In archetypes, there is the Nurturer and the Warrior. Different kinds of strengths that, ideally, complement each other and are equally respected. Anne Bishop
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The NURTURER - Emotional Intelligence.The wisdom of the Nurturer is about emotional intelligence. It is the place where the intellectual input of the first direction is enriched and deepened through a feeling or emotional reaction. It is your heart response to your head. As a Nurturer, how things are done are just as important as what is done. Thus you focus on creating harmony among people and forging strong and supportive relationships. You care about others, and build strong friendships, families, and cultures. You are also socially skilled and constantly help others become the best they can be.
Jay Cooper, 4 body types
“The sea is a curious creature. She is untamable, her waters will only calm on her own accord. She is both a force of destruction and a force of protection. Both warrior and nurturer.”
Nurturer, Protector, Warrior, Mentor
She’s both a warrior and a nurturer. The Warrior as Nurturer. Or the Nurturer as Warrior.
SHE... The Empress... the Warrior... the Nurturer!
Food Cravings:
Creamy or spicy starches
Famous People That Appear to be N-types:
Goldie Hawn, Britney Spears, Jennifer Aniston, Sandra Bullock, Alicia Silverstone, Jodie Foster, Jennifer Lopez
Of the four possible types, Nurturers are generally the most social and compassionate of all. Your type tends to be the selfless relationship builders of the world that thrive on making others feel comfortable.
For your genetic type to be trim exercise is much more effective than diet! Unlike some other types, Nurturer-types cannot just diet themselves to vibrant health, exercise is absolutely essential for long-term success. Make your fitness activities fun and social or you will not succeed.
The NURTURER - Emotional Intelligence. The wisdom of the Nurturer is about emotional intelligence. It is the place where the intellectual input of the first direction is enriched and deepened through a feeling or emotional reaction. It is your heart response to your head. As a Nurturer, how things are done are just as important as what is done. Thus you focus on creating harmony among people and forging strong and supportive relationships. You care about others, and build strong friendships, families, and cultures. You are also socially skilled and constantly help others become the best they can be.
Your shadow arises from of a fear of inadequacy or not being enough that manifests as a need to hold on and self-proclaim. Here, your clinging to feeling and emotion is turned inward to the point of over identifying with yourself. As a result, you take yourself too seriously, and become defensive and overly sensitive to criticism and the suggestions of others. You are also so attached to harmony in your relationships that you become conflict avoidant, overly friendly, and dependent on others. This makes authentic relationships with you difficult because everything is skewed toward supporting and protecting your emotional self-worth.
This shadow transmutes into wisdom by letting go of your self-importance and experiencing the enriching depth, expansiveness, and abundance of all life with equanimity. You have discovered your basic goodness and this gives you resilience for tackling life’s most difficult challenges.

Body Shape:
Generally chesty with more upper body mass
Excess Body Fat:
Stomach or chest
Food Cravings:
Salty fats or starches
Famous People That Appear to be W-types:
Zena-Warrior Princess, Rachael Welch, Kirsti Alley, Bette Midler, Tom Selleck, Karl Malone, Garth Brooks
Warriors tend to be the brave, pragmatic, task-oriented, assertive and/or adventurous types. Balanced Warriors just make things happen as the action-oriented “doers” of the world. Warriors tend to also have strong-steady energy levels and engaging personalities.
The WARRIOR — Action Intelligence. The Warrior is about action intelligence. The Warrior takes the formative and conditioning forces of the previous wisdoms and puts them into conscious, volitional action. As a Warrior, you actualize plans by closing the gap between knowing what you should do and actually doing it. You have learned it and internalized it. So you are driven, task oriented, disciplined, and tough minded in getting things done. As a result, you assume control, take risks, and make things happen. You are also a master of yourself because you walk the talk and align your words with your deeds. This gives you an integrity that demands trust.
Your shadow arises out of fear of being left behind, or of losing control. You become so attached to accomplishing things that that you constantly compare yourself to the achievements of others and become overly ambitious, aggressive, and controlling. You become a busybody, doing for the sake of doing, and often charge off in the wrong direction.

The Visionary
Body Shape:
Youthful looking with a larger head
Excess Body Fat:
The pooch area
Food Cravings:
Flour or dairy products
Famous People That Appear to be V-types:
Calista Flockhart, Twiggy, Rosie O’Donnel, Gweneth Paltro, Barbara Walters, Kate Moss, Tom Hanks, Dick Clark, John Travolta
Of the three possible types, Visionaries are usually the more reserved, youthful looking, cerebral types that tend to be mentally rather than physically oriented. To have real passion for life and a sleek physique, Visionaries must stay intellectually active.
Visionaries need a wellness theme that emphasizes diet more than exercise. Your ideal diet is an Asian style theme. Regarding exercise, Visionaries need the least amount of cardiovascular training, but the cardio training must be at a “type specific” intensity level in order to get the exercise high. Visionaries usually prefer to exercise alone to be able to think, study or just “zone out”.
The VISIONARY — Intuitive Intelligence. The Visionary is about intuitive intelligence. As a Visionary, you assimilate the intellectual and emotional impressions of the first two wisdoms to discern and conceptualize what is most important, and then form a vision or plan for moving forward. You see the big picture, and think creatively and strategically in a way that gives you insight into the opportunities and the possibilities. You have a clear purpose for what you are doing, and that vision serves to uplift aspirations, and both magnetize and galvanize yourself and others with a commitment for action.
Your shadow arises out of a fear of meaninglessness or loss of purpose. So you compensate by constantly pursuing new possibilities and compulsively fan the flames of your hungry spirit by jumping from one idea to the next. As a result you lose sight of reality, let detail fall through the cracks, and fail to follow-through. Your distractions spread you too thin, suck the space out of every moment, and leave no time for your discriminatory faculties to function. Others begin to wonder who you really are.
This shadow transmutes into wisdom by letting go of indiscriminate grasping, and reengaging your discerning powers. With a vision, your self-interest falls away, and your passion is transformed into a compassion that magnetizes the greater purpose you serve.
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