
The Witch-Hare……

The Witch-Hare……
It is said that witches turned themselves into hares. Apparently the hare was the most common disguise of witches in Europe. It is believed by some that hares sitting in rings, known as a “hares’ parliament”, are a symbol of the witches circle.
In the black furrow of a field
I saw an old witch-hare this night;
And she cocked a lissome ear,
And she eyed the moon so bright,
And she nibbled of the green;
And I whispered “Wh-s-st! witch-hare,”
Away like a ghostie o’er the field
She fled, and left the moonlight there.
In the black furrow of a field
I saw an old witch-hare this night;
And she cocked a lissome ear,
And she eyed the moon so bright,
And she nibbled of the green;
And I whispered “Wh-s-st! witch-hare,”
Away like a ghostie o’er the field
She fled, and left the moonlight there.
Walter De la Mare
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