La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling


Hoy POR FIN curé y estrené mi sartén de hierro mineral De Buyer.😅🍳🔥 
On this Indigenous Peoples Day Id like to honor the woman who raised me and her family. This is four generations of resiliency! this picture represents the backbone of Mexico, the women who work the hardest and give the most. Susana in blue, fed me the most nourishing loving meals, her food shaped me and healed me. Food is a conduit for love. Susana fed me culture, ancient traditions and remembering. Her huazontles and verdolagas en chile verde are the most delicious meals i've ever had! Today I rejoice in the love for wild foods she instilled in me and the art of cooking. She taught me that service is being available to love, she taught me everything through example. I am who I am today thanks to the transmissions of authenticity and integrity that I received daily from this brave soul. Indigenous people do their work, humbly and with dignity. These women carry themselves with unpretentious pride and earthly beauty. Susana's love radiates through the smiles of all the people she's touched. She was not a nanny, she was a mother, every woman who feeds and cares for the young must be acknowledged for their maternal love. Blessed be the mamas, may we acknowledge our kin and praise the hands that shaped us. - Centehua Sage.
- Foto: TÚUMBEN K’ÓOBEN: LAS ESTUFAS AHORRADORAS DE LEÑA QUE PROTEGEN LA SALUD DE LAS MUJERES MAYAS. Estas estufas se construyen en la comunidad de Turcio, en el municipio de Villa Victoria, Estado de México, con materiales locales como el sascab –una roca calcárea-, nopal licuado, cáscara de elote desmenuzada y tierra roja, además de cemento.

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