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On Ancestors and Animism

Recently someone asked me about animism, and I was also wanting to try to explain it to my littlest, in the #magicalradical manual I’m writing for her (and for all of us, really)
An excerpt here from On Ancestors and Animism:
So what you are called to do, I think, is to find ways of being in deeper relationship with the world. To understand that things aren’t always for you; they happen to be with you, and that is something to notice and honor. It takes a lot of labor, actually, to be with the world in this way. It takes a lot of discernment, even “judgement,” to know not just what you need from the world, but what the world needs from you. This kind of knowing can also be called your medicine.
Your medicine is what you were born to do. Some have described this as “acorn theory.” The acorn has the essence of an oak tree inside it: that is its destiny. It cannot be a silver maple or a sequoia. Humans are more complicated than acorns, but it’s a useful idea. It can help us situate ourselves as part of a lineage of beings that gave rise to us, which we can call our Ancestors -- a word that literally means “go before.”
Sometimes, like Dr. Estes says, we call them our “wayback people.” The conditions for you discovering your medicine were passed down to you the way oak trees make acorns which make oak trees. The conditions that breathed your Ancestors into being can also be known as Ancestors, as they were the ones that also “went before” you.
In this way, the land itself and ancient living groups of organisms such as fungi and microbes are also your ancestors, as well as organic and inorganic compounds like rocks, minerals, gases and such.
I’m not sure if this means an 18th century chaise is your ancestor.
I think it means that the relational conditions that existed prior to your arrival aggregate into agential forces that bring forth things like chaises and children.
Read the full post at
Photo by Niko Pekonen

Y O U R    M A G I C    I S    N O T    F O R    S A L E
L a    A b e j a    H e r b s

The biggest act of Self-Love is to give ourselves permission to remember who we truly are instead of who we think we are. This circle sheds light on all the ways in which we are keeping ourselves small and gently brings you to open your eyes to your own light again. Using our narratives and our self-talk as a guide, you will be lead to the most empowered version of you. The circle will take you on a heart led journey to remember your own power and give you tools to take away with you so that the healing continues long after the event. @thesoulspoon

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