I would love to stay at home. For all time. My body is a homebody, you see, fed by familiar magic: cooking from the garden, wandering the neighborhood, noticing the revolutions of the seasons, welcoming home each new bird, and seed returning...
For years, I would not leave this island for more than 6 months at a time. I wondered about folks hopping on the ferry just to shop at Costco, or go see a show. I scoffed at the “snowbirds”, people privileged enough to choose a place to live and then leave it when they couldn’t handle the weather.
I’m pretty big on loyalty: you choose a place, a person, a body of water, you stick it out with them. You don’t give up when it gets rough, you don’t look wistfully over the next ridge; relationships are built, trust is earned, not implicit. You get to know a them over time, work, curiosity.
A sense of place takes time too, and mutual respect, reciprocity. I love this place, this community, the backyard deer. Once I got here, I never wanted to leave.
Back then our vacations were our backyard, because we lived in the forest. They were on the water because we were surrounded by it.
And now? I leave home all the time.
I pack my rucksack and duffle-bag. I gather my travel toothbrush, medicine chest, my one good pair of shoes, my enamel camp wear and off I go.
Why? I wonder about that every time I have to leave again. There’s work in the world still, and some of it is mine, for now. There are far flung family members, colleagues, co-conspirators. There’s bonfires and meadows and rivers and roads.
If I see you along the way, I’ll wave.
Happy Full Moon
For years, I would not leave this island for more than 6 months at a time. I wondered about folks hopping on the ferry just to shop at Costco, or go see a show. I scoffed at the “snowbirds”, people privileged enough to choose a place to live and then leave it when they couldn’t handle the weather.
I’m pretty big on loyalty: you choose a place, a person, a body of water, you stick it out with them. You don’t give up when it gets rough, you don’t look wistfully over the next ridge; relationships are built, trust is earned, not implicit. You get to know a them over time, work, curiosity.
A sense of place takes time too, and mutual respect, reciprocity. I love this place, this community, the backyard deer. Once I got here, I never wanted to leave.
Back then our vacations were our backyard, because we lived in the forest. They were on the water because we were surrounded by it.
And now? I leave home all the time.
I pack my rucksack and duffle-bag. I gather my travel toothbrush, medicine chest, my one good pair of shoes, my enamel camp wear and off I go.
Why? I wonder about that every time I have to leave again. There’s work in the world still, and some of it is mine, for now. There are far flung family members, colleagues, co-conspirators. There’s bonfires and meadows and rivers and roads.
If I see you along the way, I’ll wave.
Happy Full Moon


Me han respondido súper bien y súper bonito de Real Fábrica española. Entre la taza mediana blanca de peltre y la grande hay muy poquita diferencia. La taza que aparece en la foto junto a la cafetera es la mediana, mide 7 cm de diámetro, y la grande mide 8 cm. La cafetera cónica blanca mide unos 17 cm de alto http://realfabrica. com/cafetera-conica-94110, y luego tienen el mismo modelo en rojo pero es un pelín más pequeña, unos 14 cm de alto. http://realfabrica.com/ cafetera-peque-a-91540
And on the turnside, as Milla @thewomanwhomarriedabear says "Food & Medicine & Ritual are the one & the same".
I for one feel lucky that
#asiasulerandmillakotimaaaremyspiritguides !
Vintage Enamel Coffee Pot, Mugs and Cups by Real Fábrica.

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