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Bear Cave

Medicina de Osa y la Cueva Ceremonial. Me di cuenta esta mañana que es la etapa de vida en que me encuentro.

Bear Medicine is powerful medicine, bringing healing, renewal, and rebirth. This animal has been worshiped throughout time as a powerful totem, inspiring those who need it the courage to stand up against adversity. The spirit of the bear is a strong source of support in times of difficulty. It provides courage, strong grounding forces and a stable foundation to face challenges, and to support you in more busy and noisy times. As a spirit animal in touch with the earth and the cycles of nature, it is a powerful guide to support physical and emotional healing. This is the gift that Grandmother Bear brings those who walk Bear’s ways. The strength of bear medicine is the power to restore harmony and balance – to heal, whether it’s at the physical, emotional or spiritual level. The Bear Spirit is known to many cultures as the Great Healer. The spirit of the the bear indicates it’s time for healing or using healing abilities to help self or others. The bear medicine emphasizes the importance of solitude, quiet time, rest. It may be a call to find time away from the crowd or busyness and favor quiet time and rest. Bears were thought to die each fall, to be reborn each spring, verifying in life, their Spiritual Power over death. Proof, that Bears were given the Power of Resurrection through Rebirth. Hibernation; the great sleep; entering into the Spirit World for spiritual re-alignment and emerging in Spring as changed and balanced beings. Bears haven is the womb of Mother Earth and Bear Medicine will teach one to enter into Inner Silence to face the smoking mirror of reflection. These inner reflections one sees will show one their true self (Spirit), with all its weaknesses and strengths. Bear is in the West, the intuitive side, the right brain. Where it is to hibernate, Bear travels to the cave, which is the center of the four lobes where the pineal gland resides. In the cave, Bear seeks answers/vision while Bear is dreaming or hibernating. Bear is then reborn in the spring, like the opening of spring flowers. All seekers of the Dreamtime and of visions, have walked the path of silence, calming the internal dialogue, reaching their place of rites of passage, the Third Eye or pineal gland is the place of inner vision. From the cave of Bear, you find the pathway to the Dream Lodge and the other levels of imagination or consciousness. In choosing Bear Medicine, the power of knowing has invited you to enter the silence and become acquainted with the Dream Lodge, so that your goals may become concrete realities. This is the strength of Bear Medicine. Bears awaken from their long journey in the spirit world. Bears, jubilant in their return, rejuvenated by their physical and spiritual rebirth, they emerge from the womb of our Mother, the Earth. Bear is the “Walker between and among the worlds.” Interestingly, in Siberia, the name used to designate women shaman is the same as the word “bear”. In Northern America, in the Inuit tradition, the bear spirit animal is also connected to the shamanic tradition and the Heart of the Sacred Feminine. Walk with Bear and re-emerge!
#ceremonialcave #bearmedicine #healing

The Third eye. See into other worlds.

#wonderland #downtherabbithole #persephone #badass

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