La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

*Judging the moment*

Put A Spell On You, like what do you REALLY want? That thing that you need. That you crave. That thing you obsses about (or ignore and deny completely depending on whether or not you have an avoidant personality type). Say. It. Out. Loud. And let this be your first step at vibing on the same frequency so you can attract it. Have you heard of "afformations"? (not "affirmation"!!!! Totally different) Try it! Be brave yo! - Why ...?
{Happiness Vessel} #jesmaharryjewelry
Ok, I believe it's the right time, but Ursula knows best.
Jar of Wishes which they may come true and then drop into the Jar of Gratitude hiihii 🔮🤗🌞🌷🌹🌻
Quiero una casita de unos 80m2 (como la casita azul de Marie Nikić, que tenía unos perfectos 83-84m2), soleada, apartadita (hedgewitchcraft), sobre plano, con un terreno de circa 800m2 me basta, asentada sobre la tierra, si tuviera una buhardilla sería un sueño, con un porche me basta (los porches me gustan), o que en vez de dos abajo, tenga uno frontal jiji (eso también me encantaría), con un baño también me basta (de hecho, me gusta más a pesar de las ventajas de tener dos), y que, teniendo en cuenta los gastos desorbitados que hemos tenido en los últimos tres años y medio largos, y los planes de futuro que tenemos, nos suponga un alquiler de 600-700 € al mes.

Samanta Vega Díaz The East direction embodies the color yellow, spring, the sun, fire, children, sacred tobacco, and the Eagle Wabun Spirit Keeper of the East Wind. Thus it brings us the lesson of responsible relationships and the magic of higher vision and prophecy. This direction is the way of determination, illumination, enlightenment, innocence, and imagination. It influences your life goals, emotions, and journeys. It is also the “direction” of the dreamworld. The Thunderbird Clan is associated with the Budding Trees Moon (March 21 to April 19), the Ripe Berry Moon, (July 23 to Aug 22), and the Long Snows Moon (Nov 22 to Dec 21), and Fire is the sacred possession of the Clan. The Thunderbird Clan is ruled by three colors - amethyst, red, and scarlet. Its stone totem is Lava rock. In general red crystals have brought many wonders to the Thunderbird Clan. Seek out red crystals and wear them often. It is believed they are the essence of love in crystal form, as are all red crystals. Some members of the Thunderbird clan seem to be people of paradox. Like fire, they can be warming or destroying. Just as the fire element, the tribe members smile radiantly until something aggravates them. Their moods easily fluctuate. The Thunderbird Clan is a clan of intense energy. The Thunderbird Clan will help you to sort out your uses of power and your priorities. This clan will help you through your journey of change to a brighter and better lifestyle.

Astrid Reza Samanta Vega Díaz hahahahahha this is so obvious #thunderbirdclan

Samanta Vega Díaz
Ostara - Easter is celebration of the parousia, the manifestation of Indestructible Life.

Wild horse or mustang. Windfire warrior. The Spirit of a Horse.

Samanta Vega Díaz "To be honest this elements scares me to death because its my true elements. Am scared of burning people, myself and my own being. And I did these before. All the freakin time. But alas despite all this, I know in fire I become my trueself. Burn with passion and so alive. The heat has always have me craving and I breath through. I felt like a phoenix learning to breath in my own dust and bones in order to fly. Oh dear, its intense. I felt like am burning alive to reach my own truth and purified. Still processing this #fireelement since last night, it release and calibrating all over my body. This fire felt like purification. This fire is making me feeling alive and rising. While at the same time the heat is excruciating for all the old pattern, baggage, trauma, wound, self sabotage. Am taking a slow night and reflect on my senses. Taking the effect of my own medicine and find rest within. How to save yourself from burning🔥🔥🔥? By moving through it. Bloody dance to it." Thank you, sister Astrid Reza

Astrid Reza ❤️❤️❤️🔥🔥🔥

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