The sun rising in the eastern sky is a fireball that promises new beginnings. It transforms night into day by radiating light. That’s fire medicine.
In my dream priestessing work, fire is the medicine of springtime, and with it comes the flames of creative visioning and transformation.

Fire medicine is potent stuff. It ignites your creative spark, fueling the passion you need to manifest your desires.
Yet like all medicine, too much can become toxic, and unless you know how to work with fire medicine, you can quickly go from feeling “on fire” to burning out. (My 3 Favorite Ways to Build Ojas - "I'm running on fumes" by Ginny Mazzei at International Yoga, and noted down here)
So how do you develop your own fire medicine in healthy ways so you can tend the flame of your heart’s desire? That’s what this post is all about.
Prescriptions for Beautiful Fire Medicine
Yet like all medicine, too much can become toxic, and unless you know how to work with fire medicine, you can quickly go from feeling “on fire” to burning out. (My 3 Favorite Ways to Build Ojas - "I'm running on fumes" by Ginny Mazzei at International Yoga, and noted down here)
So how do you develop your own fire medicine in healthy ways so you can tend the flame of your heart’s desire? That’s what this post is all about.

When I work with my clients I help address and heal core ancestral wounds that are interfering with balanced fire medicine. Together we usually find a point in the lineage during which a drama or trauma occurred to shift a healthy balance into a “wound” that perpetuates and grows as it’s passed down through the lineage.

As we work together I listen to the words they use as well as the feelings they experience and from these I create a “remedy” or “prescription” that might include dreamwork, flower essences, herbal teas, essential oils, or journal writing, all of which are intended to help them move through their “wound” so they can create permanent transformation.
Here are a few examples of what I might “prescribe” if there is a fire medicine imbalance. (Keep in mind that remedies and prescriptions are tailored to each individual. What’s right for one person is not necessarily right for another.)


As we work together I listen to the words they use as well as the feelings they experience and from these I create a “remedy” or “prescription” that might include dreamwork, flower essences, herbal teas, essential oils, or journal writing, all of which are intended to help them move through their “wound” so they can create permanent transformation.
Here are a few examples of what I might “prescribe” if there is a fire medicine imbalance. (Keep in mind that remedies and prescriptions are tailored to each individual. What’s right for one person is not necessarily right for another.)

Dream incubation is one of my favorite ways to find direction and you can read about it here.

Flower Essence

- Not enough fire: Tansy is for people who are suppressing their purpose due to indecision or lethargy.
- Too much fire: Vervain is for people who experience intense enthusiasm and are trying to convert others to their belief system. This flower essence helps instill moderation.
What’s your relationship with fire medicine?
Are you feeling balanced?
Or do you need to realign?
Whatever your situation, spend some time this month feeling grateful for the fire in your life. Greet the sun in the morning. Stand in the warm rays for five minutes. Let the fire fill you with visions and help you transform them into reality.
- Read more at: http://amybrucker.com/working-fire-medicine-fuel-purpose/
- Too much fire: Vervain is for people who experience intense enthusiasm and are trying to convert others to their belief system. This flower essence helps instill moderation.
What’s your relationship with fire medicine?
Are you feeling balanced?
Or do you need to realign?
Whatever your situation, spend some time this month feeling grateful for the fire in your life. Greet the sun in the morning. Stand in the warm rays for five minutes. Let the fire fill you with visions and help you transform them into reality.
- Read more at: http://amybrucker.com/working-fire-medicine-fuel-purpose/
photo credit Daiga Ellaby
photo credit Elena Shumilova
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