La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling


From an ARIES SUN LIBRA MOON woman to their fellow Arian sisters.♈
con Astrid Reza
beautiful fire medicine


#starwalkers #lightworkers

THE FIRE ELEMENT: Fire dances, fire warms, fire burns, fire creates, and fire destroys.
Passion is the virtue of fire energy in its positive aspect, while the negative aspect is impatience.
The organ is the heart, and the feature is the tongue, with which the heart can speak the language of spirit.
The sense of the fire element is the sense of taste.
There are four meridians of the fire element: Heart is the Yin meridian - The Ruler of All Emotions & The House of the Spirit, approach it with respect. It rules: blood, tongue, throat, sweat, facial complexion, adrenals, thyroid, prostate and pituitary gland. It opens into the tongue and controls speech.
Element: Belonging to the Fire element, the Heart Meridian is associated with warmth, laughter and enthusiasm.
Physical Imbalances: shortness of breath, cold feeling in the chest and limbs, palpitations, cold sweat, inability to speak, memory failure and restless sleep.
Emotional Imbalances: The heart is the ruler of all emotions. Signs of imbalance include sadness, absence of laughter, depression, fear, anxiety, hysteria, erratic behavior, alternating joy and melancholy, dullness, yearning for love, jealousy and sorrow. When balanced: Tranquility, gentleness, emotional balance, spirit, love, integrity, optimism, emotional and spiritual growth, zest for life, control of thoughts and senses, conscience and wisdom.
Peak Hours: 11 am - 1 pm.
Chakra: Heart Chakra. Nowhere is such love felt more deeply than in the Heart.
Although the sensory organ of the Heart meridian is the tongue, the spirit of the eyes shines in the eyes.

Yes!!! ❤️🔥❤️

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