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Full Moon in Libra: The Union of Venus and Mars

Aries/Libra Full Moon: You take the lead

If you’ve followed astrology for a bit, you’ve probably heard Venus and Mars referred to as the cosmic lovers, forever chasing each other in the sky and bending the dynamics of the masculine/feminine polarity; this is more of a metaphysical expression of yin and yang, shiva and shakti, consciousness and form-giving potential). And with the energetic principle of “love” and “war” momentarily uniting to balance out Libra’s scales. When the Sun is under the constellation of Aries, it puts the Full Moon in Libra. Ever direct and to the point, the Aries Sun, the epitome of springtime energy bursting forth, making such a grand entrance, marching in like a lion, like a bull in a china shop, wants a much simpler answer than the endlessly deliberating Libra Moon is ready to give. Aries always says: You have only one life and who cares what happens? jump, risk, be bold; Libra says: peace at all costs, stay comfortable and do not rock the boat, wait, why take an impulsive jump into the abyss when I can find comfort right here in the familiar? Which will it be?
Draw your hands to your heart. Massage this area. Imagine that you have become a Full Moon goddess, capable of balancing the earth and harmonizing its opposing forces. In particular you are tuned to the energies of Aries and Libra, the complementary energies of “me” and “we.” Aries wonders, “Who am I?” Libra wonders, “Who are you—and how can we work together?” Aries is adventurous, individualistic, and trailblazing. Through Aries we feel our existence as an independent being, capable of taking action, without needing approval or support. Libra is harmonizing, beautifying, and partnership-oriented. Its primary purpose is sharing—ideas, experiences, space—with others. Aries and Libra are opposing signs, but together they make for a balanced world. Our Libran ability to relate to others is diminished without a secure sense of our own identity. Our Aries efforts are unsuccessful when we alienate others and are uncooperative. Full Moons bring an opportunity to balance and harmonize its opposing signs. Too much Aries and we’re combative, self-absorbed, impatient. Too much Libra and we’re indecisive, uncommitted, people-pleasing.
For the center of this ritual, imagine that the forces of Aries and Libra come to life in their archetypal form—as the Warrior and the GoddessAs you breathe in the weakness of each of these archetypes, you will breathe out the healing strength of the other.In this way, you will reconcile and balance these energies within yourself around the globe. Your sacred work has that power. Believe in it! Find a comfortable rhythm working with the images and your breath. Repeat the statements until you feel a transformation. 

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