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El chakra del bazo

Ayer confirmé una vez más cómo me gusta la salgemma dell' Himalaya (halita, sal gema o sal de roca)*, el ámbar
Also known as Rock Salt, Halite comes from the Greek words halos, meaning “salt, sea” and lithos meaning “rock”.
Amber is ideal for cleansing and reactivating the chakras, particularly the Sacral and Solar Plexus Chakras.

 Amber Chakra Healing and Balancing Energy

· The gold and orange shades of Amber stimulate the Navel or Sacral Chakra, located below the naval and above the pubic bone at the front of the pelvis. It controls the flow of energy and is the center of gravity of the body. It is the center of the Life Force of the body, and controls the flow of information from the body to the mind and from the mind to the body. Gut feelings, intuition, and other "non-linear" communication comes from this chakra. When it is out of balance the symptoms manifest themselves as confusion, over dependency on others, repression of feelings, inability to feel joy, fear of sensuality or sex, and frustration. Gold or orange crystals are used to unblock the energy flow and restore one’s sense of balance, understanding and appreciation of life. When the Sacral Chakra is in balance one has grace, feels pleasure in life, and experiences the flexibility to "go with the flow" and do so in good spirit.

· Amber will open and heal the Solar Plexus Chakra. It encourages the balancing and healing of the digestive system, the adrenals, the stomach, the liver and the gallbladder. It assists the body in assimilation of nutrients. It is also tied to the functions of the left hemisphere of the brain. Many crippling diseases, ulcers, intestinal problems and psychosomatic diseases are eased by working with Amber and the solar plexus chakra.

The yellow hues within Amber activate the Solar Plexus Chakra, the energy distribution center and the chakra of relationships. This chakra is located between the ribcage and navel, and controls the immune and digestive systems. When physically balanced, it provides the strength to fight infections, frees one of allergic reactions, and utilizes nutrients ingested. If the Solar Plexus is spiritually imbalanced, one may feel fear - of the disappointment or displeasure of others, or to subordinating one’s life and pleasures to the will of others. Yellow crystals spiritually balance the Solar Plexus, freeing one to interpret the world through one’s own thoughts and emotions and not live in fear of violating the dictums of others.

 * aries, chakra sacral, melsa (bazo). El chakra del bazo, conocido también como Svadhistana chakra (lugar único). Es aquí donde radica el alma. Representa la dualidad y la polaridad. El chakra del bazo es el principal punto de entrada de prana (energía vital or life energy) en el organismo, y actúa como un prisma de cristal blanco que destría los siete colores de la luz para que circulen a cada uno de los siete chakras (energy wheels or whirlpools of prana).

“D’una banda els bajau tenen una melsa fins a un 50% més gran que els seus veïns d’una altra ètnia agricultors i no pescadors. I per l’altre han identificat un gen responsable d’augmentar l’hormona tiroïdal que podria relacionar-se amb la melsa.”

El bazo (la melsa), el secreto de los nómadas buceadores.

El bazo - su conexión directa con el sistema inmune y la tiroides

De todos los órganos del cuerpo humano, el bazo quizá no sea el más glamuroso. Técnicamente, se puede vivir sin él, pero si lo tienes, este órgano contribuye a mantener tu sistema inmune y a reciclar glóbulos rojos.

Investigaciones previas han demostrado que los bazos de las focas, mamíferos marinos que pasan gran parte de su vida bajo el agua, tienen un tamaño desproporcionado. La autora del estudio Melissa Llardo, del Centro de Geogenética de la Universidad de Copenhague, quería comprobar si se aplicaba lo mismo a los humanos que bucean. Durante un viaje a Tailandia, oyó hablar de los nómadas del mar y se quedó impresionada por sus habilidades legendarias.

También obtuvo datos de un grupo de personas emparentadas llamadas saluan, que viven en la isla principal de Indonesia. Tras comparar las dos muestras en Copenhague, su equipo descubrió que el tamaño medio del bazo de un bajau era un 50 por ciento más grande que el mismo órgano en un individuo saluan.

Además de las adaptaciones heredadas genéticamente, el entrenamiento regular podría ayudar

Esp. bazo, Cat. melsa, En. spleen.
Spleen, organ of the lymphatic system, the primary filtering element for the blood, located in the left side of the abdominal cavity beneath the diaphragm. The Spleen, with its paired Official, the Stomach, represents the Earth Element within us. Just as Mother Earth’s job is to nurture growth and all living creatures, Stomach Qi is what “feeds” all the organs enough power to perform their jobs.

 According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, the Stomach (and its partner the Spleen) is most affected by chronic worry, anxiety, or overthinking. Remember, the Stomach is responsible not only for digesting food and drink, but also for digesting your emotions and thoughts, keeping what nurtures your spirit and letting go of what doesn’t!

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