La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

Wild Water

I get asked so often how I stay looking and feeling so young. I don’t know that I really look that young (it’s more of an energy thing with me, I think) but either way, this was my answer:

I pay really close attention to the water I drink and bathe in because I wholeheartedly believe it’s more important than most of us realize,

I play outside...a lot, I put my bare feet on the ground as often as possible (my body
needs it),

I eat magical foods...medicinal mushrooms, organic non-gmo fruits and veggies and lots of wizard worthy herbs and superfoods (also, no granulated sugar, or flour EVER, ever, ever. I’m ridiculously strict about’s what works for me),

I make time to connect with God (source energy..mother earth..whatever works for know what I mean),

I get upside down every chance I get, I make a point to stay close to my community of friends and family (I know humans are annoying, but we need them..we need each other, we need community!),

I baby my adrenals because lord knows they need it in this crazy world,

I bring nature inside my home...clean with essential oils, put plants around to filter the air and surround myself with things that make me feel connected to the natural world,

I do some form of detox every damn day...if you’re wondering why, you’re clearly not living on the same planet as me lol,

I’m overly protective of my mind and vampires via Asshole humans, shitty music or bogus media are simply not given space in my life,

FAST...intermittent fasting is the best kept secret in the world,

I take note of what makes me feel alive and try to do more of that,

I write goals like a motherfucker and constantly search for new areas of my life that require an upgrade (I am wild water...being stagnant is deadly for me),

I laugh a lot, dance a lot and have a lot of sex (I highly recommend all three).

That’s all I can think of right now. ✌🏼

Brooke Hampton, Barefoot Five

The Sun, the Moon and the Stars


- Extra:

If my Aries Sun sign was predominant, I would have a Spring personality (read previous articles).
Because my Libra Moon sign is predominant, I have an Autumn personality.
Hugo Humberto Navarro is my father. He was born on April 19, 1943. We both have moons in Aries and share a fiery impulsive nature. He was a skillful magician, a writer, he produced and directed plays and owned a theater/night club during the 70-80's where my mother performed. He has an impressive collection of elephants and bonsai trees and is a passionate fan of classical music and Gregorian chants. One of the best memories I have of my father is when he would play loud music to his plants and would tend for them with such tenderness and care. He now leads a quiet hermit life by the beach in Mexico. We have a lot in common, both stubborn and strong willed folk who understand life in musical terms. 
#eljefe #mipadre #papa #likefatherlikedaughter #fractals
This is what we, those who have moons and suns in Aries, share. And this is my recessive arian personality (from Greek "mask": our outer world or the way we extravert). My predominant libran lunar sign was destined to decant the scales, and thus, to lead the way of my individuality (our inner world, our true selves, and the way we intravert).

Perhaps your eccentrical brother or sister steals the spotlight at every family gathering. The Sun Sign can’t help but make a big splash, relishing any and every opportunity to steal the show. Even when they try to tiptoe through the tulips, and walk on eggshells —or around a touchy subject—they end up crashing off the stage and into the orchestra pit. As they waltz themselves from one pitfall to the next all down the line, they refine the art of self-sabotage to sheer perfection. Let's admit it, subtlety is not their strong suit. However, they have an almost supernatural magnetism that motivates groups in the face of insurmountable odds.

Hasta la vuelta al Sol en Virgo! ☀️

Este año, el Sol transitó el signo de Virgo entre el 22 de agosto y el 22 de septiembre.
Virgo es un signo femenino, Mutable y de Tierra. Es el domicilio nocturno de Mercurio, el planeta intelectual por excelencia, que se encuentra aquí sumamente dignificado, favoreciendo el sentido de la realidad, la inteligencia y el entendimiento práctico. Estos nativos son en extremo lógicos, analíticos y están dotados de un fuerte sentido crítico. Se dice que tienen "personalidad de relojero", porque otorgan más importancia a los detalles que a lo general y más a las cosas pequeñas que a las grandes. Aman el orden y la exactitud, que comunica tranquilidad a su desasosegado espíritu. De naturaleza enciclopédica, sienten gran deseo de estudiar y aprender. Como en todo signo de Tierra, predomina la tendencia a la previsión, al análisis y al trabajo. Estos nativos suelen ser muy sensatos, realistas, prácticos, llenos de sentido común y siempre con los pies en la tierra. Otorgan una gran importancia a la experiencia y siempre están pendientes de las cosas concretas, hasta el punto de que a veces pueden llegar incluso a sentirse atrapados o encadenados por las realidades cotidianas, tanto laborales como domésticas, lo que les genera interiormente una gran tensión y angustia. De carácter tímido, serio, grave, introvertido y, a veces, poco sociable, tienen predisposición al pesimismo o la melancolía. El lado mutable del signo vendría dado por su naturaleza mental, ya que el pensamiento lo abarca todo y no tiene fronteras.
Virgo es un signo racional y práctico, muy volcado hacia el servicio a los demás al favorecer Virgo la devoción, la entrega y el servicio. Sus nativos tienen mentalidad crítica, son detallistas, minuciosos, muy perfeccionistas, y tienen una gran capacidad de concentración. Tienen habilidad natural para captar fallos o imperfecciones. Son discretos, cautos, reservados, prudentes, honestos, necesitan hacer las cosas paso a paso y les cuesta improvisar. Además, son trabajadores, sobrios, hábiles con las manos, dan mucho valor al estudio y a la educación.
En este signo están presentes los requisitos de la naturaleza comercial: los nativos de Virgo son hábiles negociadores. Son, también, frugales y económicos. La prudencia, la minuciosidad, el ingenio, la razón y la necesidad de analizarlo todo antes de formarse una idea personal, hacen que desarrolle forzosamente un espíritu crítico. Es buen organizador para las cosas pequeñas, es muy adaptable, metódico y tiene múltiples capacidades. Buen colaborador, paciente, hábil, excelente empleado ya que sabe – y no le molesta- recibir órdenes.
Les preocupan mucho los problemas de salud y tienden a exagerar al respecto cuidando mucho su alimentación. Son de constitución débil y algo delicada. Virgo gobierna el vientre y los intestinos, se le atribuyen dolencias digestivas e intestinales.
Es relativamente fácil que su corazón y su mente entren en conflicto ya que tienen tendencia a pasarlo todo por el filtro de la razón.
Si Virgo tiene una Carta Natal armónica, sus cualidades serán la discreción, el sentido del orden, la lógica, la humildad y la sobriedad. A pesar de sus indudables virtudes no es fácil convivir con estas personas. Si canalizan mal sus energías pueden ser pedantes y quisquillosos, y aferrarse con cerril obcecación a lo que no tiene importancia.
Temperamento nervioso-melancólico.

Are you a Spring personality? 🌷

Of course, the illusory antagonist, aka complementary.
The spring personailty

The Spring Personality is full of optimism and youthful energy. Like the first signs of spring they love newness, and have a very positive outlook. As people, Spring personalities are bubbly friendly and fabulous hosts, wildly social and fun to be around. So their homes often reflect their need to entertain and bring people together.

Spring personailty colour scheme is light and airy, youthful and fun
This Roomset I Designed For Habitat Is Light And Youthful With Plenty To Entertain The Eye

In terms of design they love love love lots of natural light so everything in the design will be set up to maximise that. From voiles or pared back blinds at the windows to using soft pale colours of the walls. The first thing they’d need to do to their Victorian semi is to put a huge glassy extension on the back! However that’s not to say they don’t love colour and they’d choose something bright but clear so it has lightness to it. This might mean going pale on the walls and then popping the colour with artwork and accessories.

The Spring Room Will Have A Youthful Feel, Plenty Of Perky Plants And Shiny Surfaces

Colours Are Delicate, Clear But Warm And They Love Modern Designs

Spring people would choose simple fine lined furniture, they’d prefer the simplicity of Scandi style furniture for example but set against busy prints with lots of energy. They favour pale woods or painted and they love a little sparkle so glass and glossy surfaces are a favourite. Textures will be smooth or shiny and fabrics will feel fresh, like cotton or light linens.

interior designer sophie robinson uses colour psychology to help people to design tehir own authentic interiors
The Overall Look Is Youthful And Fun With Plenty Of Glossy Surfaces And Busy Patterns

When styling their home Spring people love making collections and you’ll see lots of busy styling arrangements to entertain the eye. A gallery wall would be the perfect focal point in their home as tey’re rather sentimental too. They often like an element of kitsch as this fits in with their fun sense of style. They also love nature so you’ll see jars of fresh flowers and ferny plants dotted throughout the home. Over all the styling will feel modern yet welcoming, informal and fun.

Despite spring traces scattered and sprinkled here and there, now and then, it is obvious to me that I have a predominant autumn personality. It's my Libra Moon sign decanting the scales! To set a quick example, I can wombingly feel this in my heart, guts and roots.

Are you an Autumn Personality? 🍁

Autumn is an exciting time of year- like Spring it’s another season of quick change and a burst of activity. The landscape quickly becomes striking and intense. Leaves change to the most amazing intense fiery reds and burnt oranges, often set against rich blue skies. It’s harvest time too so a real season of abundance as activity steps up a pace to get everything prepared; chop the logs, clear the garden, light bonfires and generally get the house in order ready for the long forthcoming winter.

interior designer sophie robinson in leopard print dress
Autumn Personalities Love The Feather Their Nest In Cosy Feel-Good Fabrics And Their Flamboyant Personality Makes Them A Lover Of Plenty Of Print

Like Spring, Autumn personalities are externally motivated and perceived to be busy people. They are typically fiery, full of passion, integrity and drive, and often with a cause! They have flamboyant outgoing personalities and are often fun to be around as long as you don’t get on their soap box!

The autumn personality, according to Colour psychologfy loves a cosy and homely vibe. A ricj velvet sofa and darl walls fits the bill perfectly.

Like the landscape, an Autumn interior will favour those intense colours that have a real richness and warmth to them. But don’t just think of the clichéd autumn colours being just the russets and the olive greens. With the seasonal personalities you have all colours (apart from Black, that’s a winter colour only) but in different tones. Autumn colours have a jewel like quality to them and patterns will feel richly detailed. Their love of travel and the arts means they’ll be drawn to hand made and artisan so hammered metal, crewel-work, block printing and hand knotted rugs will all find a place in an Autumn interior.

te autumn interior has a handmade feel
Texture Is A Key Factor To The Autumn Interior, From Hammered Gold, To Hand Thrown Ceramics And Deep Pile Rugs

They are big lovers of nature and you’ll see this reflected in their home with the choice of materials they use to furnish it; wood, exposed stone and brick, cotton, jute and pottery and anything organic. They love to celebrate craftsmanship so objects with often have the thumbprint of the handmade on them.

hand thrown pots and rag rugs from habitat make perect objects in the autumn personality interior design
Autumn Personalities Love To Celebrate The Handmade And So Artisan Objects Are Often In Their Design Schemes

Autumn personality love education so they’ll definitely have a library of books in their home but they have to be careful their collecting tendencies don’t break into hoarding! Ultimately they love a layered look as they love to make a house feel homely, warm, cosy and inviting. Their love of heritage means they’ll feel most at home in a period property and will fill it with vintage and up-cycled items. Rarely inspired by trends they’ll look to the past for inspiration.

Harvest Moon

Happy Harvest Moon! )O( 
#FullMooninAries #SuninLibra #Habondia #Autumn 
Intuit how the sun in Virgo is different from the sun in Libra. Feel tonight's full moon through you, since you're nature, and life occurs through you. You're the autumn wrapped up in yourself. Yes, you ARE.
Special night date for an old soul who is an Aries Sun & Libra Moon sign. Today is the reversed day of my foamy birth on earth day.
#theheartofawitch con Brandi Woolf.


Persephone's true underworld

One Willow Apothecaries
17 h
Autumn’s darkness has a peculiar sheen, like an obsidian scrying stone, there is much to see in such opaque depths. Darkness, an aspect of living that is as integral as the shadow to the light, has been much demonized in our contemporary society; it consorts so closely with the unknown. Traditionally, this time of the year was recognized as a moment when the veils thin and what exists in the underworld (aka. the worlds underneath our perception of this world) can be made visible. The true underworld is not a place of demons or devils; it is the unexplored terrain of the soul. It is a place of individuation, searching, seeking, and deep creation. Like Pele and her lava, this dark place holds the regenerating force of creation in flux, the fluidity that births new land.

I love my birth patroness Persephone, who was titled Kore (Core) (the Maiden) as Maiden Goddess of Spring and Queen of the Underworld, is a psychopomp.

Raspy voices

Good morning!🌻I woke up again at the witching hour tonight, and I stayed awake all night. I got up wanting to listen some cleansing, healing, balancing music. Could you recommend other female singers that have Patty Griffin's raspy, emotion-filled voice?🎼😊 In health xx

  • Patty Griffin
  • Kim Taylor - Kim's first album "So Black So Bright" is extraordinary.
  • Tori Kelly
  • Bonnie Rait

The Water Personality Type 💧

The primal Archetype of Water relates to the vastness and the depths of the unconscious mind. Jung observed long ago that the unconscious mind was much vaster than the conscious portion. His insight has been confirmed by fascinating developments in neuroscience, where new technologies, such as particularly sophisticated MRIs have enabled brain scientists to see that the unconscious processes in the brain dwarf the conscious mind in magnitude. *

Paulina Cassidy

The cafes in Paris are filled with them. The deeper the conversations, the better. They are your most alluring poets, your wisest writers, your most hypnotizing musicians, and your sagest philosophers.
Water people dive deep into the depths of life. Waters take their time. The word “hurry” is not in their vocabulary and this plays out in the way they speak, walk, act, react and live. Theirs is a slower rhythm as they take in everything around them.
There is a child-like playfulness with the Water person.
With their unending thoughts, doing things themselves and following through with ideas is not their strong suit. Their ideas are unique and inspiring, but putting those ideas into action is quite difficult for a Water. They can get lost in life and overwhelmed by the details. They yearn for someone else to manage the details for them.

Nicoletta Ceccoli Tarot
(Water element: integrating quality, connector, Venus, copper)
Magical Element Water Personality. People with predominantly Water personalities are empathetic and compassionate people. They are the people others go to for comfort, love or assurance. They are usually caretakers of other people, animals and the planet and often are empaths, psychic and healers. These type of personalities value integrity and harmony and strive to create balance. They are aware of the beauty and gifts in their lives and appreciative of them. The challenge for these people is to not get so involved in other people’s problems and emotions that they take them on themselves along with the negative energies. Instead of trying to fix everyone and their problems, they would do better to realize that modeling appreciation, joy and gratitude which comes natural for them is a better way to serve.

As a person who relates to the element of water more so than the other four elements, you carry a lot of weight on your shoulders from how much knowledge you have obtained over the years.
The biggest tell for Water type children and adults are these big dreamy eyes. The rest of the face can be difficult to distinguish from Earth. They are both fleshy, but Water carries the energy in the lower cheeks more than in the jawline. However, when you see those big receptive eyes, you know there is significant Water.

Water water

Water, like earth, is heavy, and falls to the earth. It is less easily constrained than earth, but more easily than fire or air. Yet water can rise up into the air (although it often falls again as rain.) Unlike fire and air, it forms a flat surface, therefore, like earth, it has some form. It is therefore less limited than the earth, but more limited than fire and air. While fire cannot be contained, it disappears if you totally enclose it, and air expands to fill any container, water is more limited and keeps it volume, and has a level. While fire cannot destroy the earth, water can. It is the universal solvent that has the potential to make everyone one, without destroying that which it unites. Water can rise high with the help of air, but generally doesn't move upwards. Water is extremely powerful, and will always find its own level. If artificially constrained at a high level, it will eventually break free, but then it will fall. Water is impressionable and reflective. It can go deep. Archetypal water refers to the feelings and the emotions. It refers to the unconscious mind.
Normally water is cold, that is, it absorbs energy. It takes in the energy of others. Water is more sensitive than the other elements in that it can appear naturally in the three forms of matter: solid like the earth; liquid - its normal state - and as vapour – like air. So water can mimic other elements as a solid (earth) and a vapour or gas (air).
Water people are very sensitive to their own feelings and to the feelings of others. They perceive life through their emotions. They are concerned with what feels right, with their hunches or impressions, rather than with what is practical or rational.  They use the emotions, not the intellect, to understand and to value. Water can raise people to the heights of bliss, but can bring them down to the depths of despair.
Water rises into the air and falls as rain, nurturing the land. The earth absorbs it to become fertile. We can go for weeks without food, but only days without water. Living things need water to nurture them. With it they grow and mature. Without it they die.
Water people need close emotional relationships, and rarely have superficial affairs. They can be volatile. They are romantic, sentimental and affectionate. They can be very nurturing and very possessive with their family and spouse. They have fixed opinions. They communicate in non-verbal ways; emotionally, psychically, or through forms as art, dance, music, poetry and photography. Their beliefs are based on feelings rather than on reason, passion or practicality.
Forest Tarot

The Water type person does not like to conform to social norms.  In general, the Water type likes to be alone to contemplate, collect and simply do his or her own thing his or her own way without interference from the world.
Some people are naturally very Water oriented and it's easy for them to slow down and relax, however, when a person is too Water he may become stuck within himself,  and may therefore need motivation.
Earth energy helps to balance the excessive Water energy, which may cause one to become overly reclusive or self-absorbed. Earth energy involves community and social relationships.
By cultivating social activity (Earth), a person who is an overly Water-type individual can become more balanced. Doing social work or having an enthusiastic partner or friends can keep the Water type active and prevent being disengaged from society.
Active invigorating exercise is also very important to move the Water personality who can be very content sitting and lounging all day in front of the television or computer.

The Five Elements: What personality type are you?

Best article I have ever read, mixing Junguian Psychology & Elemental Alchemy.

Written by Ike (Eeka) King B.H.Sc (Bayside Acupuncture)

According to ancient Chinese philosophy, the Five Elements – or the five pillars of Creation – are the building blocks of the universe. In order, the elements are: Wood, Fire, Earth, Metal and Water. The five elements are considered to be phases of a cycle of change. Each person’s physical and mental constitution can be described as a balance of the elements in which one or more may naturally dominate.

The proportion of the elements in a person determines his or her temperament. Oriental medicine considers the ideal condition as one in which all the five elements are in balance or in harmony. Wood is said to be the mother of fire and the son of water. (Water allows wood to grow, wood provides fuel for the fire). Using these relationships one can describe all possible yin-yang imbalances within the body.

The thrust of five element acupuncture and diagnosis is to isolate and treat the patient’s imbalanced constitutional element. An imbalanced element is like a weak link in your energetic chain that can undermine the strength of your mind, body and spirit. Strengthening the weakened element will bring you back to centre or back ‘into your element’ and any resulting signs and symptoms of disease or disharmony will ultimately disappear.

🔥Wizard Emotion: Joy.
Reddish face, pointed head/chin, curly hair or not much hair. Soft willowy physique, long neck, arms and legs. Walks fast. Seeking magic and excitement. Strong point: blood and blood vessels.

🌍Peacemaker Emotion: Sympathy.
Darkish face, large head, wide jaw. Round firm physique, strong thighs, soft, peachy skin. Walks without lifting feet high. Constantly arranging and harmonising the world. Strong point: muscles.

🌲Pioneer Emotion: Anger.
Darkish face. Tall muscular, square physique, strong and straight back. Walks with determination. Determined to make things happen. Strong sense of vision, hope and purpose. Strong point: bones and sinews.

🔩Alchemist Emotion: Grief.
White face, triangular shape. Broad and square shoulders, strongly built body. Walks slowly & deliberately. Meticulous, rational, independent and strong-willed. Strong point: lungs and voice.

🌊Philosopher Emotion: Fear.
White face and skin, round face. Round body, loves movement. Spine is longer than normal. Relentlessly in pursuit of truth. Strong point: digestive system.

Wood people either excel or have trouble in planning, decisions, and action.
The future and their ability to see it can be their strength.  When out of balance they may procrastinate, become indecisive or have a sense of no hope.
  • Seeks challenge and pushes to the limit
  • Enjoys and does well under pressure
  • Admires speed, novelty and skill
  • Loves action, movement and adventure
  • Likes to be first, best and only
Typical problems
  • Intolerance and impatience
  • Volatile emotions
  • Extremism; impulsive or over-disciplined, self indulgent or self punishing
  • Vascular headaches, muscle spasms, high blood pressure, nerve inflammations, migratory/moving pain
The power of wood comes from the capacity to rapidly expand and build up pressure. Wood types need to modulate their intensity and stay flexible, to be able to retreat and yield as well as serge forward and be undaunted

Wood types tend to be ambitious have strong Type A personalities, and high vitality. They love life, and are so eager to succeed they can be highly competitive. Wood types are apt to be leaders in their fields, CEOs of big companies, or elite athletes. They are extroverted, and have a strong sense of hope, vision, and purpose. However, Wood types are so driven they tend to manifest conditions due to stress—such as high blood pressure, premenstrual syndrome, breast and ovarian cysts, headaches, and tight muscles. On an emotional level, too much work may thwart their usual sense of purpose in life, and they can become angry or depressed.If you are a Wood Type, keep your element balanced by taking time to replenish your energy with relaxing activities that quiet your mind like yoga, tai chi, and meditation. Create playtime in which the journey is more important than the goal, eat healthy food, avoid alcohol, and indulge in sour-tasting foods (which are beneficial to Wood types). As I often tell my patients who are Wood types, the most important thing to remember is that attaining and maintaining great health will allow you more success in reaching your life goals.

Fire people love to reach out and be in relationship with all people. They enjoy having a laugh and sometimes they carry a sadness or lack of joy deeper in themselves.
  • Relishes excitement and change
  • Delights in intimacy
  • Intuitive and passionately empathetic
  • Believes in the power of charisma and desire
  • Loves sensation, drama and sentiment
  • Likes to be hot, bright and vibrant
Typical problems
  • Anxiety, agitation and frenzy
  • Bizarre perceptions and sensations
  • Nervous exhaustion and insomnia
  • Palpitation, sweating, hypoglycaemia, rashes, pasly
  • Abuse of mind-altering substances- addictive personalities
The power of fire comes from the capacity to liberate heat and light and realise joy and fulfilment. Fire types need to temper their chemisty and contain their resources, withdrawing and separating as well as embracing and merging.

Fire types are fun, charismatic people who have a great deal of enthusiasm for whatever they are involved in. They are full of love and passion, seek out drama, and thrive on travel. They also enjoy expressing themselves verbally, and often speak rapidly. Fire types tend to laugh a lot, even when they are talking about something that isn’t funny. When it comes to relationships, Fire types have an enormous amount of social energy; a seemingly boundless capacity for interacting with others.

When Fire types have too much excitement in their lives, they can experience anxiety, heart palpitations, insomnia, and depression. When women who are Fire types are in peri-menopause or menopause, they are likely to have hot flashes or night sweats more often than other women. If you are a Fire Type, I recommend you balance your element by creating a schedule that includes time to nurture yourself. Spend time alone each day to write in your journal or meditate. It’s also important to stay clear about what is important in your life and what isn’t. Remember to eat regular meals, don’t allow yourself to get too hungry, and limit your intake of spicy foods.

Earth people have the ability to nourish like a mother can nourish a child.  Thus food and understanding are important. Sometimes an Earth person can feel a sense of emptiness or neediness in their own life.
  • Wants to be involved and needed
  • Likes to be in charge but not in the limelight
  • Agreeable and accommodating; wants to be all things to all people
  • Seeks harmony and togetherness
  • Insists upon loyalty, security and predictability
Typical problems
  • Worry, obsession and self-doubt
  • Meddling and overprotective
  • Overextended and inert
  • Lethargy, indigestion, unruly appetites, water retention, muscle tenderness
  • Unrealistic expectations and disappointment
The power of earth comes from the capacity to link, nurture, and sustain. Earth types need to balance their devotion to relationship with solitude and self-expression, developing self-reliance as well as building community.

Earth types are compassionate, loving people who are apt to be nurturers and caretakers. They have a tendency to feel deeply compassionate toward other people, even strangers, and welcome all types of people into their lives. Because of their understanding nature, they are natural arbitrators who can resolve disputes between others quickly and effectively. Earth types have a strong connection with the earth, and they feel a great sense of comfort and peace when they are in nature. As a result, they are inclined to be environmentalists and conservationists. They also find solace in eating, and have a sweet tooth.When Earth types give too much and neglect themselves, they are prone to digestive problems, food allergies, heartburn, fatigue, PMS, and easy weight gain. If you are an Earth type, imbalances in your life can also cause you to become excessively needy for love, affection, and attention. At the same time, you can become so sympathetic to other people’s needs that you try to take care of them in ways that may ultimately prevent them from figuring out how to take care of themselves. To keep yourself in balance, I suggest you surround yourself with loving friends, maintain healthy emotional boundaries between yourself and others, say “no” when you need to, and avoid eating too many sweets.

Metal people search for what is pure and spiritual.  They set the highest standards for themselves and others, respect is important.   Sometimes they live in a sense of what could have been.
  • likes definition, structure and discipline
  • organised and methodical
  • seeks to live according to reason and principle
  • holds self and others to the highest standards
  • reveres ceremony, beauty and refinement
Typical Problems
  • Indifference and inhibition
  • Autocratic, strict and difficult to please
  • Formal, distant and unnatural
  • Stiff joints and muscles, dry skin and hair, shallow breathing, poor circulation
  • Self-righteousness and disillusionment
The power of metal comes from the capacity to shape and refine. Metal types need to compensate for their rationality, self-control, and meticulousness with passion, spontaneity and social involvement.

Metal types are quiet, meditative, intellectually sharp, spiritually inclined, and unusually creative. They seek perfection in everything that they do, and they are likely to be serious artists and craftspeople. They are self-disciplined, detail-oriented, and will naturally spend endless hours in a deep, almost trancelike state of concentration while they are involved in the creation of their art. In their personal relationships, they dislike small talk and they are usually very committed to a small number of people. Physically, Metal types have a fast metabolism and they often crave spicy foods.If you are a Metal type, when your life is not in harmony you are apt to have upper respiratory infections and skin conditions like eczema or psoriasis. I highly recommend that you keep yourself in balance by doing regular aerobic exercise to enhance the health of your lungs, exploring your creativity, eating regular meals, and making sure that you maintain creative outlets for stress.

Water people have a persistence and determination and will often excel in situations that others find too scary.  Sometimes they may hide a deep sense of being frozen or washed away by their own fear.
  • Articulate, clever and introspective
  • Self-contained and self-sufficient
  • Penetrating, critical and scrutinizing
  • Seeks knowledge and understanding
  • Likes to remain hidden, enigmatic and anonymous
Typical problems
  • Emotionally inaccessible and undemonstrative]
  • Isolation and loneliness
  • Tactless, unforgiving and suspicious
  • Hardening of the arteries, deterioration of the teeth and gums, backache, chilliness and loss of libido
The power of water comes from the capacity to conceive, concentrate and conserve. Water types need to offset their toughness, bluntness and detachment with tenderness, sensitivity and openness, risking softness and contact, exposure and attachment. In their youth, they typically possess a quality of being “wise beyond their years.” As adults, Water types are known for being unusually deep thinkers, always searching for truth and meaning. If you are a Water type, you are a philosopher, comfortable in the world of your mind, and you often prefer your own thoughts to a superficial dialogue with other people. You are strong-willed, and seek out quiet, tranquil environments. Physically you are healthy, vigorous, and have enormous willpower and a tremendous capacity for endurance. If you are a Water type and you spend too much time alone, or in “survival mode,” you tend to manifest conditions associated with the kidneys and bladder. On an emotional level, when imbalanced your normally deep reservoir of inner strength can spill over into fear. I frequently advise my patients who are Water types to keep themselves in balance by drinking plenty of fluids and socializing regularly so they don’t become too emotionally isolated. 
A talk about things that matter!  I want people in my life that stick around when the conversation gets messy, who speak up and talk back. 
#HSP #Water #Type2 #yourvibeattractsyourtribe #mySelf  #selfexpression #freedom

Knowing which of the five elements dominates our personality can guide us in taking better care of ourselves. Discovering the personality type of intimate partners or friends is also fun and important as this knowledge can lead to better relationships and a greater understanding of each other’s flaws and weaknesses and why we sometimes act the way we do. By keeping our five element personality type in mind, we will be able to make choices about our health that will help us create a lifetime of wellness.
And best book about Element Archetypes:
"Hugo Humberto Navarro is my father. He was born on April 19, 1943. We both have moons in Aries and share a fiery impulsive nature. He was a skillful magician, a writer" - Centehua Sage. Lunar Rhythms / Garden Gatherings / Education