La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

Susun Weed's nourishing herbal infusions

Just savored some tea. My liver thanked it for the bitterness. <3
From Susun Weed's nourishing herbal infusions (nettle, comfrey, red clover, mugwort, and more recently, linden).
In addition to having more energy/stamina, I have been having more vivid dreams. I've also been trying out mugwort and linden, hawthorn (for settling healthy boundaries) and lemon balm teas after dinner.

NOTE_ The Rustic Witch

25 de julio a las 15:38 ·
One of my all time favorites, wormwood! Wormwood grows on rocky slopes in full sun. It is one of the ingredients in absinthe. This herb is ruled by Mars, fire and air. Medicinally, it stimulates digestion, but be warned, this herb is toxic to the kidneys! 💀 Magically, wormwood is used for protection and divination. When hung or sprinkled around the home, it protects against evil spirits. When burned with mugwort, it can aid in the summoning or banishing of spirits. When soaked in wine for a few days, strained and consumed, it can aid in visions and divination. But be warned! This is TOXIC and if consumed for more than 2 weeks, it can have serious side effects - nausea, vomiting, insomnia, delirium and convulsions. Ingestion is NOT encouraged and you should never consume if pregnant.

Artemisia absinthium, llamada comúnmente ajenjo, no es lo mismo que la Artemisia vulgaris, o artemisia.

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