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Los nodos lunares en el axis Aries/Libra

Venus is the ruler of Libra - In Libra, she works through air energy and therefore the mind. Aphrodite rules Venus, ruling planet of both Taurus and Libra. In Libra we see the more intellectual side of Venus and one of more modern times. Venus was a complex goddess.
Libra is a cardinal sign. A cardinal sign is the first sign of each of the four seasons and cardinal signs are the initiators, the ones with the ideas and who are focused on moving forward.
Librans are the most peaceful and loving of all the signs. They are not overtly emotional about this and do not necessarily go out hugging trees and kissing everyone they meet, for they are an Air sign, not a Water sign. As an Air ruled Venus sign,they simply operate their lives in a very balanced, harmonious way that puts an aura of peace and harmony around them. This is not to say that all Librans are living in a state of balanced harmony, but you can be sure that they are striving for it and will feel out of sorts if they do not have it.
If you want to relax after a busy day, find a Libran and fall under their spell for a while.

Mars rules Aries, the first sign of the zodiac. This archetype is the expression of pure instinctual energy, the definition of raw, primal life force whose necessity is self-experience.

Ares and Aphrodite (meaning foam born) eventually had a daughter called Harmonia, a name that means the balancing between love and strife.
As a Cardinal sign, they are the ones who come up with the ideas that inspire and motivate the rest of us. Aries very rarely finish what they start, but that s not their role, that s for other signs to do. Aries energy relies on having a good team around them, that can follow through on the practical details, while they are free to develop even better ideas. Aries, therefore, are inspirational leaders, inventors and inspire passion and a fighting spirit in all of us. 

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