpathwaysintheworld #oldewaysinanewage

Air •´*¨`*•✿ Vata Dosha

Book of Shadows

Saraswati is a goddess very near and dear to my heart – in fact my clothing line, Saraswati Couture, is named after her, made of recycled sari material by victims of sexual trafficking in India. She also relates to my most prominent Dosha, Vata.

Saraswati is the goddess of creativity, knowledge, arts, music, literacy and education. She is always seen playing the sitar, with books around her. Similarly, Vata types are highly creative, artistic, intellectual and airy, though sometimes can begin too many projects that they are never able to complete. They have strong imaginations and bring beauty into everything they do, from a painting to a blog post.

If you are a big idea person with a natural draw towards acquiring knowledge and self-expression, then Saraswati is your Goddess and Vata is your Dosha.

Nakshatras: The Stars Beyond the Zodiac

By Komilla Sutton

The deer represents Vata (air-ether), the tiger Pitta (fire) and the elephant (Earth and water). The animal represents the properties of the dosha. The deer is fast as lightning, the tiger is fiery and the elephant calm.

Vata people tend to be vibrant with enthusiasm and excitement for life.  They will move and speak quickly, have many interests and may change their paths frequently!  Vata can be light of heart and have their head in the clouds.  When in balance, they bring a bubbly, infectious joy to life.  Imbalanced, vata can have mood swings, and under stress can experience anxiety and fear.

The three doshas (tridosha) also give rise to the various emotions and correspond to the three gunas, "qualities": sattva (quiescence -- vatta), rajas (activity -- pitta), and tamas (inertia -- kapha).

I'm a springtime animal who likes it stormy and thundery

Today's stormy and thundery in Barcelona, and in Catalonia. And I LOVE it! I'm a springtime animal: mild weather, tender sunkiss, fanciful promise seeds, loose sheafs, Mercurial moods, Venusian feelings, Kapha, so I don't really enjoy the summer days. So tune in to your fairy wind chimes, and have a sprinkle of moonday magic!

Kapha represents the creation of the beginning, pitta represents the preservation of the middle and vata represents the dissolution of the end. The cycle of nature always begins with kapha, moving into pitta, dissolving into vata and ultimately coming back into new growth as kapha once again.
Seasons are one such measure of time in which there is a natural progression of the doshas. Kapha is strongest in the late winter and early spring when everything is moist, the temperature gets warmer and all the flowers and plants begin to grow. Pitta reaches its pinnacle in the late spring and summer when the weather is hot and nature is in a state of transformation between creation and destruction. Vata intensifies in the fall and early winter when the leaves fall, the plants recede back into the earth and the wind leaves us dry and cold.

• Kapha season falls in spring—mid-March to mid-June.
• Pitta season falls in summer and early autumn—mid-June to mid-October.
• Vata season bridges late autumn and winter—mid-October to mid-March.
Kapha dosha is one of the tridoshas that controls growth in the body. It supplies water to all the parts of the body, and thus, moisturizes the skin. It also helps maintain immunity. Kapha dosha is responsible for the respiratory system and the normal and healthy functioning of the brain and joints. If you find any change in the functioning of any of the systems mentioned above, it is more likely to be related to an imbalance of kapha dosha.

"In just-spring
when the world is mud-
luscious and... puddle-wonderful"
e. e. cummings 🌿

T.S. Eliot called April the cruelest month for a reason; her moods are mercurial. It’s a time of joy & darkness. Many folks feel unsettled in this time.
It’s seedling time, wild greens time, blossom time, cleaning time. It’s a moment to tie up loose ends, to take care of lingering things you’ve been putting off. Call that friend (or your mom) you’ve been meaning to visit with, finish that paperwork (congrats on your taxes, y’all), and put away those winter clothes (not too far).
To settle in, be calmed, we must clear space and spring clean. There’s a reason why this season invites us to sweep out our winter nests. To clear out the dark season of inwardness and meditation, and make room for the light.
@ladyursus always says that sweeping clears not just dirt, but energy, because energy clings to matter. Sweeping is her meditation, her sacred practice. That’s a great thing to consider as we move from room to room, moving old energy ahead of us, bringing in new energy in the form of fresh flowers & herbs.
I always tell folks in class of the Celtic & Bavarian myth that we must spring clean in April so that The May Queen will come! Then in May we’re not allowed to sweep, as spring settles in, and makes a home for summer.
Seriously y’all, if we don’t get to cleaning, spring will never come! @thewomanwhomarriedabear

What if I choose me?

Honestly, the colossal flow and feed of supposed-to-be inspiring and motivational posts and pics on the social media is just becoming overwhelming to me. It may only have much ado about me, as a highly sensitive person who's getting overloaded, overburdened, overaroused. But anyway, enough is enough for the sake of spiritual maintenance. I choose to be a solivagant (adj) 'wandering alone'.
How come everyone's either cooking limitless recipes that are new, delicious, nutrient-dense and healing, gathering flowers and wild edibles, planting, herbcrafting, painting clay, modeling ceramics, weaving, needle felting medicine dolls, making shamanic jewelry with astonishing crystals and gemstones, starting a work-from-home business, leading a pack, doing yoga every damn day, charcoal pencil drawing, watercolor painting, literary witchcrafting, or finding their own way to tell the story medicine? Why everybody is so awesome, fey, wise, wild, witty, witchy, and sassy? Why the hell not even a witch can keep her kitchen like only witches do?
I need to distance myself. I choose to stop to focus on my self, and to take care, honor and appreciate the holy container of joy, magic, life and dreams that I am. Yes, I AM.

Samanta Vega Díaz

Saga y la cornucopia

🐰Sagui es maravillosa. Vive dentro de la parcela, pero siempre está en algún lugar, viene de algún otro de sus sitios, o va a alguna parte. Tiene sus horarios, sus gustos, sus preferencias, sus rincones, y sus cosas que hacer. Está pendiente de todo, pero siempre parece relajada. Cada vez ha sabido ir viviendo mejor, y hoy por hoy hace tiempo que sé que es feliz. La quiero, y la admiro.

Come, y el jardín parece crecer para ella, incluso aparecen lirios multiplicados, especies que no existían antes, o crecen milagrosamente hojas del tronco de un cerezo seco. Metáfora de su modo de vivir: vive simple, profundamente concentrada en tejer las hebras de la tierra, centrada donde están sus pies, en equilibrio en el aquí y ahora, y sin más pretensión que el día que toca, y la vida provee.

* cornucopia (en la mitología griega, es un símbolo de la abundancia y la prosperidad, representado por un gran cuerno del que rebosan frutas, flores, vegetales, granos, y que lleva la diosa Habondia. Del latín cornu, 'cuerno' y copĭa, 'abundancia'). 

In classical antiquity, the golden cornucopia /ˌkɔːrnjəˈkoʊpiə, ˌkɔːrnə-/ (from Latin cornu copiae), also called the horn of plenty, was a symbol of abundance and nourishment, from which fruits, vegetables, flowers, grains and nuts pour forth in limitless. The overflowing cornucopia reminds us that Mother Nature perpetually provides us with everything we need to nourish and sustain ourselves. There is always enough. While we are eating a grape, the Goddess is at work growing another grape. If you do not appeal an apple, there is another person who will enjoy it. Her bounties are to be enjoyed by all.

Literary Witches

“The Witch is a woman who stands entirely on her own. She is more often than not an outsider, and her gift is transformation. She is a change agent, and her work is sparked by speech: an incantation, a naming, a blessing, a curse.
“Who is more worthy of this moniker than female writers, who themselves conjure worlds out of words? .
. . . Let’s recall that many occultic words are connected to those of language: spelling and spells. Grammar and grimoire. Abracadabra is thought to be derived from an Aramaic phrase that translates to ‘I create like the word.’ To write, then, is to make magic. And so it follows that to be a female writer is, in fact, to be a kind of Witch.”
Some of my favourite contemporary fictional descriptions of witches come from Terry Pratchett. In the Wee Free Men, Granny Weatherwax tries to explain to Tiffany Aching, a young apprentice witch, what she does. “We look to … the edges” Granny replies.

@readasaurus_rex Emily Bronte’s page is the first in my Literary Witches book, and one of my favorites. How does one get the job “Watcher of the Moors” because sign me the hell up, I wanna. I love that this book takes the label of “witch” (frequently misused on any woman who didn’t safely fit inside a biddable, obedient box) and owns it as something to be proud of. 🌙✨🕯 I love being a woman. I love being connected through time and space to long lines of creatures who never held their tongues, who let their dresses get torn and tattered as they climbed trees, who lived as wise women herbalists and risked their own safety for the health of others, who didn’t hide their allure from the eyes of men and were thought to be witches or whores or both because of it, who marched and shouted and starved and died for the sake of their liberties. Our liberties. I love that this fierce, wild fire that burns within me has burned through generations of untamable, “wicked” women, and will keep burning until the end of the human race. I love the sisterhood that bonds us—all colors of the rainbow and all economic backgrounds and all sexual orientations—despite our differences, we still share so much, and I love that bond between us. Sisters, don’t ever let your fire go out🕯
#bookstagram #booknerd #bookish #sisterwitches #literarywitches #emilybronte #wutheringheights #bookandcandle

📷 @maihamric

Spiritual Maintenance

When I browse my FB, I'm increasingly getting the feeling that I ramdomly walk a crowded path that makes me feel overwhelmed as a highly sensitive person. I'm gradually, and thus, slowly but inevitably detaching myself from here, and I'll try to use my IG account from the PC.
Up to now, I can only browse my Instagram feed and like/comment on the friend’s photos, and there is no option to post photos (or videos) to Instagram from the computer.
thankfully, there are many workarounds to upload Instagram photos from PC and MacOS, several other ways to post from your PC directly to Instagram without needing to use your phone. They include third-party apps and browser tricks. Some are free; some are paid. Some work on both Mac and Windows; some work on only one or the other.


Instagram from PC

Sí se puede usar IG desde el PC! yipi! hay maneras, haciendo truquillos, pero tb con desktop app (en esto para MAC hay mil, es de lo mejor que tiene, verdad?)

From the desktop version of Instagram, you can create a new account, browse your Instagram feed and like/comment on the friend’s photos. But there is no option to post photos (or videos) to Instagram from the computer.
thankfully, there are many workarounds to upload Instagram photos from PC and MacOS
(pode publicar en IG desde el pc)
Here are several other ways to post from your PC directly to Instagram without needing to use your phone.
They include third-party apps and browser tricks. Some are free; some are paid. Some work on both Mac and Windows; some work on only one or the other.
Voy a hacerme el café! Tengo ganas de que me habilites IG desde el PC.