La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

Hare lore

At some point in history, probably during the Roman Empire, rabbit lore crossed paths with hare lore, and this little trickster got a melange of their folklore. But at the bottom of the jam jar lies the fact that they're a mismatch of animals, and that the hare is still the one and only who knows how to read coffee grounds.
#thewiseharetradition #thehareillustratère 
#majickal #witchery #mystery #enchantment #intuition

Bippity Boppity Boo

¡¡Esto es demasiado!! He encendido el ordenador para apuntar lo de anoche en la ducha (parestesia: hipoestesia), y que ya estoy bien y hasta tengo otra vez lustre (no problem con el pescadito azul), pues ya me levantado: me ha despertado el graznido incesante de un cuervo en alguna rama de los pinos enfrente del dormitorio.. lo he estado buscando, pero con la persiana medio bajada no tenía del todo visión, así que me he ido a levantar discretamente la persiana del escritorio.. y claro, ésa no conoce la discreción, y a los pocos segundos he visto una sombra que desplegaba las alas para abrirse. ¡Y mira acto seguido lo primero que me aparece en pantalla como recuerdo propio! (que lo es, lo pensaba antes, me cruzaban la mente muchos recuerdos de córvidos). Pues es más, se abre y zas, a la vez me suena la alarma aquí al lado, que me he sobresaltado y todo un poco. ¿Ya está bien, no? Con el súper eclipse (Super blue blood moon on 2018, January 31) me quedé cargada, te lo estoy diciendo.. No paran de pasarme cosas de este tipo, ayer qué fue? ahh sí, recordé una rueda de yoga que vi hace tiempo, recordé la chica que las hacía, que aunque es extranjera vive en el pirineo catalán porque es escaladora, pues ayer me llega en el fbk una promoción de precio especial de la vayu yoga wheel asistiendo a un taller con katlyn patrizia, ¡y no recibo nunca nada en el fbk de ella! Pero sabes que sobre todo lo que está pasando es que veo durante la noche en sueños, y al día siguiente aparecen en este aldo, ya sea una persona que hace más de veinticinco años que no veía, una gata, esplugas, señales...

Lo que decía el escrito de la Luna del Cuervo el 23 de febrero 2015 (lo que reproduzco aquí subrayado en negrita es lo que tiene especial sentido para mí tras la experiencia de vida durante estos últimos años, suena como si me estuvieran dando instrucciones* para el camino que no sabía que tenía por delante para recorrer; y lo que a continuación dice de cuervo como guía en este tránsito no está mal tampoco, también me ha ayudado a entender):
Trust and surrender to this powerful transition, nourish and heal your body, mind and spirit. Don’t resist the change, embrace the shedding of old skin. Sometimes we need our feelings to get agitated to help us recognize what we need to release. Sometimes you need to nurture a emotional detachment from a person or a situation, we need to risk cutting off these old habits, like a sacrifice, in order to be able to receive the new and positive energy. The sacrifice of becoming more vulnerable and sensitive to the world around us, allows us to acquire wisdom in learning to balance our life experiences. Once you start to release, you will experience inner strength, emotional peace and completion. As a spirit guide, the crow will guide you in getting in touch with life mysteries and develop your ability to perceive subtle shifts in energy within yourself and in your environment. It has the ability to go beyond the illusions, especially duality of right and wrong. Crow is the keeper of the Sacred Law, allowing us to balance our soul. Crow is an omen of change, guiding us with mindfulness and truth. Be willing to walk and speak in integrity. Crow can teach us to be mindful about judgement. Trust your intuition and personal integrity, no matter what your experience, there is a complex stability in the larger pattern that invites you to feel stable as you expand and evolve. Living in a world of polarities, yet knowing that all parts are one, creating connectedness. Stability is a matter of perception, find where you can openly flow and expand in the midst of chaos. Seek stability in expansion, be open and flexible, allow change to open the doors of your destiny.

el recuerdo del cuervo es de hace 3 años!!!!
Fue la luna llena de mi cumple hace 3 años
Fue el primer cumpleaños lunar que celebramos encontrándome Yo ya mal!

el 23-2-2015 fue el día que me despedí de El Refugio de la Brujita!!!!! .. y meses más tarde (septiembre) me rendí a la evidencia de que de momento no iba a volver, y empecé a escribir en Después de las brasas... no viene el silencio (y el día del primer escrito allí anoté el enlace en el Refugio)
Y esto dice mi último escrito en el Refugio el 23 de febrero de 2015: "Birlibirloque"  por arte de birlibirloque o de encantamiento.

1. locs. advs. coloqs. por arte de magia.

Real Academia Española

"Por arte de birlibirloque" es una locución adverbial empleada coloquialmente para expresar que algo sucede de un modo inexplicable... 

Por eso este escrito lo titularé Bippity Boppity Boo!

“For what it’s worth: it is never too late to be whoever you want to be. I hope you live a life you are proud of, and if you find you are not, I hope you have the strength to start over again.”

F. Scott Fitzgerald

¡Voy a desayunar! ¡Ya lo comprendo todo! Las cosas fueron como tenían que ser, todo formaba parte de las señales, del mensaje, de las instrucciones*.. No hicimos nada malo, ni nada mal, manejamos señales en nuestras manos que tenían inscritos designios en sus alas de origami. Me siento liberada... no longer spellbound. Hoy, mi tótem cuervo de camino se ha ido, me ha dejado... en paz.


En Aura (1962), la novela del escritor mexicano Carlos Fuentes, los personajes se desdoblan especularmente unos en otros (Consuelo en Aura; Aura en el conejo llamado Saga).

La anciana Consuelo Llorente tiene por mascota a una coneja.

"De la garganta abotonada de la anciana surgirá ese cacareo sordo:
- ¿No le gustan los animales?
- No. No particularmente. Quizás porque nunca he tenido uno.
- Son buenos amigos, buenos compañeros. Sobre todo cuando llegan la vejez y la soledad.
- Si. Así debe ser.
- Son seres naturales, señor Montero. Seres sin tentaciones.
- ¿Cómo dijo que se llamaba?
- ¿La coneja? Saga. Sabia. Sigue sus instintos. Es natural y libre.
- Creí que era conejo.
- Ah, usted no sabe distinguir todavía.
- Bueno, lo importante es que no se sienta usted sola."

(NA) Saga (del inglés 'sage')
Aura (Dawn), Aurora, Eostre, Eostara, Ostara

- Fuentes:

Hare Meaning & Symbolism

The hare is an emblem of many lunar goddesses such as Hecate, Freyja, and Holda. In fact, the hare is the symbol for the moon. Ever since the Council of Nicea in 325 A.D., Easter has been celebrated on the first Sunday following the first full moon after March 21st. The Hare is a symbol of Easter for two reasons: the European Spring goddess Eostre (from whom we get the name Easter) had the head of a hare, and the date of Easter is determined by the moon whose symbolism is strongly tied to that of the hare.

Teatime by Terri Windling

In Teutonic myth, the earth and sky goddess Holda, leader of the Wild Hunt, was followed by a procession of hares bearing torches. Although she descended into a witch-like figure and boogeyman of children’s tales, she was once revered as a beautiful, powerful goddess in charge of weather phenomena. Freyja, the headstrong Norse goddess of love, sensuality, and women’s mysteries, was also served by hare attendants. She traveled with a sacred hare and boar in a chariot drawn by cats. Kaltes, [Goddess of knowledge of the Ugric peoples] the shape-shifting moon goddess of western Siberia, liked to roam the hills in the form of a hare, and was sometimes pictured in human shape wearing a headdress with hare’s ears. [She takes the shape of the hare because the hare is understood as an intermediary between the moon and the humans who worship it. She was honored as the divine moon goddess by the Siberian people. The hare (akin to cat energy) is her sacred totem. Traditionally associated with the cycles of the moon, intuition, and enchantment]. Eostre, the goddess of the moon, fertility, and spring in Anglo–Saxon myth, was often depicted with a hare’s head or ears, and with a white hare standing in attendance.

Original text and graphite pencil illustration by Terri Windling

I believe there's no hint of intention to present the author's work as my own. [As a philologist, square brackets are symbols that we use to contain "extra information", or information that is not part of the main content.] I clearly credit the writer, editor and artist Terri Windling. And I didn't note the name of the article the text is quoted from (or provide a link to it) because I was interested in solely focusing on hare lore. At some point in history, probably during the Roman Empire, rabbit lore crossed paths with hare lore, and this little trickster got a melange of their folklore. But at the bottom of the jam jar lies the fact that they're a mismatch of animals, and that the hare is still the one and only who knows how to read coffee grounds.

Leaping Hares by Mandy Walden

Crooked House by Mandy Walden

Since ancient times, locals have reported seeing hares regularly leaping in circles .. And who else do it in circles? .. Witches! Does it empower the popular belief that witches shape-shift into hares? Mote it be!


A fey and secretive animal, the Hare is usually active at night under the watchful eye of the Moon... leaping into and out of the Otherworld.. from where she comes with magical tools and misty insights.. gone in the blink of a eye, swifting swirly.. and leaving you wondering if she was ever there at all. Hare's Wisdom includes: strengthening intuition, receiving hidden teachings and intuitive messages, paradox and contradition, and living by one's own wits.
Worldwide folk tales tell of wise women (witches) who shape-shift into hares:

In the black furror of a field
I saw an old witch-hare this night;
And she cocked a lissome ear,
And she eyed the moon so bright,
And she nibbled of the green;
And I whispered "Whsst! witch-hare"
Away like a ghostie o’er the field
She fled, and left the moonlight there.

In some lands, Hare is the messenger of Goddesses, moving by moonlight between realms and worlds - there is a sacred connection between hares and various goddesses, warrior queens and female faeries.

Lepus by Karen Davis, Moonlight and Hares
Spirit by Karen Davis, Moonlight and Hares
Indigo Wood by Karen Davis, Moonlight and Hares

Hare Totem

Native American and Celtic shamanistic beliefs are strong on animal symbols. These symbols are referred to as "totem animals" or "power animals." You'll often hear the two referred to synonymously, but those that follow traditional Native beliefs explain that a totem animal is one that is with you for life, often an animal with whom you share a connection, either through interest in the animal or your resemblance to or shared characteristics of the animal in question. A power animal or spirit animal is a spirit in animal form that comes through with a specific lesson for you, and will change throughout the course of your life.

Hares are connected to both the earth element and to the lunar energies of the moon. The gestation period of a hare is 28 days, the same time as the moon.
Its movements were sometimes used for divination. Associated with transformation ("wise women" or witches were believed to shape-shift into hares by moonlight, and Goddess Eostre, too, was a shape-shifter, taking the shape of a hare at each full moon) the receiving of hidden teachings, and intuitive messages. Hares are quick with the ability to twist and turn. As a totem or power animal the hare teaches us to aim for our dreams and not let anything get in our path.

The hare is an independent, solitary animal that often lives alone. In modern society the loners of the world are often frowned upon, but history has proved these types of people to be invaluable and they should feel a sense of pride within themselves. Unlike rabbits, hares cannot be tamed (although there is a domesticated rabbit which has the name hare, but is in fact a rabbit). They have a wild nature to them. They are the totem of people who like to run free. I will run and run forever where the wild fields are mine... 
THE FABLED HARE (Maddy Prior - based on a "spell" by Isobel Gowdie 1662)

A Secret by Karen Davis

Hares have been associated with magic and the ability to walk between worlds and connect to the other world. The hare is a totem of mystery and misunderstanding. The hare is often seen as a trickster and to many people the trickster is seen as a negative trait. The trickster though may simply do things different to the norm. They may be the individual who stands out from the crowd and does things their way. The trickster is the one who will break rules and rebel; they are the sort of people that can create great changes within society. As with all attitude, the clue is how you use your power – the trickster archetype can be cunning or foolish. They can be a power for good or a symbol of disruption, chaos. Tricksters often have two spirits that they present to the world. [They] can also be the hero.•´*¨`*•✿

The "Trickster" figure plays tricks or otherwise disobeys normal rules and conventional behavior. Rabbits and hares are both good and bad in trickster tales found all the way from Asia and Africa to North America. In the Panchatantra tales of India, for example, Hare is a wily trickster whose cleverness and cunning is pitted against Elephant and Lion, while in Tibetan folktales, quick-thinking Hare outwits the ruses of predatory Tiger. In Japan, the fox is the primary trickster animal, but hares too are clever, tricky characters. Usually depicted as male (whereas fox tricksters are most often female), hares in Japanese folktales tend to be crafty, clownish, mischievous figures — as opposed to fox tricksters (kitsune), who are more seductive, secretive, and dangerous. In West Africa, many tribal cultures, such as the Yoruba of Nigeria and the Wolof of Senegal, have traditional story cycles about an irrepressible hare trickster who is equal parts rascal, clown, and culture hero. In one pan–African story, the Moon sends Hare, her divine messenger, down to earth to give mankind the gift of immortality. "Tell them," she says, "that just as the Moon dies and rises again, so shall you." But Hare, in the role of trickster buffoon, manages to get the message wrong, bestowing mortality instead and bringing death to the human world. The Moon is so angry, she beats Hare with a stick, splitting his nose (as it remains today). It is Hare’s role to lead the dead to the Afterlife in penance for what he’s done.

The Hare Illustratère: The Wise Fool's Quantum Leap

13:51 La TIERRA engancha!! Y estoy feliz!!! Estaba limpiando de hojas secas los lirios, y replantando algunos de ellos, y adivina quién ha aparecido tan valiente y curiosa como para además quedarse de espaldas comiendo a mi lado mientras Yo trabajaba! Sí! Saga!
Por qué Siempre nos tocan los amigos más valientes, curiosos y simpáticos?
#sagewitches #busyspells

15:36 Me he pasado prácticamente todo lo que va de día fuera, plantando lirios, limpiando lirios, replantando lirios... Saga apareció de repente, y ahora cuando me escucha viene y me acompaña. Parece que me ha perdonado el incidente del gallinero.. Yo a ella se lo perdoné el mismo día, porque aunque me dolió el mordisco, admiré su condición salvaje y guerrera, y entendí que era la única manera que tenía de hacerme entender el mensaje.
Me arden las manos, literalmente, y tengo como calambres o tingling, y no es parestesia jijijiijiiii! Antes lo pensaba, que la Medicina de la Tierra es lo que necesita mi sistema inmunológico, porque noto cómo se agarra a la tierra, el sol y el aire! y bebo cuando entro en casa, cosa que normalmente no hago (en eso tb me estoy descubriendo gata), aprovecharé para que sea agua + sal = agua de mar (un brindis a la salud de mi amiga Kati Sanabria)

"You're entirely bonkers. But I'll tell you a secret. All the best people are." ღ.••.ღ.••.ღ¸¸.•°”˜”°•.¸¸.Ƹ̴Ӂ̴Ʒ Lewis Carroll, "Alice in Wonderland".

Wood & Forest Goddess

BEFANA is the gift-giver Witch figure in #Italy. The figure of Befana has evolved over centuries from a Pagan woodland goddess to a benevolent witch who brings gifts to children on the night of January 6, by filling the stockings hung above the hearth. Befana is also connected to ancestral spirits as a mythical ancestress who returns yearly. Through her timeless visits to the family hearth, her function is that of reaffirming the bond between the family and the ancestors through an exchange of gifts. The symbolism connected to the Belfana figure dates back even to Neolithic times. The stockings hung for Belfana are derived from ancient offerings to the goddess of fate and time. Goddesses of fate have always been associated with weaving, the loom, the spindle, and distaff (of which the stockings are totems). In Italian folklore, Belfana arrives flying on a broom or a goat. This is symbolic of her connection to the plant and animal worlds, denoting her as a woodland goddess as well as a goddess of annual renewal (the cycles of death and rebirth within Nature).

From the Spring Equinox, Befana is born again. life is renewed, and she returns as FANA (FAUNA), the woodland goddess of spring. See HEARTH. (Encyclopedia of Wicca & Witchcraft, by Raven Grimassi, pages 47-48).

The Antlered Path - El Camino Astado

Repair a cracked salt lamp..

sé cómo reparar la grieta en nuestra piedrita de sal 
ah sí??
sal rosa, agua en spray, y refrigerar en la neverita para cristalizar!
#majickalandrationalwitch La clase de bruja que soy!
A más humedad ambiental, más se expande el cristal de sal al atraer y absorber el vapor de agua, hasta poder incluso llegar a agrietarse.
Due to the hygroscopic properties (absorbing moisture from the air) of the salt lamps, in exceptionally humid or wet weather conditions they seep or cry (sweat/absorb moisture). Simply add saucer to base, and it is strongly recommended that you have the lamp on continuously to keep it as dry as possible.

Vale, son las 5, a las 9 mi piedrina estará curada, regenerada, suturada.. pobrecita!, lo que necesitaba eran cuidados, como los que le he prodigado en un ritual mágico de fuego (hogar, luz y velas) y de aire (incienso) - Smoke of Air, and Fire of Earth -, y no ignorancia, superstición, como la de muchas brujas pirujas que corren por ahí, que la arrojara a la pira para hacerla desaparecer por estar cargada de malas energías! me he sentido como en la edad medieval, y como la bruja que soy, haciendo que mis ancestras y antepasadas se sientan orgullosas, sanando, curando, que es lo que las brujas, mujeres de poder, magia y conocimiento ancestral, sabemos hacer.

Y sí, el personaje de Disney con quien más me identifico es Belle, de la película La Bella y la Bestia.

4 de febrero 2018. 21:04
Hoy me saludó así mi prima: Hola Bella. Si vamos a ser princesas tu serás Bella. jajajajaaja. chica culta, intelectual, amante de las buenas historias, valiente y decida, capaz de enfrentarse a la bestia y con un corazón noble. te quiero

Bear Cave

Medicina de Osa y la Cueva Ceremonial. Me di cuenta esta mañana que es la etapa de vida en que me encuentro.

Bear Medicine is powerful medicine, bringing healing, renewal, and rebirth. This animal has been worshiped throughout time as a powerful totem, inspiring those who need it the courage to stand up against adversity. The spirit of the bear is a strong source of support in times of difficulty. It provides courage, strong grounding forces and a stable foundation to face challenges, and to support you in more busy and noisy times. As a spirit animal in touch with the earth and the cycles of nature, it is a powerful guide to support physical and emotional healing. This is the gift that Grandmother Bear brings those who walk Bear’s ways. The strength of bear medicine is the power to restore harmony and balance – to heal, whether it’s at the physical, emotional or spiritual level. The Bear Spirit is known to many cultures as the Great Healer. The spirit of the the bear indicates it’s time for healing or using healing abilities to help self or others. The bear medicine emphasizes the importance of solitude, quiet time, rest. It may be a call to find time away from the crowd or busyness and favor quiet time and rest. Bears were thought to die each fall, to be reborn each spring, verifying in life, their Spiritual Power over death. Proof, that Bears were given the Power of Resurrection through Rebirth. Hibernation; the great sleep; entering into the Spirit World for spiritual re-alignment and emerging in Spring as changed and balanced beings. Bears haven is the womb of Mother Earth and Bear Medicine will teach one to enter into Inner Silence to face the smoking mirror of reflection. These inner reflections one sees will show one their true self (Spirit), with all its weaknesses and strengths. Bear is in the West, the intuitive side, the right brain. Where it is to hibernate, Bear travels to the cave, which is the center of the four lobes where the pineal gland resides. In the cave, Bear seeks answers/vision while Bear is dreaming or hibernating. Bear is then reborn in the spring, like the opening of spring flowers. All seekers of the Dreamtime and of visions, have walked the path of silence, calming the internal dialogue, reaching their place of rites of passage, the Third Eye or pineal gland is the place of inner vision. From the cave of Bear, you find the pathway to the Dream Lodge and the other levels of imagination or consciousness. In choosing Bear Medicine, the power of knowing has invited you to enter the silence and become acquainted with the Dream Lodge, so that your goals may become concrete realities. This is the strength of Bear Medicine. Bears awaken from their long journey in the spirit world. Bears, jubilant in their return, rejuvenated by their physical and spiritual rebirth, they emerge from the womb of our Mother, the Earth. Bear is the “Walker between and among the worlds.” Interestingly, in Siberia, the name used to designate women shaman is the same as the word “bear”. In Northern America, in the Inuit tradition, the bear spirit animal is also connected to the shamanic tradition and the Heart of the Sacred Feminine. Walk with Bear and re-emerge!
#ceremonialcave #bearmedicine #healing

The Third eye. See into other worlds.

#wonderland #downtherabbithole #persephone #badass

Conversations with Persephone

Starra Neely Blade - Writer, Artist, Life Encourager: There are debates on the "rape" versions, and abduction of Persephone by Hades. I agree she is a badass Queen. She co-rules with Hades. We may never know the truth of the matter. Myths are open to our interpretation.
Nikita Gill: Yeah it’s because they confused the Latin word Rapere which means to steal for rape. I will always maintain that Persephone is no victim or weepy teenager held against her will. She’s pretty hardcore and like you said, Hades’ equal. If we want to bash anyone it should be Zeus. Now there’s a creepy rapist if I ever heard of one.
Aquí ya me preguntaba: Artículo sobre el Aceite de Granada Bio en el bloc BioVegetalis. ¿Podían ser malas, como se nos ha contado, las seis semillas que Hades entregó a Perséfone? Entonces, ¿tenía malas intenciones Hades? ¿Quién era Hades/Pluto/Hefesto? ¿Un Mago? ¿Y el Inframundo...? ¿Acaso otra vez intentaron taponar el acceso al Otro Mundo, el Mundo Espiritual, el Elphame, contándonos las mismas historias de miedo repetidas para que la sangre del pomo de la puerta de entrada a lo instintivo, lo natural, delatara a esas mujeres rebeldes, impúdicas que osaran desobedecer los cánones que dictaba la ciencia patriarcal?

Persephone - a badass Queen

Weird how so many people don’t know what a badass Persephone was and want to see her as a victim. She was no victim. She was the Queen of the Underworld and she wore her crown damned well.

Starra Neely Blade - Writer, Artist, Life Encourager: There are debates on the "rape" versions, and abduction of Persephone by Hades. I agree she is a badass Queen. She co-rules with Hades. We may never know the truth of the matter. Myths are open to our interpretation.
Nikita Gill: Yeah it’s because they confused the Latin word Rapere which means to steal for rape. I will always maintain that Persephone is no victim or weepy teenager held against her will. She’s pretty hardcore and like you said, Hades’ equal. If we want to bash anyone it should be Zeus. Now there’s a creepy rapist if I ever heard of one.
Samanta Vega Díaz: Nikita Gill I'm surprised to read someone maintains the same as I see: 
Aquí ya me preguntaba: Artículo sobre el Aceite de Granada Bio en el bloc BioVegetalis. ¿Podían ser malas, como se nos ha contado, las seis semillas que Hades entregó a Perséfone? Entonces, ¿tenía malas intenciones Hades? ¿Quién era Hades/Pluto/Hefesto? ¿Un Mago? ¿Y el Inframundo...? ¿Acaso otra vez intentaron taponar el acceso al Otro Mundo, el Mundo Espiritual, el Elphame, contándonos las mismas historias de miedo repetidas para que la sangre del pomo de la puerta de entrada a lo instintivo, lo natural, delatara a esas mujeres rebeldes, impúdicas que osaran desobedecer los cánones que dictaba la ciencia patriarcal?
#badass #badassqueen #queendom #badasswitchery #epic #wonderland #downtherabbithole

Kore = little girl, Persephone = chaos bringer. She CHOSE to live in the Underworld. Hades did not kidnap her

We are the descendants of the wild women you forgot. We are the stories you thought would never be taught. They should have checked the ashes of the women they burned alive. Because it takes a single wild ember to bring a whole wildfire to life.🔥— Nikita Gill

The Saffron Mother

#pink #golden #saffron

The Saffron-goddess had a substantially greater role in Crete than in later antiquity. In Greece & Rome she came to be identified as Eos or Aurora the Goddess of the Dawn, with herself, her throne, her sacred robes, even her wedding bed, all the color of gold & saffron.

Dawn-goddesses were frequently warlike, arising each morning to battle with things of the Night such as Eos single-handedly chased out of the sky. Ovid among others called Eos the "Saffron mother," & many ancient poets allude to her rosy-red (saffron-dyed) fingers. She arrived on the earth each morning in a war-chariot drawn by bright roan horses. The Dionysiaca calls her "Farshooting Eos" since she is a mistress of archery.

Eos is the Goddess of the dawn in Greek mythology. Romans call her Aurora. Eos appears in the sky every morning in her chariot drawn by her two horses Firebright and Daybright. Eos is the Titaness who opens the gates of heaven to allow Helios, the God of the Sun, to pass through each morning. Helios, the sun, and Selene the moon goddess are her equally powerful siblings. Eos is preceded only by her son Phosphorus who slowly marches in front of his mother’s chariot carrying a torch with which he lights the planet Venus. Because of this, Phosphorus is called the Morning Star. He has a twin brother called Hesperus who is the Evening Star because he also lights up Venus, but in the evening. The planet Venus shines more than the stars. 

I always loved Eos artistically because she was not described like the other ones (EXTREMELY BEAUTIFUL) but she was very popular among poets, who love to sing about her saffron robes and pink fingers and golden sandals. When now Aurora… with her rosy luster purpled o’er the lawn… Soon as the early, rosy-fingered dawn appeared… (Homer) In gold sandals Dawn like a thief fell upon me. (Sappho) The Odyssey notes that Eos's golden robe was an embroidered "flowery cloth" & The Iliad says "she lays her saffron robes upon the earth", a protective action.

Eos and Selene @arbetta

Eos, the Titan Goddess of the Dawn @arbetta

#Dawn #SaffronMother #archery #golden #saffron #pink

- Bibliography: