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Elements Arquetypes

By: Annie B. Bond
May 22, 2005

The Chinese five-element tradition is 5,000 years old and is based on the understanding that everything is connected and everything is a form of vibration. The Chinese divided the energy of these forms of vibration into five categories: metal, water, wood, fire, and earth.
The elements of this system have identifiable archetypes, and when the archetype and element are working together in harmony within us, we see their healthy, supportive, balanced expression. The opposite is also true, and here we find interesting insights if we think of the archetypes as guides to show us where we have been and where we can go. What patterns of imbalance can they show you? Find out, here:

↠ Earth Element
Archetype: Judge
Mediates and brings all things back to a state of balance.
Balances justice with compassion.
Balanced Expression: Capacity for feeling centered, balanced, and at peace with the world.
Unbalanced Expression: Lack of flow of reciprocity with the energy of the world (feeling depleted); not standing up for oneself.
Disruptive Patterns Caused by Imbalance: Loss of equality.

↠ Metal Element
Archetype: Alchemist
Transforms the old, including old beliefs, into new forms and realities.
Produces results beyond normal expectations.
Balanced Expression: Competent. Has a firm foundation and ability to create essential structures. Great sense of direction for where life is going. Well-organized. Knowing at a deep level that one is already perfect. Mental clarity.
Unbalanced Expression: Being stuck, separation, inability to speak one’s truth, cloudy thinking, anguish.
Disruptive Patterns Caused by Imbalance: Loss of the ability to transform.

↠ Fire Element
Archetype: Wizard
Ignites and fuels the spark of life
Creates magic and miracles
Transforms reality with passion.
Balanced Expression: Passion, enthusiasm, optimism, and ability to transform. Enthusiasm to bring transformation through the power of love. Instrument of magic and imagination. Great capacity for joy, affection, and expression.
Unbalanced Expression: Loss of love, suppression of emotion, hopelessness.
Disruptive Patterns Caused by Imbalance: Loss of passion.

↠ Water Element
Archetype: Philosopher
Understand the bigger picture of the cycles of life.
Steps outside the norm to create a new vision.
Represents renewal and death as the beginning and ending of a cycle.
Balanced Expression: Deep sense of introspection. Ability to remain true to basic nature. Great sense of thoughtfulness and originality. Sage.
Unbalanced Expression: Fear of survival, not knowing what is safe.
Disruptive Patterns Caused by Imbalance: Loss of the ability to see the bigger picture.

↠ Wood Element
Archetype: Pioneer
Forges into new territory
Represents birth and growth
Explores the inner self and is not afraid to try new things or to take risks in his or her growth. Includes the inventor and the entrepreneur.
Balanced Expression: Driving need for action and fulfillment. Ability to create movement and excitement. Zest for life. Fun to be around. Ability to control emotions while expressing basic feelings. Full of flowing and inspirational energy. Visionary with great creative potential. Needs to create and share beauty. Ability to share enthusiasm, vision, and sense of adventure.
Unbalanced Expression: Force, stubbornness, prolonged anger, overdoing and over-performing.
Disruptive Patterns Caused by Imbalance: Loss of the ability to move forward.

Adapted from The DNA of Healing, by Margaret Ruby (Hampton Roads, 2006). Copyright (c) 2006 by Margaret Ruby. Reprinted by permission of Hampton Roads.

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