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Air •´*¨`*•✿ Vata Dosha

Book of Shadows

Saraswati is a goddess very near and dear to my heart – in fact my clothing line, Saraswati Couture, is named after her, made of recycled sari material by victims of sexual trafficking in India. She also relates to my most prominent Dosha, Vata.

Saraswati is the goddess of creativity, knowledge, arts, music, literacy and education. She is always seen playing the sitar, with books around her. Similarly, Vata types are highly creative, artistic, intellectual and airy, though sometimes can begin too many projects that they are never able to complete. They have strong imaginations and bring beauty into everything they do, from a painting to a blog post.

If you are a big idea person with a natural draw towards acquiring knowledge and self-expression, then Saraswati is your Goddess and Vata is your Dosha.

Nakshatras: The Stars Beyond the Zodiac

By Komilla Sutton

The deer represents Vata (air-ether), the tiger Pitta (fire) and the elephant (Earth and water). The animal represents the properties of the dosha. The deer is fast as lightning, the tiger is fiery and the elephant calm.

Vata people tend to be vibrant with enthusiasm and excitement for life.  They will move and speak quickly, have many interests and may change their paths frequently!  Vata can be light of heart and have their head in the clouds.  When in balance, they bring a bubbly, infectious joy to life.  Imbalanced, vata can have mood swings, and under stress can experience anxiety and fear.

The three doshas (tridosha) also give rise to the various emotions and correspond to the three gunas, "qualities": sattva (quiescence -- vatta), rajas (activity -- pitta), and tamas (inertia -- kapha).

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