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The Fool and the Hermit

(The Fool Card from the Pagan Tarot Deck)

Here's the young witch, venturing out into the darkness (the unknown), with only her cat (instinctive nature) to guide her!

"When looking at the picture of the Tarot card of The Hermit, there are several Tarot symbols to consider.  The hooded religious recluse, standing by himself at the top of a mountain, is a common figure in many religions.  He symbolizes the need many have to withdraw from the world to gain greater knowledge

This wisdom can be internal, getting in touch with the authentic self or external, understanding more of the world and its influences. If his quest is of a spiritual nature, it can seem that worldly issues are just distractions, which is why it is necessary to withdraw.  Historically, many psychics, oracles and wise people were known to live apart from society.  Those wishing to consult them would travel into the wilderness to find them.

The other important symbol present in this Tarot card is the lantern that the Hermit carries. In some Tarot illustrations, there is a glowing star held by the lantern, though other times it is lit with a flame.  Its brightness is a symbol for the light of knowledge and understanding.  

It is a point where all the learning and understanding gained so far through experience is contemplated.  We realize that this review and further study is how we gain wisdom and perspective."

El Loco se adentra en la oscuridad, lo desconocido, la naturaleza salvaje de su psique más profunda, a ciegas, sin linterna, i.e. sin conocimiento ni sabiduría, tan sólo guiado por su animal de poder (perro, gato, lobo, ciervo, águila ..), que representa su instinto, y la inspiración de su naturaleza divina e infantil (the divine child). El Loco no podría actuar de otra manera. Es como es, y no puede ser de otra forma porque es Auténtico. No está claro si su valentía es osadía, temeridad, inconsciencia ... pero no se puede negar de todos modos. De hecho, el Loco es un Guerrero Espiritual. Muy pocos están dispuestos o bendecidos con la disposición de dar este salto de fé que cambiará el curso de su vida para siempre - Esperanza. Y es necesaria, más aún, indispensable, esta naturaleza del Loco para iniciar este Viaje Espiritual. Si el Loco no iniciara este Viaje, si no se retirara de lo mundano, de lo frecuentado .. jamás podría ser el Hermitaño (Hedge Witch - Brujería de Cerco), que se convertirá en el Mago (The Magician or the Sorceress), en una Bruja consciente de lo que es, una Mujer Antigua y Sabia, de su Legado Ancestral, de su Magia, de su Poder. Su Trabajo, su Oficio, su Arte.

(The Fool Card from the Fairy Tale Tarot)

(Druidcraft Tarot)

(Lucy Campbell - Lupi Art)

(Pagan Tarot)

(The Fool - and Honeysuckle)

(The Fairy Tale Tarot)

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