La Práctica del Oficio y el Arte Alrededor de un Fuego: Everyday Sacred Hearth and Home Witchcraft & The Sagewordsmith Soul and the Art of Storytelling

The Vroffa Moot Cocoa!

Moon Cocoa by Renee Byard

Cacao, maca, canela, cúrcuma, aceite de coco, mielato de encina*, pimienta negra + liquorice + collagen peptides. *hablemos del sirope de yacón
Reminiscent of a chocolate golden milk, supportive hot chocolate elixir herbs and magic.
#willfrolicforfood #morningadaptogenicvibe #peacelovepotions #autoimmunewarrior #fiercefairytale #theheartofawitch #storywoman #13moonsofremembering #imcallinginthewitches #magicmaking #medicinewomen #thenextmajickalhare
La receta es una adaptación de la receta original de Renee Byard @willfrolicforfood, y que ella llama Moon Cocoa. Así que como mañana es la Luna Llena de Octubre, y los habitantes de Winchett Dale e integrantes de la liga de Lid-Curving Witchery @jaquilovesey, comandada por mi querida bruja-liebre Ursula, descienden para celebrar el anual Voffra Moot!, también adapté el nombre para la ocasión.
#1week #FromTheVroffaMootToSamhainRituals
Every night from the 17th to the 24th, at this altar.
Prayers, offerings, and petitions to the Great Queen.
Fire, Air, Water, and Earth.
Arriving at the Full Moon Ceremony.
Then, every night after, until the 31st, at this altar.
Prayers, offerings, and petitions to the Great Queen.
Candle flame, smoke, holy water, and dirt.
Culminating with the beginning of the Season of Samhain,
a week of celebrating and honoring
the Ancestors, the Cailleach, and the Morrígan.
All Hallows' Eve, my Birthday, All Saints Day, All Souls Day,
ending with Traditional Samhain on the 7th,
the last of the 4 cross-quarter days,
the midway-point between the autumn equinox
and the winter solstice.

It has begun.
It is underway.
First the work,
And then the play.

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