La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

Vintage Enamel Coffee Pot

I would love to stay at home. For all time. My body is a homebody, you see, fed by familiar magic: cooking from the garden, wandering the neighborhood, noticing the revolutions of the seasons, welcoming home each new bird, and seed returning...
For years, I would not leave this island for more than 6 months at a time. I wondered about folks hopping on the ferry just to shop at Costco, or go see a show. I scoffed at the “snowbirds”, people privileged enough to choose a place to live and then leave it when they couldn’t handle the weather.
I’m pretty big on loyalty: you choose a place, a person, a body of water, you stick it out with them. You don’t give up when it gets rough, you don’t look wistfully over the next ridge; relationships are built, trust is earned, not implicit. You get to know a them over time, work, curiosity.
A sense of place takes time too, and mutual respect, reciprocity. I love this place, this community, the backyard deer. Once I got here, I never wanted to leave.
Back then our vacations were our backyard, because we lived in the forest. They were on the water because we were surrounded by it.
And now? I leave home all the time.
I pack my rucksack and duffle-bag. I gather my travel toothbrush, medicine chest, my one good pair of shoes, my enamel camp wear and off I go.
Why? I wonder about that every time I have to leave again. There’s work in the world still, and some of it is mine, for now. There are far flung family members, colleagues, co-conspirators. There’s bonfires and meadows and rivers and roads.
If I see you along the way, I’ll wave.
Happy Full Moon 🌕
🌙️N O I T A 🌙 Milla I make medicine for remembrance,connection & resilience. •ᛋ• Essences, Workshops, Tarot,Books,Potions, Ancestral Food & Herbal Remedies. ☕️👵🏼🌿🦉⚡️ •ᛉ•

5 de julio a las 11:23
Samanta Vega Díaz samantavegadiaz Hi dear and sacred Milla Although this may sound like a silly little question, there're lots of dreamlights simmering inside & knowing their way. I see your vintage enamel coffee pot on IG, and I wonder which one do you think is more similar to yours? : or ❤️🌿 Thank you! Brighest blessings )O(

Responder22 hEditado
Samanta Vega Díaz thewomanwhomarriedabear @samantavegadiaz I think the 2nd one. Mine is vintage so I’d look for a vintage one maybe? ❤️

Responder22 h
Samanta Vega Díaz samantavegadiaz @thewomanwhomarriedabear Thank you, Milla!!  It means a lot to me. Lots of inner stuff simmering and whistling. Well, both are old typical spanish enamel coffee pots, so they're supposed to be vintage hehe  Then I'll get the second ...Ver más

Responder22 h
Samanta Vega Díaz le he preguntado a una brujita escandinava @thewomanwhomarriedabear cuál de dos que tengo en reserva cree que se parece más a la suya, y me ha respondido que ésta, lo cual me complace, porque es la que había decidido que me gusta más + acabo de escribi...Ver más

Responder22 hEditado

Samanta Vega Díaz 💫 Dreamings Know Thy Way @paulinacassidyAdministrar
Me han respondido súper bien y súper bonito de Real Fábrica española. Entre la taza mediana blanca de peltre y la grande hay muy poquita diferencia. La taza que aparece en la foto junto a la cafetera es la mediana, mide 7 cm de diámetro, y la grande mide 8 cm. La cafetera cónica blanca mide unos 17 cm de alto, y luego tienen el mismo modelo en rojo pero es un pelín más pequeña, unos 14 cm de alto.
Soon. At home. With me. A Witch. And Old Soul. 
And on the turnside, as Milla @thewomanwhomarriedabear says "Food & Medicine & Ritual are the one & the same".
I for one feel lucky that
#asiasulerandmillakotimaaaremyspiritguides !
Vintage Enamel Coffee Pot, Mugs and Cups by Real Fábrica.


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